Wednesday, December 25, 2019
The Black Death And Its Effects On Society - 843 Words
The most devastating and tragic mortal disease, the Black Death, spread across Europe in the years of 1346-53. The Black Death became one of the deadliest infectious diseases in history. This fatal and rapidly spreading disease horrified people of its time. The disastrous natural catastrophe was only compounded with other setbacks in fourteenth century Europe. Those set backs include, warfare, religious turmoil and peasant unrest. Also known as the bubonic plague, it struck Europe in 1347 and killed close to 50 million people. This constituted as half of their population, killing entire families and destroying tribes and villages in less than a mere century. To this day there are numerous theories of its origin, symptoms, its quick spreading, artistry and other documents that all reflect on the impact this plague had on society. The terror of the Black Death affected various aspects of European culture, particularly art. At a time of great suffering where traditional forms of grievi ng associated with death and burial were abandoned, artistry stands alone as being one of the most dominate ways people expressed their fears, sadness and pain. In this essay I will recognize three examples of works of art that reveal the prominent mood of this period of time. I will also discuss the Black Death in detail and the impact it had on the art market as well as the lives of artists and patrons. Chronicles and letters written illustrate the torment brought by this illness. InShow MoreRelatedThe Black Death And Its Effect On Society2754 Words  | 12 PagesDeath. It is a part of nature. Everything that has ever lived will at one point in time die. Yet how a person dies can be felt as a punishment and in the late 1300’s and early 1400’s the Black Death was a common disease that began to feel like that punishment. During this time, the dead littered the streets. Cattle and livestock roamed the country unattended. Brother deserted brother. Mother deserted chi ld. The streets and cities were in total disarray. The Black Plague was not very easy to liveRead MoreThe Economic, Political, and Social Effects of the Black Death1268 Words  | 6 Pagesknown as the Black Death. This Black Death was an ecological disaster on a global scale. The effects of the plague on human and certain animal populations from East Asia to as far west as Greenland were catastrophic. All facets of society, from peasant to king were affected; no one was safe. All of society was affected; nothing would ever be the same. Thus, there were many economic, social, and political effects of the Black Death. Before one can understand the effects of the Black Death, one mustRead MoreThe Black Death Pandemic967 Words  | 4 Pages The Black Death: A Murderous Pandemic that Led Life to How it is Today The Black Death, a horrible pandemic plague that spread through all of Europe, taking 25,000,000 people along with it. In 1347, a mysterious pandemic appeared in the city-states of Italy just as Europe was recovering from famine. The Epidemic did not end until 1351 partly due to the belief of the people that this plague was spread through the air and was gods way of punishing them for their sins. Although this plague killedRead MoreThe Plague Of The Bubonic Plague825 Words  | 4 PagesThe Plague Discussion Questions The Black Death was an epizootic bubonic plague, a disease caused by the bacterium of rodents known as Yersinia pestis. The bubonic plague overwhelming effects of European history. The Black Death was considered one of the most â€Å"devastating pandemics†in human history. Whom Did the Black Death Affect The Black death affected mostly Europe. â€Å"The disastrous mortal disease known as the Black Death spread across Europe in the years 1346-53.†(Paragraph 1) â€Å"By the endRead More The Plague Essay1241 Words  | 5 Pagespopulation throughout the 14th and 15th centuries. Its effects on western civilization still lasts today, but for the people who lived during the plagues wish indeed that they did not. Society was depressed, the economy was struggling, food was scarce, and all of Europe was in battle. Who would want to live in these dramatic conditions? No one, and not for centuries to come. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp; The Plague, also known as the Black Death, or the Bubonic Plague, which struck in 1346, andRead MoreEurope and the Black Death Essay1541 Words  | 7 PagesEurope–almost one-third of the continent’s population,†by the 1350’s (Black Death). Now in today’s society scientists classify the unidentifiable disease as the bubonic plague, also referred to as the Black Death. During fourteenth century European-society, there was no logical medical knowledge; instead, people resorted to supplementary explanations, such as God punishing misbehaving religious groups and sinners (Black Death). In this time period, oral tradition was still common among the illiterateRead MoreThe Black Plague Of Middle Ages1257 Words  | 6 Pagesvile disease that enveloped Europe. The Black Plague thrived in the conditions that Europe and its climate harbored along with the filthy living conditions of European cities. The declination of population was immense and altered th e way the economy, arts, and religion of Middle Aged society was structured. Carrying along with these byproducts of such a devastating epidemic are the emergence of influential artists and philosophers of the time. The Black Plague originated in China (Europe’s PlaguesRead MoreHow The Black Death Influenced Life1399 Words  | 6 PagesExplain how the Black Death influenced life in Europe The Black Death had a significant negative effect on both the economy of Europe and the Catholic Church during and after it s prime, proving to ruin the lives of many both directly and indirectly subject to the plague. However, it can be argued that the Black Death prompted a restructure in feudalism, increasing equality in society. The Bubonic Plague became prominent in 1347 AD, tearing through the lives of many throughout Europe. A major financialRead MoreThe Black Death Of Europe1231 Words  | 5 Pagesfound regarding the history of the Black Death in Europe. It incorporates the beginning of the plague, the way that it spread, and the toll it took on Europe’s population. It answers questions concerning the context of my topic, the importance of subject at hand, as well as the affects it had on the society during and after this tragedy. Concluding this paper answers the final question of why people should know about this subject in the first place. The Black Death was single handedly one of the worstRead MoreEssay on The Black Death1392 Words  | 6 PagesThe Black Death           It is impossible to discuss Europe’s history without mentioning the Plague of 1348, also known as the Black Death. The Black Death reached Italian shores in the spring of 1348. The presence of such a plague was enormously devastating making its mark in unprecedented numbers in recorded history. According to records, it is estimated to have killed a third of Europe’s population. The Black Death was caused by bacteria named Yersinia Pestis. This germ was transferred from
Tuesday, December 17, 2019
My Theories Of My Theory Of Me - 867 Words
I believe that within my theory of me, is a vast majority of traits, characteristics and behaviors that helped make me the person I am now. My theory consists of areas that I developed in such as physical aspects, social/emotional aspects, figuring out if the way I turned out was due more to nature or nurture and many more things. My theory of me also shows me if I had periods of discontinuous or continuous change as well as how strong my resilience is now. My theory is made to be a way that describes, explains and predicts my behavior (Berk pg. 7). Within this paper, I’ll explore all the many aspects of my theory of me. I’ll start off by looking at the domains of development in which I grew the most in, which were cognitive and social/emotional. My cognitive domain was most likely the best one of the two domains. I’ve always been very gifted when it comes to my creativity along with my imagination. When I was at least four years of age, I was able to express myself with artistic things and even had an imaginary friend named Gizmo. I was able to work so well with things such as painting and drawing, that those became my main sources for fun at a young age. Along with my creativity, I also had my language side to it as well. Due to the fact I came from a Hispanic family that always spoke Spanish around me it was the only language I spoke as a young girl. Although speaking a foreign language was a great skill, when I moved to Tennessee it proved to be a bit of a con as well.Show MoreRelatedThe Conflict Theory Gives Me A Better Understanding Of My Ethnicity And Race Essay1541 Words  | 7 PagesConflict theory gives me a better understanding of how my ethnicity and race are pivotal in shaping me, understanding my role in society and determines the treatment I receive from society. 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The self cannot be put into neat boxes such as those. The rational maximizer theory seemed a little too selfish to me and way too limited by governing bodies, circumstances, and society. Read MoreThe Theory And The Neurocognitive Theory1375 Words  | 6 Pagesam going to use four different theories to analyze a dream I had. Some of these theories disagree with the other, but in my opinion they all have their strong points. Freud’s Theory, the Activation–Synthesis Theory, the Problem Solving theory, and the Neurocognitive theory, are the four theories dominating the field right now, and will be the four I will use to further understand my dream. My dream started in a very rural country side, corn growing in fields around me. In the beginning, I was alone
Monday, December 9, 2019
Economics for Business and Management Supply Framework
Question: Describe about the Economics for Business and Management for Supply Framework. Answer: Introduction Every market is characterized by the demand and supply framework of the goods sold in the market. The demand of the good in the market can be referred to the willingness of the consumers to purchase a unit of a particular product. The supply of the goods in the market can be termed as the willingness of the sellers to sell its goods and services at a particular price to the customers. The demand of the product in a market is the change in the demand of the commodity due to the change in the price level (Toutkoushian and Paulsen 2016). It indicates the relationship between the demand and the price of the product. Both the factors are inversely related that infers that the rise in the price level reduces the demand of the good and vice versa. The supply curve describes the change in the level of supply in a market with the change in price (Fouquet 2014). The price and the amount sold are directly related. Thus, an increase in the price level increases the potentiality of the sellers to sell more and thus supply increases. Discussion The demand and supply framework of a market helps to achieve the equilibrium price and the equilibrium quantity of the market. The equilibrium condition in the market is obtained by the interaction of the demand curve and the supply curve of the product in the market. Equilibrium price of products and the services offered in the market is the market price where the quantity of the goods supplied coincides with the quantity of the good demanded (Refer to appendix 1). According to Lowe (2012), the price of the goods and the products in the market is determined by an Invisible hand. The concept of invisible hand helps the demand and the supply of the goods in the free market to reach the equilibrium position. The demand and the supply framework is effective in determining whether the economy is having a surplus or deficit of a particular goods or is the market at a market clearing stage. In case of surplus or deficit, the demand and the supply shifts and adjusts itself to reach the equi librium where the market is cleared. The price elasticity of the products and the services us the measure to show the responsiveness of the quantity of good demanded to the change in the price, ceteris peribus. Tietenberg and Lewis (2016) stated the price elasticity of the product to be the percentage change in the demand of the product due to the one percent change in the price, while other factors remain unaltered. A good can be elastic or inelastic in nature depending about the type of the product. A necessary good is generally inelastic in nature. There is a small percentage change in the demand for the good even when there is a great change in the price of the product. On the other hand, the luxury goods are goods that price elasticity of demand (Markusen 2013). Hence, a percentage change in the price of the good alters the demand of the goods to a large extent. The consumers tend to reduce the demand when the price of the product increases. The price of the product has a great impact on the demand and supply of the goods and the services. The consumers being rational beings tend to follow the law of demand. The law of demand describes that the demand of a good or service tends to increase with the fall in the price level and vice versa (Refer to appendix 2). Thus, a percentage change in the price level can greatly affect the demand and the supply mechanism of the market. However, the demand and supply further adjusts itself in order to attain a new equilibrium position (Hildenbrand 2014). The demand and the supply of a good are also depended upon the income of the good. The income elasticity of demand measures the change in the quantity of good demanded due to one percent change in the level of income of the consumers. The demand for the goods varies from one product to another depending the type of the good such as whether it is a normal good, luxury good or an inferior good. Moreover, the availability of the close sub stitutes is another factor that influences the demand and the supply of the products. When a good is normal the consumers tends to increase the demand for the product when the income of the individual increases. As opined by Walras (2013), the inferior good is a good whose demand decreases when the income level of the consumers increases. Therefore, the inferior good has negative income elasticity while the normal good have positive income elasticity. In addition to this, there are situation where the increase in the income of the consumers is not linked with the change in the demand of the good. Zero income elasticity is said to exist in such a case and those goods are called sticky goods (Kalecki 2013). In case of a good with positive income elasticity, the rise in the income level increases the demand for the good and thus the demand curve shifts rightwards. To compensate the increased level of the demand, the sellers increase the supply of the goods and thus, the supply curve moves outwards. The new supply curve and the demand curve interact at a new equilibrium that provides a new level of quantity demanded and price of the product (Basnet and Seuring 2014). The new equilibrium represents a new price level and a new quantity level of the goods that are higher than the initial equilibrium. On the other hand, a good with negative income elasticity of demand has a characteristic where the demand for the good falls when the income level of the individual increases. The demand curve thus shifts toward the left. The supply curve therefore, shifts towards the left to meet the demand level. The supply falls in order to reduce the chances of creating excessive supply or surplus in the mar ket (Wolf 2014) (Refer to appendix 3). While considering the setting of the market price of the mobile phones, the demand and the supply of the mobile phones plays a vital role. The supply and the demand in the economic model indicate that in the competitive market, the price level keeps fluctuating until the equilibrium price is set. As per the four basic laws of demand and supply in relation to the price determination, if the demand for the mobile phones increases and the supply remains unaltered, there will be a shortage in the economy (Michaillat and Saez 2013). Thus, a higher price and higher quantity of mobile phones are available in the market. However, if the demand decreases and the supply dies not change, there will be a shortage for the good that will lead to lower equilibrium price and lower quantity. On the other hand, if the supply increases and the demand for the mobile phones remain unchanged, there is lower equilibrium price and higher quantity (Varian 2014). A decrease in the supply with no change in the demand causes the price level to rise and quantity to fall. The demand and supply of mobile phones determine the price of the good. Moreover, the price level is perfectly adjusted in a position where the quantity demanded and the quantity supplied is satisfied. In the opinion of Rios, McConnell and Brue (2013), consumers being rational decision maker have the information of the market activities. Thus, if the price of mobile phones goes up, the consumers tend to reduce the demand of the product. It is thus important for the sellers in the economy to set the price of the mobile phones at a competitive price level. The basic mobile phones can be considered as the necessity goods in todays generation however, the smart phones with various other facilities apart from the basic features are considered as the luxury goods. Thus, with the increase in the price level, the demand of the product is greatly affected. The demand for mobile phones in a particular market is effective in setting the price level of the good (Friedman 2016). The higher demand will support the sellers in the market to reduce the price of the product and thereby earn higher profit. The price of the mobile phones are not set by a single individual or an entry of a company in t he market. The market price of the phones that is quoted is actually the future price that is determined by the demand and the supply. Canto, Joines and Laffer (2014) mentioned that there are a number of economic factors that affect the price of the mobile phones. A company selling mobile phone in a perfectly competitive market have a number of competitors who are providing the goods to the customers. Thus, the customers have a number of options of sellers while purchasing the mobile. In such a scenario, it is irrational for a seller to charge extra price for a product that have close substitute (Stank et al. 2012). In doing so the customers tends to avoid purchasing mobile phones from that particular seller and hence, the revenue collection of the seller falls to a great extent. Thus, it is necessary to charge the price of the mobile as per the equilibrium price in order to stay sustained in the competition. Conclusion The demand and the supply framework is an important concept in the economics to understand the equilibrium price and quantity of a good in a particular market. The demand and supply of the good work together in order to adjust itself and achieve the equilibrium price. The price level is therefore a desired level at which the consumers are willing to pay for the goods or services and the sellers are ready to sell the product. The theory of demand and supply is thus important to determine the price of the product. On the other hand, the income elasticity of demand also affects the price and the demand of the commodities sold in the market. The income elasticity of demand is effective in evaluating the nature of the commodity whether it is an inferior good or a normal good. Moreover, the price of the mobile phones is set according to the demand and supply of the phone in the market. The higher the demand the lower will the price of the mobile phones. Thus, the understanding of the deman d and supply framework of a good in a particular market is effective in understanding the equilibrium price and quantity offered to the market. References Basnet, C. and Seuring, S., 2014. Demand-Oriented Supply Chain StrategiesA Review of the Literature.Available at SSRN 2464375. Canto, V.A., Joines, D.H. and Laffer, A.B., 2014.Foundations of supply-side economics: Theory and evidence. Academic Press. Fouquet, R., 2014. Long-run demand for energy services: Income and price elasticities over two hundred years.Review of Environmental Economics and Policy, p.reu002. Friedman, M., 2016.A theory of the consumption function. Pickle Partners Publishing. Hildenbrand, W., 2014.Market demand: Theory and empirical evidence. Princeton University Press. Kalecki, M., 2013.Theory of economic dynamics(Vol. 6). Routledge. Lowe, S.E., 2012. Natural resource economics.Economics,333, p.001. Markusen, J.R., 2013. Putting per-capita income back into trade theory.Journal of International Economics,90(2), pp.255-265. Michaillat, P. and Saez, E., 2013.A theory of aggregate supply and aggregate demand as functions of market tightness with prices as parameters. National Bureau of Economic Research. Rios, M.C., McConnell, C.R. and Brue, S.L., 2013.Economics: Principles, problems, and policies. McGraw-Hill. Stank, T.P., Esper, T.L., Crook, T.R. and Autry, C.W., 2012. Creating relevant value through demand and supply integration.Journal of Business Logistics,33(2), pp.167-172. Tietenberg, T.H. and Lewis, L., 2016.Environmental and natural resource economics. Routledge. Toutkoushian, R.K. and Paulsen, M.B., 2016. Demand and Supply in Higher Education. InEconomics of Higher Education(pp. 149-198). Springer Netherlands. Varian, H.R., 2014.Intermediate Microeconomics: A Modern Approach: Ninth International Student Edition. WW Norton Company. Walras, L., 2013.Elements of pure economics. Routledge. Wolf, D.A., 2014. Getting Help From Others: The Effects of Demand and Supply.The Journals of Gerontology Series B: Psychological Sciences and Social Sciences,69(Suppl 1), pp.S59-S64.
Sunday, December 1, 2019
Lyric Dinner Case Study free essay sample
She had just completed her MBA from Harvard Business School in June 2009 and had various job opportunities to choose from; including the US office of an Israeli high-technology equipment firm and a major advertising firm in New York. However, due to her family owning a major stake in Lyric Dinner Theater and its business being in a tumultuous state, she got involved in it and joined as the general manager in Sept 2009. It was a very good decision for Lyric that Deborah joined as the general manager. Lyric Dinner Theater was at looking at consistently bad financial performance year after year and was struggling with its finances and payables even after a recent loan. Further, its operations were in a mess, costs were extremely high, employees were de-motivated and incompetent and capacity was under-utilized. Further, the Board of Directors were considering winding up the business if it did not break even or start showing profits in another year. We will write a custom essay sample on Lyric Dinner Case Study or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Deborah joining at this stage was a blessing for Lyric Dinner Theater. She brought with her a spate of fresh management inputs and a wide range of actions to improve Lyric Dinner Theater’s business structure, operations, production, sales and marketing functions. But while she was able to contribute to Lyric Dinner Theater’s way of functioning, she was not yet experienced enough to completely tackle all the issues required to successfully turn around a business that is in such a bad situation. Further, she did not have the Dinner Theater industry’s inner knowledge or experience that such a project demands. Even from Lyric’s view point, it would be better if Deborah could have been able to provide her management inputs from outside while bringing in a highly experienced industry manager like Mike Johnson of Tiffany’s Attic to head the business. Analyzing from a solely career point of view, joining Lyric Dinner Theater was a high risk – high reward move for Deborah. If she is still able to turn around the business and make it profitable, it can become a big professional and career achievement to her advantage. However, if she is unable to turn the business around; though she might learn a lot through this experience – it will definitely put her career on a slower track. 2. Can this business be profitable? If not, why not? If yes, what needs to be done to achieve profitability? In my opinion, this business can be profitable. There are a host of factors and statistics that make it seem difficult to succeed in this business segment of Dinner Theaters. These are – * Only about 50 % of dinner theaters are profitable as per the industry analysis given in the case * An extremely high bankruptcy rate of 30% per year exists for the industry on the whole * More and more dinner theaters are shutting down and lesser and lesser new businesses are coming up – in short, the industry is shrinking * The business faces extremely high competition from virtually all other sources of entertainment including sporting events and concerts In spite of these seemingly disastrous industry statistics and insights, the dinner theater business can be extremely profitable if managed properly and by a well-experienced management team. In the case study itself, Firehouse which is functioning in the same business environment is doing well and so is Tiffany’s Attic in Kansas City (due to better management). Further, this business very much seems to be profitable when we prepare the accounting statements on an accrual basis. I have recalculated the income statement for YTD February based on the following assumptions: * Income (Box Office Sales and Liquor amp; Miscellaneous) is as stated in the case * Variable cost of sales is calculated on the ratio of cost to sales in 2009 (assuming that in 2009, on an average the payments were done for what was consumed). This is important because in the cash system, the outflows are more on need to pay a supplier basis and not what is actually consumed. * For ‘Food Purchased’ and ‘Supplies’, the ratio is considered with Box Office Sales (This will also provide a higher than actual figure, as the actual food costs had reduced in 2010 as a result of the new chef being employed. However, it is done to ensure a conservative basis for calculating profits) * For ‘Liquor Purchased’, the ratio is considered with Liquor amp; Miscellaneous Sales * It is assumed that ‘Show expenses’ has to be paid immediately – so it is taken as given in the case for YTD February * It is assumed that ‘General Overhead Expenses’ will remain same in 2010, as it was for 2009; and the expenses can be accrued proportionately over 12 months. This is important because in the cash system, the outgoings for items like rent is overstated (in initial months) and for items like depreciation is understated (in initial months) * ‘Other Income’ has been ignored to follow conservative accounting policy and ensure that profits are not overstated (The calculations are in the attached excel sheet. ) After restating the Income amp; Expenditure Statement on accrual basis, the YTD February net profit increases from USD 4,701 to USD 26,879. Thus, the actual profit is much more than what is stated. This suggests that the business can be very much profitable. The turn-around from a loss making enterprise to achieving a profit of over USD 26000 can be attributed to two factors: * A part of it can be attributed to the show â€Å"Annie†* However, only the show cannot bring so much difference. A large part of it has to be attributed to the changes brought about by Belzer. To achieve profitability in the long run, it needs to be ensured that the already implemented changes are properly executed and followed, and it also requires a host of other changes. The changes already introduced by Belzer are
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