Sunday, September 15, 2019
Relationship Between Speaking And Listening
Kelsey responded in a very clear way. I agree that you cannot have one without the other. Like Kelsey said, when you are younger and learning to talk, you listen to what other people say. If no one were to listen when they were younger, than nobody would know how to talk. Joey also brought up a great point He mentioned body language. Although you do not need to listen with your ears to read body language, you still need to focus on what the other person is trying to say. Listening is basically trying to focus on what another person is trying to get out to others whether it is with your eyes, or your ears. Pratt Gag 6, 2009 Speaking and listening go together like best and friend. The reason this is the analogy that I chose is because best friends listen when their best friend is speaking. Although, speaking does not require listening, and listening does not require speaking. Many times when I am talking to someone in my family they tune me out, ignore me. It is in times such as this w hen speaking does not demand listening. Speaking does not always need listening because often times the words being said are little more than idle chatter.For and example, Melinda says on page 86, â€Å"By the time we eat dinner, the Battle is roaring at lull pitch. Grades, blah blah blah, Attitude, blah blah blah, Help around the house, blah blah blah, Not a kid anymore, blah blah blah. †Also, on page 115 Melinda is daydreaming while her parents are talking with the school guidance counselor and the school principal. â€Å"In my headword they jump on Principal Principals desk an perform a tap-dance routine. A spotlight flashes on them. A chorus line joins in, and the guidance counselor dances around a spangled cane. I giggle. Zap.Back in their world. †In neither of these passages is Melinda listening, but people are still speaking. Thus, speaking can exist thou listening. Likewise, listening does not require speaking. It is possible you listen to things that cannot speak. Also, it is possible to listen to others, even when they do not speak. So many times share looks with my friends that say more than a thousand words ever could. To provide a real life example, today at band camp was talking to my best friend, but neither of us were speaking. Yet I know that she was listening to me, and to her.As an example from the book, page 152 is excellent. Melinda is hiding in her closet at school and she talks about her poster speaking to her. â€Å"Maya taps me on he shoulder. I'm not listening. I know I know, I don't want to hear it. I need to do something about Rachel, cometh inning for her. Maya tells me without saying anything. †Even though Melinda says that she is not listening to Maya, she evidently is. Maya isn't really saying anything, seeing as she is part of an inanimate object. Considering this, listening can also exist without speaking just as speaking can also exist without listening.Two different people, independent from each other , yet held fast by an unbreakable bond. Two different ideas, independent from each other, yet held together by an iron link. Best friends are truly just the same as speaking and listening. Choice Gag 7, 2009 The relationship between speaking and listening is that if someone is speaking for a particular reason, there is usually someone or something on the other end listening and possibly benefiting from the speaker. One can exist without the other to an extent. Someone can speak to themselves but the only one listening is themselves.Also, someone can listen to anything. Music, rain falling, cars passing by, and so many other things that are able to be listened to but none of those things are qualified as speaking. So I believe pea king cannot exist without listening, but listening can exist without speaks Eng. Junkyard's Gag 7, 2009 First of all, wow great response Beck! She's right! Speaking and listening definitely go together like brother and sister, however you have the choice to be listening when others are speaking or vice versa.Page 86 as Beck mentioned says, â€Å"By the time we eat dinner, the Battle is roaring at full pitch. Grades, blah blah blah, Attitude, blah blah blah, Help around the house, blah blah blah, Not a kid anymore, blah blah blah. †Page 115 Melinda is daydreaming while her parents are talking with the school guidance nonsense and principal. â€Å"In my headword, they jump on Principal Principals desk an perform a tap-dance routine. A spotlight flashes on them. A chorus line joins in, and the guidance counselor dances around a spangled cane. Giggle. Zap. Back in their world. †Right on again!This proves to us that speaking does not always need listening, and even in our everyday lives we often times speak random words knowing that no one is listening. Beck also mentioned a great example on page 152 of listening without speaking. Melinda talks about her poster Maya, â€Å"Maya taps me on the shoulder. I'm not listening. I know I know, I don't want to hear it. I need to do something about Rachel, something for her. Maya tells me without saying anything. †Although Mel says she is not listening, she obviously does. Therefore, listening can also exist without speaking just as speaking can exist without listen inning. Griming Gag 10, 2009 There is a symbiotic relationship between speaking and listening. One cannot exist without the other effectively. This goes back to the age old saying, if a tree falls in the forest but if no one is around to hear it did the tree actually make any noise when it fell. You can speak all you want but if no one is existing there is no point in speaking. You can listen all you want but if no one is speaking there is no point in listening. This is how Melinda felt, she could talk all she wanted but she thought no one would listen, so she figured there was no point in talking.Referring back to page 1 84 when Melinda speaks out and tells Rachel that she was raped, Rachel believes her at first but then when the person that raped Melinda was Earache's boyfriend she calls Melinda a liar and does not believe her. Dishtowel Gag 1 0, 2009 Beach, think you did a good job of exploring all of the opportunities between peaking and listening. It is true that the two go together like brother and sister, but I think that they can also stand on their own. Harrison, I would like to point out something when you said â€Å"You can speak all you want but if no one is listening there is no point in speaking. I think you have a valid point, but aren't there some people that say things purposely when nobody is listening, just to get it off of their chest without the fear of others' judgment? Think that speaking and listening have a very complicated, semi-dependent relationships with each other. Pratt Gag 10, 2009 Thanks Jean! This was actually my favorite question to answer because it was a challenge, but I knew that I would be able to come up with a good answer. Laur en, I want to bring up what you said about saying things when people aren't listening just to get it off your chest.I think that is something that we as teenagers all do. For instance, people mutter to themselves and someone says â€Å"What? †and you reply â€Å"Nothing. †then they proceed to say â€Å"What? No, seriously, tell me. Want know! †Often times I find that the person who muttered is saying something negative to themselves that they do not want everyone around them to hear, but if they do not say it they will flip. Or also, many times I will go off by myself and just try to explain things to myself to try and figure things out. No one is listening, yet I am still speaking.And as I am speaking, I am helping myself by bringing thoughts to the surface to help organize and collect myself. Speaking aloud helps me a lot, even when no one is listening. So Harrison, I also disagree with your point stating that no point exists in speaking if no one is listen ing, because speaking can be extremely worthwhile, perhaps even more worthwhile when no one is listening, because o one will interject and argue with you. Nanas Gag 12, 2009 In a mix of words Sarah says that though there is a relationship between speaking and listening, not everyone will choose to listen to what they hear.Speaking and listening cannot exist without each other and if you want to be listened to you must first listen to others and speak up so that others hear and listen to you. There is a difference between hearing and listening and if you want to speak you must be understanding and willing to listen to what others have to say as well. In Speak, Sarah states that Melinda does not speak of her rape and this is true. Though many people are willing to listen to Melinda such as her friends, mother and father, David Petrifies, Mr..Freeman and potentially others, she feels as though no one would hear her or just choose not to listen. Sarah quotes Melanin's realization that t hough, â€Å"IT†, meaning Andy Evans raped her and that it might not ever leave her, she can grow from it. When she finally figures out that it is Okay to share what occurred at the party and speak to others about it Melinda begins to grow again. Agree with Sarah that the only way Melinda can over come what happened is by speaking about it and having other people listen to her. Crooking Gag 28, 2009 Sarah Footfall makes a really good point in her explanation.
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