Monday, September 30, 2019
Outline and evaluate explanations of conformity Essay
Normative social influence occurs when a person desires to be liked and accepted by a group. They will publicly conform and change their behaviour but they will still privately reject their views. This change in behaviour is often temporary as this type of social influence leads to compliance. Informational social influence is where someone conforms to the views and behaviours of the group because they both publicly and privately agree with them. This type of conformity is called internalisation and stems from the desire to be correct. It occurs when a person is in a new or ambiguous situation and doesn’t know what to do. Therefore, they look to the group for guidance as they assume they have better knowledge. Because of this, the change is often permanent as they believe their behaviours and actions are correct. AO2: One strength of this theory is that it has research to support it from Asch’s 1951 study into conformity. The interviews that were taken after the experiment had finished, stated that there were two main reasons that the participants conformed. The first reason was that they didn’t want to be ridiculed by the rest of the group from differing in opinions. They wanted to fit in so went along with the majority group, typical of normative social influence. The second reason was that they honestly thought that the rest of the group knew better than them and that their own judgements were incorrect, typical of informational social influence. Although some psychologists will argue that the two processes work in sync instead of two separate influences. For example, upon seeing a queue in a shop a person may join the end of it because that is what everyone else is doing but they may also be guessing at the same time that the people in the queue know that this is the queue that is needed to pay for their items.
Sunday, September 29, 2019
Brief Notes on Karl Marx Essay
â€Å"Workers of the world unite, you have nothing to lose but your chains†Karl Marx, a 19th century sociologist, philosopher and political economist who suggested a theory explaining the conflict between capital and labour, and the role of classes in the state, has had a profound influence on political thinking all over the world. Karl Marx was born on May 5, 1818, in Prussia. His family was Jewish, but later converted to Protestanism. Marx read law at university, majoring in history and philosophy. He concluded his university course in 1841. A revolutionary, he upset too many governments on the continent and eventually settled in London, where he died in 1883. â€Å"ACCORDING TO MARX, human civilization has manifested itself in a series of organizational structures, each determined by its primary mode of production, particularly the division of labor that dominates in each stage. â€Å"Ideology functions as the superstructure of a civilization: the conventions and culture that make up the dominant ideas of a society. The â€Å"ruling ideas†of a given epoch are, however, those of the ruling class: â€Å"The ruling ideas are nothing more than the ideal expression of the dominant material relationships, the dominant material relationships grasped as ideas; hence of the relationships which make the one class the ruling one, therefore, the ideas of their dominance†. Since one goal of ideology is to legitimize those forces in a position of hegemony, it tends to obfuscate the violence and exploitation that often keep a disempowered group in its place (from slaves in tribal society to the peasantry in feudal society to the proletariat in capitalist society). The obfuscation necessarily leads to logical contradictions in the dominant ideology, which Marxism works to uncover by returning to the material conditions of a society: a society’s mode o f production. â€Å"The material conditions existing at a given time period Marx refers to as the means of production. Any given time period’s ideology is most clearly revealed by uncovering the material conditions of production: the means of production, as well as the relations of production (the ways the society structures the relations between individuals, particularly through the division of labor), which together make up the mode of production: â€Å"life involves before everything else eating and drinking, a habitation, clothing and many other things. The first historical act is thus the production of the means to satisfy these needs, the production of material life itself†(48). For Marx, it is the materiality of human production that directly influences ideology: â€Å"Life is not determined by consciousness, but consciousness by life†. Felluga, Dino. (2003) â€Å"Modules on Marx, Introductory Guide to Critical Theory†. 17 Mar 2004 Marx states that Capitalist society is formed of the Owning Class (Borgoisie), those who own and control the economic functions of society and who can thus shape society to suit themselves; and the Working Class (Proletariat), the workers. These classes have nothing in common; they are antagonistic and in conflict with each other. This struggle will ultimately lead to revolution and the establishment of a single class society. All relationships are based upon Economics – even family relationships – economics is the fundamental driving force, surpassing even religion which he described as the Opium of the People. Understanding economic relationships is a crucial step if one wishes to gain control of them.
Saturday, September 28, 2019
Business research methods Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Business research methods - Essay Example Trends were detected through the tabulation of related figures and the preparation of bar graphs and pie charts that served to clearly illustrate the movement, direction or trend from one year to the next. The researcher proceeded to focus on the construction industry in UK. Primary data were generated by way of conducting interviews and giving out questionnaires for both selected industry major players and for randomly selected representatives of the industry market. Research is basically done to gather data in a systematic manner and to interpret such data in the same systematic manner; throughout the process, the purpose of discovering relevant truths should be clearly imprinted in the mind of the researcher (Saunders, Lewis & Thornhill, 2007: 5). The procedures to gather primary data were done to document the sentiments and views of the people in the industry in their various post. Both similarities and differences amongst the answers they provided to uniform questions were recor ded and analysed to further analyse the impact of the prevailing industry condition on the individual characters making up the industry group. The data gathered were not limited to the construction industry. ... This report can be revised to suit any particular group of users. After all, a research paper can only be useful to the extent that it addresses the concerns and needs of its reader. This truth applies to all written works, including industry profiles and management research papers. Researchers must be mindful of and responsive to the concerns and interests of practitioners - the users of the finished reports - for their research output to serve a purpose and become valuable (Bryman & Bell, 2007: 5). To serve the needs of the Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs), it can be made to cover more useful details including the needs and demands of the country’s construction industry that can, in turn, be catered to by the SMEs. These needs and demands of the industry can be analysed using supply value chains that would efficiently demonstrate how the needs of the industry as a whole can actually be addressed by properly organising SMEs to produce the required volumes and quantities of the necessary products or to provide the required services. To serve the needs of Multinational Enterprises (MNEs), more data on the investment opportunities and incentives that are offered by the UK government should be incorporated in the report. The comparative advantages of UK, as well, as the next expansion site of MNEs in the construction industry should be drummed up. Tax holidays and other corporate benefits offered by the country to MNEs should be covered in detail. Meanwhile, independent investors who might wish to buy shares of construction companies that are listed in the bourse would want to see the individual financial performance indicators of the industry leaders and to have
Friday, September 27, 2019
Financial Conservatism. Determinants of cash and leverage Dissertation
Financial Conservatism. Determinants of cash and leverage - Dissertation Example In this analysis, both cash conservative and leverage conservative firms will be taken into account. The essence of investigation of the two policies at the same is to find out if a firm can use leverage conservative policy in the place of cash conservative policy or vice versa. From the earlier analysis, the key reason why firms are motivated to adopt conservative financial policies is to protect them from the cost that is associated with missed out investment opportunities. The analysis of the literature will reveal that firms tend to maintain large cash reserves or do away with their debt capacity to make sure that they do not miss out investment opportunities. It is not rare to find firms exercising both policies simultaneously, though it is difficult to establish the reasons why they do so. All in all, according to major theoretical frameworks of capital structure, it is strange to find a firm that adopts high leverage policy having high cash balances in their capital structure. For instance, according to the pecking order theory, firms tend to result to eternal financing only after exhausting their internally available funds. Many researchers have covered this area of financial conservatism, especially regarding the rationale behind different accumulation of huge amounts of cash and cash equivalents as well as the repercussions of such policies (Ozkan & Ozkan, 2004; Mikkelson & Partch, 2003). However, the determinant of cash and leverage conservatism in UK firms has not been focused on. ... It is not rare to find firms exercising both policies simultaneously, though it is difficult to establish the reasons why they do so. All in all, according to major theoretical frameworks of capital structure, it is strange to find a firm that adopts high leverage policy having high cash balances in their capital structure. For instance, according to the pecking order theory, firms tend to result to eternal financing only after exhausting their internally available funds. Many researchers have covered this area of financial conservatism, especially regarding the rationale behind different accumulation of huge amounts of cash and cash equivalents as well as the repercussions of such policies (Ozkan & Ozkan, 2004; Mikkelson & Partch, 2003). However, the determinant of cash and leverage conservatism in UK firms has not been focused on. What’s more, most of the studies that have dealt with this area have been concentrated on the US firms, hence making it important to investigate w hether the puzzle regarding decisions of firms in relation to financial conservatism extends to the UK firms. As such, this study will focus on the UK firms especially because it is commonly known for observance of extreme debt conservatism, considering UK firms have the lowest leverage ratio, weighed against to other developed countries (Rajan and Zingales, 1995). This study will use leverage of firms or cash holdings to determine whether the firms are finically-conservative. The objective of this paper is to carry out an empirical study on the debt policies adopted by the UK firms, which particularly focus on the factors that influence large cash reserves and extremely low leverage. In effect, the paper will attempt to find answers to a number of research questions. First and
Thursday, September 26, 2019
Describe your interest in art and film Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Describe your interest in art and film - Essay Example The movies of the 1940s and the early color movies of the 1950s also capture elements of American culture and I find it fascinating to observe the way the people are different from people today. All of the visual aspects of these movies, including interior decor, costumes, and the details of street scenes conjure up a world that is gone now. Through watching these films I can imagine what it must have been like to live in those days. I I also enjoy analyzing the way the film is put together from a script and a set of many thousands of still frames with different camera angles, musical score, etc. to make a complete whole. The world of film is very commercialized, and this is something that people today have learned to accept without thinking. I find interesting to see which films are released for the mass market, and to work out why some of them are such great successes, and some of them lose a lot of money. One genre that I find fascinating is science fiction, because it allows the director and the audience to venture into a parallel universe, where the strangest things can happen.
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
Discussion 4 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 4
Discussion 4 - Essay Example uring his era for revolutionizing the painting style with his style that was definitive, darkening the shadows and transfixing the subject in a blinding shaft of light. Caravaggio pioneered the method of acute observation of physical and psychological reality in his subjects as the foundation of all the paintings he was commissioned to do. He proved that it was possible to work speedily on a painting. He finished painting the Sistine Chapel, his most notable work still in existence, in a matter of 7 years. He was an expert at working with live models and was frowned upon by his peers because he preferred to paint directly on the canvass rather than drawing sketches on paper and working from those models for the final product. This was a unique skill of Caravaggio that at the time was considered to be detrimental to an artists masterpiece or commissioned work. However, Caravaggio proved his detractors wrong, creating his masterpieces exactly how he saw them, directly on the canvass. Your description of a typical reinassance painting is highly accurate and was obviously well researched. I am in agreement with you regarding the influence of Florentine painters over this particular era of the arts. However, you failed to fully or even partially discuss the actual influences in the painting style of Giotto di Bondone. Although his style was later on classified as Renaissance, there is no information as to which particular aspects of the art form can directly be attributed to him. My research actually shows that there were other artists from the same era who pioneered the same style so it may be likely that Bondone should not be ascribed to as the Father of Reinassance Art. Overall, you presented a very interesting discussion. You failed to present what it was that made the Reinassance Art era special. How these drawings and paintings were defined by the artists of their time and why these became part of the basis of modern art. You did not point out the method by
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
Who am i as a learner Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3250 words
Who am i as a learner - Essay Example Section A of the report describes the different learning styles I possess along with the implications of learning. Furthermore, it also illuminates my transferrable skills and lifelong learning experiences. According to Winstanley (2005), learning can occur at any time whether willingly or unintentionally. People often consider learning as an attainment of new knowledge and abilities, but it is much beyond that. Apart from knowledge and abilities, learning can help to gain new understandings and insights, new viewpoints, new methods of thinking and new ways of acting among others. It is an active procedure which helps to develop skills and to apply new knowledge into action (Winstanley, 2005). Romanelli, Bird & Ryan (2009) stated that learning can be attained in different ways. The learning style acts as an indicator of how people observe, cooperate and respond to specific learning environments. Learning style or preferences are regarded as one of the major factors of success in academic as well as professional life (Romanelli, Bird & Ryan, 2009). In this context, it can be stated that there are several methods which help to identify the personal learning preferences. In order to understand my position as a learner I have applied Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) which is based on Jung’s typology test. This test is developed on the basis of four activities of human consciousness which are feeling, thinking, intuition and sensation. Jung had stated that every person possesses the above four aspects to a certain extent. However, differences can be observed in terms of strengths involved in different individuals with respect to the above aspects. Jung had stated about sixteen different personality typologies which are further classified into four preferences namely: The outcome of Myers-Briggs Test (see appendix 1) provided significant understanding regarding my personality types. By undertaking Jung’s typology
Monday, September 23, 2019
The Effects of M&As in the Furtherance of Strategic Objectives of Dissertation
The Effects of M&As in the Furtherance of Strategic Objectives of Tesco Plc and Wal-Mart - Dissertation Example ................................................................................................................. ... Under the PEST analysis, political, economic, social and technological factors (for PEST) will be discussed. Additionally, legal and environmental factors will also be discussed (completes PESTLE analysis). Under Porters 5 Forces analysis, the 5 forces that influence any given industry will be discussed. These include powers handled by the supplier and the buyer, threat of substitution, competitive rivalry, and threat of new entry. Tesco – Company Overview Tesco Plc is an international retailer with active activities in most parts of the world apart from providing retail banking and Insurance services. Its wide distribution of stores enables customers to pick the products of their choice from various parts of the world. The company delivered a sales growth of 7.4% by the year 2012 and strong international performance with a return of capital employed of 12%. The company is projected to have a weak growth among its peers due to its low operating profit margin compared to the se ctor/industry average of 14.39% hence it is considered underperforming in the industry (Tesco Plc, 2012). Tesco Plc realized its potential in the retail industry and decided in many cases to consolidate its efforts with other businesses. The greatest interest was to establish the effect of these consolidations with its aims and objectives in order to unearth the truth on the possible effects of M&As. PESTEL Analysis Politically, the recession remains one of the main gamut that are currently affecting all the countries resulting to high numbers of unemployment. As one of the major and wildest growing retailers, Tesco will avail more jobs hence reducing levels of unemployment. Economic factors are significant for Tesco because they influence directly the buying behavior of
Sunday, September 22, 2019
Super Bowl Ads Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Super Bowl Ads - Essay Example Budweiser over the past ten years it has proven its consistency in the rating of their advertisement. Their advertisement has always been among the top ten advertisements. In the year 2000 it recorded the highest rating of 8.93. Budweiser in its advertisement has used dogs and puppies that many Americans keep them as pet. The advertisement brings out humor of dogs and puppies that attracts people attention. The following advertisement scored the lowest in the recent concluded Super Bowl Ads rating; â€Å"Heroes Charge†by Ucool with a rating of 3.12, followed by â€Å"Tackle it†by Jublia with a rating of 3.22 and finally â€Å"save the data†by T-mobile with a rating of 3.50. â€Å"Heroes Charge†advertisement received the lowest rating than any other advertisement â€Å"Voter Breakdown†2015, n.p). The past ten years advertisement from those companies did not make it to the top 10 list. This year they have tremendous improvement, but still they can do better to challenge Budweiser. The measures used rate advertisement by Super Bowl did have differences. For instance, the advertisement of â€Å"lost dog†by Budweiser did not have uniform performance on each measure. The first measure of state performance lost dog performed best in Rhode Island on a scale of one to ten it had a rating of 10 and lowest rating being Neville with 9.18 (â€Å"Dancing in the End Zone: Ads and Brands That Won Big for Super Bowl XLVIII†2015, n.p.). From these statistics it can be noted that Budweiser brand is preferred in the state of Rhode Island; therefore Budweiser has highest sales there. Women are known to adore puppies and Budweiser wanted to draw their attention with a strategy that will also allure them to Budweiser’s products. Age range rating was different with old and young less than 21 years have the highest rating of 8.89 and 7.93 respectively. According to (Wright, 1977, 37), the advertisement creates humor to the young and old will reflect in the sa les. This strategy
Saturday, September 21, 2019
8th of march Essay Example for Free
8th of march Essay Happy womens day! International Womens Day (8 March) is an occasion marked by womens groups around the world. This date is also commemorated at the United Nations and is designated in many countries as a national holiday. This day women on all continents, often divided by national boundaries and by ethnic, linguistic, cultural, economic and political differences, come together to celebrate their Day. 8th March is celebrated as International Womens Day, worldwide. The day is observed to bring a ocial revolution aiming at gender equality. In fact, in some countries like China, Nepal, Vietnam, Russia, its an official holiday! Here are some fun-facts about Womens Day and areas where women excel, which is sure to make every woman proud of herself! 1. The first Womens Day was observed on 19th March 1911. More than 1 million women and men attended rallies to support womens right to work, vote, hold public office and to end gender discrimination. Over the years, 8th March as fixed as International Womens Day. 2. Research suggests that women possess much stronger verbal skills, compared to men. Women are naturally more articulate. 3. Yellow mimosa is the symbol of Womens Day in Italy, Russia and Albania. In Italy, men give flowers to women. Chocolates and yellow mimosa tops as gifts in Russia and Alba 4. Women have better empathy and can interpret emotions better. Women are also faster to identify something visually different than usual. According to scientists, women have a stronger immune system and female hormone oestrogen gives women this edge! 6. Women, if they receive proper medical care during her birth and pregnancy, have a longer life expectancy than men. 7. Women and caring go hand in hand. This may be the reason why many patients prefer female doctors. Several studies indicate that female doctors are more encouraging, reassuring and spend up to 10% more time with patients.
Friday, September 20, 2019
Structural Components Of Suspension Bridge Engineering Essay
Structural Components Of Suspension Bridge Engineering Essay INTRODUCTION Suspension bridge is a type of bridge in which the road way or the deck is suspended below the suspension cables. It is a simplest form of bridge which was made of rope and wood in olden days. The modern Suspension bridge developed was in 19th century. In those bridges the cables are carried by using vertical suspender. The two ends of the cables are suspended on towers. The weight of the bridge is transferred to the anchorage system by cables. The anchorage is fixed firmly on concrete blocks or solid rocks .In order to distribute the load evenly and also to protect the cables from breaking, the cables are spread over a large area inside the anchorage. Historical Background In early times human beings found it very difficult to cross the stream and a deep gorge to survive. A successful solution found out by early people was to drop a tree between the two banks of the deep flowing stream. This results in the idea of simple beam bridge in early times. Early bridges were made of post and lintel structures, stones or timber or the combination of the both. Later on the use of bamboo or simple rope gave rise to the development of rope suspension bridge. Central and South America and are the first to use rope suspension bridge. stock-photo-rope-bridge-suspension-bridge-35093119.jpg Figure:1 ROPE SUSPENSION BRIDGE Later on the chain cables were developed when the wrought iron bars became locally available. The first bridge constructed using chain cables were James Finleyà ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¾Ã‚ ¢s in Westmoreland country, Pennsylvania in 1801.In early British chain bridges the notable one was Menai bridge with 176m span. One of the longest parbolic arc chain was Clifton Suspension bridge. menai-bridge.jpg Figure :2 MENAI BRIDGE clifton-suspension-bridge-bristol-gben440.jpg Figure:3 CLIFTON SUSPENSION BRIDGE After the chain cable the wire-cable was developed. Foot à ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬bridge at falls of Schuylkill was the first wire-cable suspension cable developed in 1861.The first major bridge constructed using modern methods was Joseph Chaley Grand Pont Suspendu across in Fribourg across the Sarine valley .Its construction was completed in 1834.The first major wire-cable in USA was the Wire à ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬bridge at Fairmount in Philadelphia , Pennsylvania, span of 109m and the construction was completed during 1842. A notable bridge was Niagara bridge with250m span in 1855.Later on the American Engineers was constructing Suspension Bridge with higher span length. The notable one among them was are Ambassadar bridge in Detroit with 564m span in 1927, George Washington Bridge in New York with 1006m span in 1931 and Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco in 1937.Among the parallel wire cables the Otto Beit bridge outside USA was the first Suspension bridge constructed with modern techniqu es. golden_gate.jpg Figure :4 GOLDEN GATE BRIDGE STRUCTURAL COMPONENTS OF SUSPENSION BRIDGE Figure 5 Structural Components of Suspension bridge The above figure shows the structural components of a three span Suspension bridge. The different parts of a suspension bridge are Main Cables which support the deck and transfer the loadings to the supporting tower and anchorages. Deck suspended from the main cables. Towers to support the main cables. Hangers which is used to connect main cables and deck Anchorages to which the ends of the main cables are connected to protect it against any movements. 1. CABLES The main function of cables is to support the deck which carries the traffic loadings and to transfer these traffic loadings to the towers and anchorages by direct tension forces. Cables are made of high strength steel wires. The tensile strength of the wire is 1550N/mm2. The cables of the Akashi Kaikyo bridge in Japan is made of wires having high strength with minimum tensile strength of 1800 N/mm2.The steel rods from which the wires are manufactured are having higher carbon content. The wire with high tensile strength is obtained by cold drawing the wire. After the final drawing the wire is galvanized for corrosion protection. 301678.jpg Figure 6 AKASHI KAIKYO BRIDGE Different types of cables a.Spiral Bridge Strands Spiral bridge strands are manufactured by winding several layer of round steel wires in a helical shape onto a straight centre core wire. When layers of wire are laid it should be made sure that an opposite helix to the preceding layer should be laid. Due to twisting of wires spiral strands gets self-compacted under axial loading. As a result of this when the strand is first loaded, non elastic stretch occurs. So in order that the strand should behave elastically, the twisting of wire should be avoided during manufacture. Examples of bridges that have used spiral bridge strand are Tancarville bridge (france) with span length 608m, Cable size is 56no, Diameter of strand is 72mm.Constuction was completed during 1959 Lillebaelt bridge (Denmark) with span length 600m, Cable size 55no, Diameter of strand is 68.7mm and 6no 41.4mm diameter strands. Construction was completed during 1969. Figure 7 Spiral bridge Strand b.Locked Coil Strand Locked coil strands is manufactured in the same way as the spiral strands is manufactured. The only difference between the two is that in locked coil strand the final layer of wires are made up of interlocking Z-shaped wires. As a result of this proportion of the cross sectional area of strand to wire area increases, also a smooth exterior surface is obtained .Examples of bridges that have used Locked coil strands are Tamar bridge (UK) with span length 335m cable size 31no, Diameter of strand is 60mm.Construction was completed during 1961. Rodenkirchan bridge (Germany) with span length 378m, Cable size 37no, Diameter of strand is 69mm.Construction was completed during 1954. Askay bridge (Norway) with span length 850m, Cables size 21no, Diameter of strand is 99mm.Construction is completed during 1993. There are two types of arrangements that can be provided for spiral strands and locked coil strands. One of them is close packed hexagonal formation which has the advantage that the cross-section can be circularized when aluminium or plastic spacer are added and then wrapped properly against corrosion. The other one is an open rectangular array which is rarely used and doesnot have any wrapping operation as in closed packed hexagonal formation. The cable bands are simple fabricated structure. The disadvantage of open rectangular array is that on increasing wind load on the cable it is difficult to conduct inspection and maintenance on the inner strands. c. Parallel wire cable In parallel wire cables, several individual wire over the whole cable length is laid straight and parallel. It is constructed in two ways, by aerial insitu spinning of the wires or by prefabricated parallel wire strands. Insitu span cables : The aerial spinning method was developed during the 19th century and it was mostly used in long span suspension bridge. In this method using the spinning wheel two or four loops of wire are pulled from one anchorage to the other. During each movement of the wheel, required sag is provided to the wire and the cables are assembled. Prefabricated parallel wire bands: In prefabricated parallel wire strands bundles of wires are bound together by keeping plastic tapes at intervals and are prefabricated into hexagonal shaped strands. At each end sockets are fitted. The Akashi kaikyo bridge was the first bridge to use the longest prefabricated parallel wire strands with 127 wire strands, with average strand length of 4073m. 2. DECK The main function of deck is to support the load. The deck is suspended on the main cables by using vertical hangers. The most important load that the deck has to carry is the traffic loadings. The self weight of deck should be low because the deck is carried by the cables. Stiffening girders should be provided in the deck to transfer the loads from the deck to hanger. 3.TOWERS The main function of tower is to support the main cable. The ends of the main cable is connected to the tower which at a sufficient height to provide cable sag. Tower also support the stiffening girder and side span. The initial loadings on the tower will be the vertical load acting at the top of the tower, applied by the main cables, together with the loads acting on cable and bridge deck due to wind load and load acting on stiffening girder. Flexible fixed base are provided for the tower and cable saddles are fixed on the top of the tower. Due to this type of arrangement any movement in the cable saddle due to varying load will result in the longitudinal bending of the tower legs 4.HANGERS The main function of hangers is to connect the bridge deck and stiffening girder to the main cables .Vertical hangers are used with equal intervals along the span. Based on using one or two parts of rope, there are two types of hangers. Two part hangers Two part hanger was used in long span suspension bridges. In this type of hanger the arrangement is in such way that over the main cables the hanger is drapped which is located in the groove of corresponding cable band. Using sockets the bottom ends of the two rope of the hanger are connected to the deck. Hangers are usually made of steel wire rope Single part hangers Single part hangers ends on the underneath of the cable and it is connected to the lower part of the corresponding cable band by a socket and pin connections. The lower end of the hanger is connected to the deck using simple bearing socket. This type of hanger is made up of spiral strand or parallel wires 5.ANCHORAGES The main function of anchorage is to support the ends of the main cable and to prevents any movements in the main cable by transferring the force from the main cable to the ground. Since the anchorage has to resist a large force the design of anchorages is very tough unless the ground on which the anchorage is to be positioned is good and also if sound rock is available in the ground. Avantages and Disadvantages of Suspension bridges Avantages 1.When compared to other bridges, higher spans can be provided for the main span in suspension bridge. 2. Construction cost can be reduced in Suspension bridge due to less material used when compared to other bridges 3. No access is required below during construction of suspension bridge when compared to other bridges. Only for the installation of initial temporary cables the access is required. 4.Suspension bridge can prevent earthquake movements than other bridges. 5. Suspension bridge can be constructed at heights above the waterways to allow the passage of tall ships. Disadvantage Bridge deck vibrating due to heavy wind is prevented using aerodynamic profiling. The deck stiffness of suspension bridge when compared to other bridges is very low. Due to this it makes the bridge very difficult to carry heavy rail traffic. The foundation work is costly and requires more area to combat the effect of heavy load on foundation towers ,when Suspension bridge is constructed on soft ground. NON LINEAR ANALYSIS OF SUSPENSION BRIDGE Suspension bridges was considered as the most efficient and remarkable in architectural appearance when compared to other structural systems. But suspension bridge has more tendency to get deformed due to the asymmetrical loadings. This kind of displacement is called as kinematical diaplacements. There are many ways to reduce the kinematical displacements in suspension bridges. One of the method is, if flexible cables are used in suspension bridges the local bending stiffness is taken into account while analyzing the stress-strain state. Other method to reduce kinematical displacement is to use rigid cables instead of flexible cables. Standard hot rolled or welded sections are used to make the structural elements. Also by using rigid cables it provides the required stiffness for the suspension bridge. The technique is not accurate but can be used or rough calculation. For analysing the suspension bridge made of flexible cables or rigid cables there are some numerical methods. The analysis of suspension bridge made of flexible cable is very difficult when the non-linear behavior is concerned. So it is analyzed based on the assumption that the main cables are made of flexible cables ,when only dead load is acting on the bridge its shape is parabola, all other structural elements are made of ideally elastic material, through out the span of the bridge the bending stiffness of the girder is assumed to be constant, the displacements in the hanger is neglected and the load acting on the cable is considered to be uniform. The loading is in such a way that dead load acts on the cable, the stiffening girder and cable supports the live load. By using these assumption the non-linear analysis is done using certain equations.But while analysisng suspension cables with rigid cables these assumptions are not applicable. In rigid cables there is always some bendi ng stiffness.Also the cables are made up of standard welded or steel sections for the suspension bridge to be initially a stabilized. Grigorjevaet al. (2006) proposed a technique for the analysis of suspension bridge with rigid cables. CASE STUDY Dynamic Response of the Suspension Span of the SAN FRANSICO-OAKLAND BAY BRIDGE The dynamic seismic analysis of the suspension span of San Fransico-Oakland bay bridge was modelled to make astudy on the effects on suspension bridge due to ground motions. Due to the combined effect of motions due to tectonic displacements and seismic waves ,ground motions are developed near-fault regions for along period. In olden days the seismic design codes for the structures were used based on the past experiences and the historical ground motion instrument and signal processing methods were not accurate.So it was very difficult to measure the ground motions. But the development of Modern broad-band, digital instruments helped in measuring the near-fault motions.The effect of long period motion is different for flexible and rigid structures. Rigid bodies will have a natural frequency higher than 0.2Hz and for longer wavelength seismic waves it behaves as a rigid body. But for flexible bodies the natural frequency will be low. Using a finite-element modeling software the structure is modeled.The deck model is a combination of truss,membrane and sway stiffness elements.The steel braced tower is represented by fibre bending elements and the bridge cable is represented by tension-only cable element.The advantage of modelling the structure in this way helps to reduce the degree of freedom which is an essential aspect in the repose of suspension bridge. After the gravity initialization is completed as described in detil by McCallen and Astaneh,2000 ,the explicit integration scheme for non-linear analysis of earthquake motion is done. The ground motions in the near by areas will be affected by various reasons like the superposition of seismic waves, site geological response etc. The effect of these parameters may vary for different ruptures happening in future and these rupture may cause changes displacement in ground, velocities and accelarations. In this study the effect of rupture and wave propagation were studied by providing a parallel and finite difference in computational simulation of the rupture,a three dimensional finite difference calculation, empirical Green function and at seven points in San Fransico-Oakland Bay Bridge the ground motion is computed. By doing the above said it was found out that the far field in the near source can result in fault with periods of 0.2 to 0.5s due to directivity effects and the near field arrivals can result in fault with periods of 0.2 to 0.1 s due to tectonic movements. There are chances for these long period arrivals to accur along with the future earthquakes along the Hayward or San Andreas faults which is nearby San Franciso-Oakland bay Bridge and it will affect the long span bridges in San Fransico bridge. Along the Hayward fault ,five locations along the suspension span of western San Fransico two rupture model were synthesized for a ground motion of Mw =7.25.These were consid ered as mean and other one as standard deviation models.They were represented as HAY06 and HAY31.The ground displacements at the bridge generated was greater for the mean fault than the standard deviation but the standard deviation produced more acceleration and long durations.Analysis of the model has shown that the mean model produced more stress than the standard deviation. The response of Bay bridge is computed against the ground motion from the rupture model HAY06.Due to this displacements occur which indicates that the flexible deck cannot respond as fast as the towers when large displacement occurs. The tower motion lags and then the deck starts to respond when the tower returns with the ground.
Thursday, September 19, 2019
To what extent was the Swiss banking system responsible for empowering
A: Plan of Investigation The purpose of this investigation is to analyze the extent of the support of Swiss banks towards the Nazi regime. In the analysis, the role of Swiss banks during World War II as well as the legal action that those banks faced in recent years will be examined. An evaluation of the origin, purpose, value and limitation of two sources used for research will also be provided in this investigation: â€Å"How Swiss Bank Accounts Work†- by Lee Ann Orbinger, and â€Å"Swiss Banks Settlement: In Re Holocaust Victim Assets Litigation†, an official online version of a settlement issued by Judge Edward R. Korman of the United States District Court for the Eastern District of New York. B: Summary of Evidence Swiss Code of Secrecy The Swiss banking system has been renowned for its code of secrecy, which was established over 300 years ago. This policy was created for the French kings, at the time, which required large sums of financial support under utmost secrecy. In 1713, the Great Council of Geneva founded a set of regulations prohibiting bankers from revealing any account information with anybody other than the client, unless the Great Council itself agreed upon the disclosure of information. This allowed Swiss banks to be seen as a safe haven for those with illegal possessions, or even abnormally large bank accounts. Most notably, the noblemen and aristocrats that fled France during the Revolution sought refuge in Switzerland, due to the financial security that was offered. Although the disclosure of account information was frowned upon by the Swiss government, it was not considered a criminal offence. This was until the Banking Act of 1934 was established. Foreign Pressure Switzerland’s Banking Act of 1934 was a fede... ..." HowStuffWorks, Inc., 08 June 2007. Web. 03 Mar. 2012. . "Swiss Banks Settlement: In Re Holocaust Victim Assets Litigation - Overview." Swiss Banks Settlement: In Re Holocaust Victim Assets Litigation. Web. 03 Mar. 2012. . "Switzerland's Role In World War II." Switzerland's Role in World War II. Ed. Markus G. Jud. Web. 03 Mar. 2012. . "U.S. and Allied Efforts To Recover and Restore Gold and Other Assets Stolen or Hidden by Germany During World War II." United States Holocaust Memorial Museum. May 1997. Web. 01 Apr. 2012. .
Wednesday, September 18, 2019
Abrams and Tintern Abbey Essay -- Essays Papers
Abrams and Tintern Abbey In his essay, "Structure and Style in the Greater Romantic Lyric," critic M.H.Abrams describes a paradigm for the longer Romantic lyric of which Wordsworth's "Lines written a few miles above Tintern Abbey" is an example. First, some of the poems are either identified as odes in the title, or, as Abrams states "approach the ode in having lyric magnitude and a serious subject, feelingfully meditated." (201) The narrator of "Tintern Abbey" expresses deep sensations as he views a landscape familiar from his youth, the emotions and memories evoked lead to wider moral and philosophical cogitations. The prototypical lyric, Abrams continues, "present a determinate speaker in a particularized, and usually a localized, outdoor setting." (201) Indeed, Wordsworth's title specifically identifies the site of which the narrator speaks, it is "a few miles above Tintern Abbey, on the banks of the Wye." The narrators of these poems, continues Abrams, speak in "a fluent vernacular which rises easily to a more formal speech, a sustained colloquy, sometimes with himself or with the outer scene, but more frequently with a silent human auditor, present or absent." (201) "Tintern Abbey" begins with an informal statement, a sudden "spontaneous overflow of powerful feelings": "Five years have passed; five summers, with the length / Of five long winters! And again I hear / These waters" (1-3); then gradually builds to more studied speech appropriate for philosophical ruminations: "For I have learned / To look on nature, not as in the hour / Of thoughtless youth, but hearing oftentimes / The still, sad music of humanity; / Nor harsh nor grating, though of ample power / to chasten and subdue" (89-94). The narrator is speaking to a... ...e scenes of Nature shared together will be stored in their memories to draw out at a later date to be used as a sort of non-pharmaceutical anti-depressant: "Oh, then, / If solitude, or fear, or pain, or grief, / Should be thy portion, with what healing thoughts / Of tender joy wilt thou remember me, / And these my exhortations!" (143-147) Required Texts W. Wordsworth and S.T. Coleridge. Lyrical Ballads. (1798, 1800, 1802) Ed. R.L. Brett & A.R. Jones. Routledge, 1992. William Wordsworth, The Prelude: 1799, 1805, 1850. Eds. J. Wordsworth, M.H. Abrams & S. Gill. Norton, 1979. William Wordsworth: The major Works. Ed. S. Gill. Oxford, 1984/2000 Thomas Hardy, The Woodlanders. Ed. D. Kramer. Oxford, 2001. Norman Maclean, A River Runs Through It. Chicago, 1989. Neal Stephenson, The Diamond Age; or, A Young Lady's Illustrated Primer. Bantam Reprint, 2000
Tuesday, September 17, 2019
Comparing two pre 1914 ghost stories to show how the writing creates :: Free Essay Writer
Comparing two pre 1914 ghost stories to show how the writing creates and sustains tension. The two ghost stories that I have chosen are, The Signalman by Charles Dickens and The Old Nurses Story by Elizabeth Gasbell. â€Å"Compare and Contrast two pre 1914 ghost stories and show how the writers create and sustain tension.†In this essay I will be discussing and comparing two pre 1914 ghost stories to show how the writing creates and sustains tension. The two ghost stories that I have chosen are, â€Å"The Signalman†by Charles Dickens and â€Å"The Old Nurses Story†by Elizabeth Gasbell. The two writers have very different writing approaches â€Å"The old Nurses Story†has a slow pace which means that the tension builds over time. This story is also more hyper-bowl by this I mean everything is much more unrealistic. However â€Å"The Signalman†has a more realistic storyline, because they realize the ghost in the story ends up being a normal person. The pace in this story is almost the opposite of â€Å"The Old Nurses Story†because it goes in a slow then fast motion. So this story does not have one big climax like the other story, but it has small outbursts made by tension. The narrator in â€Å"The Old Nurses Story†is the Nurse. The Nurse is telling the story to Miss Rosamond’s Daughter â€Å"Miss Rosamond (that was the baby, who us now your mother)†. It makes you feel as though you are the little girl, which makes you feel as though you are involved which means that the tension not only builds in the story but it builds on you. The narrator in â€Å"The Signalman†is a visitor who visits the signalman. It feels as though he is telling the story a lot after the events have happened. This makes you feel as though you need to be ready for a dramatic story. The setting of â€Å"The Old Nurses Story†is in a hunted mansion which is one of the most popular settings for a ghost story. The Mansion is set in an old area, â€Å"old oaks. all white and peeled with aged†, this makes you feel that the place is hunted as soon as they arrive. The term â€Å"all white†in a ghost story gives you images of death and ghosts. In the Victorian times many houses were old and big because only the rich could afford houses so they made them as big as they wanted, due to no laws and masses of land. The setting of â€Å"The Signalman†is set on a train station. A train station is a very mood changing place.
Monday, September 16, 2019
Criminological Theory and Burglary Essay
Scarce research is available on active offenders due to their unwillingness to corporate with researchers and past and convicted offenders may have changed their perspectives after being convicted or left their lifestyle of crime. The most reliable data on these offenses and their perpetrators may come from active burglars themselves. Richard T. Wright and Scott Decker’s book, Burglars on the Job seeks to explain the reasons why burglars commit the crimes they do. They have taken their research to another level by gaining the trust of active offenders in the St. Louis area and gaining inside knowledge of these criminals’ daily lives and their crimes. This paper will address anomie and bond theories and how it relates to the offenders in this study and the socialization of these subjects into criminality and the street culture in which they live. Conventional Goals? According to Robert Merton’s anomie theory, people are not born criminals; they conform to the environment in which they live. Conventional means of reaching a goal are often more readily available to some than others in our society. Merton suggests that crime is a result of this bias due to the anomic culture in America. Our society places great emphasis on the â€Å"American Dream†but conventional means of reaching this goal are denied to some unfortunate individuals, placing strain on them. The burglars in Wright and Decker’s book have conventional goals, but lack the capacity to achieve them by conventional means. Burglar #30 Mark Smith says, â€Å"I didn’t have the luxury of laying back in no damn pinstriped suit. I’m poor and I’m raggedy and I need some food and I need some shoes†¦ So I got to have some money some kind of way. If it’s got to be the wrong way, then so be it. †(pg. 7) This burglar has the conventional goal of buying food and shoes but, as anomie theory suggest, does not have the conventional means of getting what he wants, therefore he commits crime to obtain the money to buy what he desires. Not every burglar in this study claimed to have conventional goals, drugs were a popular desire among these offenders as well. These burglars want to get high and party continuously, but rather than gain lawful employment to supply their habits, they would rather burglarize a residence to gain the financial means to keep the party going. This is evident in one burglar’s response to why he chooses to commit the crimes he does. Burglar #009 Richard Jackson replies, â€Å"You ever had an urge before? Maybe a cigarette urge or a food urge, where you eat that and you get to have more and more? That’s how the crack is. You smoke it and it hits you in the back of the throat and you got to have more†¦Ã¢â‚¬ (pg. 39) The majority of these offenders’ wanted the status and appearance of being successful, the â€Å"American Dream†, but lacked the resources or drives to reach their goals conventionally. The book describes the majority of the offenders as having very few resources in which to work with. Wright and Decker write, â€Å"Decent employment opportunities are limited for inner city residents and the offenders, who by large are poorly educated, unskilled, and heavy illicit drugs and alcohol users, are not well placed to compete for the few good jobs available. †(pg. 50) When field researchers asked them why they chose burglary over other legitimate means some replied that they were unable to gain suitable employment or they just didn’t want a job to infringe on their current lifestyles. Burglar #085 Tony Scott replied, â€Å"I ain’t workin’ and too lazy to work and just all that. I like it to where I can just run around†¦Ã¢â‚¬ (pg. 48) Some burglars wished to gain lawful employment, Wright and Decker write, â€Å"43 of the 78 unemployed subjects who said they did burglaries mostly for the money claimed they would stop committing offenses if someone gave them a good job. †(pg. 49) Since the overall expectation of these offenders’ was financially motivated, conventional goals are present as is innovation. Some of these offenders’ burglarized for drug’s, even burglarizing their drug dealer’s home, making them rebels instead of innovators. Burglar #24 James Brown says, â€Å"My house burglaries are based on dope dealers. †(pg. 66) Merton describes rebels as those who lack conventional goals and the conventional means of reaching them. I would even describe some of them as retreatist, according to Merton’s theory, as they use drugs and criminal behavior as a way to escape the pressures or strains placed on them. One burglar, Ricky Davis #015 describes how he burglarizes and spends his money on drugs, alcohol, and prostitution. He has unconventional goals, with no apparent desire to live a conventional lifestyle. He says, â€Å"I spend the money on something to drink, then get me some marijuana. Then I’m gonna find me a duck. †(pg. 42) Weak Social bonds A bond theory explanation would suggest that the offenders lacked adequate social bonds which, in turn, gave them the freedom to commit crimes. They did not have the parental guidance to steer them away from crime. The social bonds in Travis Hirshi’s bond theory are attachment, commitment, involvement, and belief. Several of these offenders seemed to be lacking in at least one of these areas. Attachment, or emotional closeness to others, was lacking in many of these offenders. They were more attached to the street culture than decent culture. Those offenders who did mention their families never spoke of engagement with them other than in the context of trying to borrow money from them or burglarizing them. This shows that these offenders had very weak, if any, attachment bonds. Most of these offenders’ had very little commitment either. As stated earlier, they had little education, no jobs, and no social networks to deter them from a life of crime. They had nothing or almost nothing to lose. The offenders’ involvement in conventional activities was also very limited. Their strongest involvements seemed to be with their â€Å"street life. †They felt that jobs or other conventional activities would damper their party time. Burglar #85 Scott says, â€Å"†¦ I ain’t got to go to bed at a certain time to get up at a certain time. Go to bed around one o’clock or whenever I want. Ain’t got to go to work and work eight hours. Just go in and do a five minute job, get that money, and that’s basically it. †(pg. 48) It is the quick and easy, with very little planning or effort, that makes burglary a choice crime for these offenders. While some offenders seemed to hold some conventional moral values, others seemed only to be thinking of themselves in their day to day activities. Burglar #13 Larry Washington states, â€Å"see, if you rob a person, they can identify you cause you lookin’ right at em’ you know? They lookin’ right at you and they can identify you. And armed robbery is what? Five to ten years? Or ten to fifteen years? †This offender prefers burglary over robbery out of fear of a harsher punishment for himself if caught. He shows no consideration of the victim. Burglar #79 Die Leo, on the other hand, did show some compassion for a victim in his statement, â€Å"I’d never personally rob a human being, like walk up to them and say, â€Å"Give me your wallet and give me your purse! †No Way! †Hirishi believed that all people are equally motivated to commit crimes but that motivation in itself was not strong enough to overpower their social bonds and push them into a life of crime. The lack of these social bonds gave them the freedom to commit their crimes, and the motivation was already present as it is in all people. The social bond theory generally sums up crime as it relates to their social bonds. As these bonds weaken and begin to deteriorate, the restraints that once bound you and kept you abiding by the law are loosened. This differs from anomie theory in that, anomie explains crime as being a result of strain placed on an individual from income inequality, socioeconomic status, etc. These theories are both plausible explanations as to why these offenders committed their crimes. High strain and lack of solid bonds may both play a vital role in criminal roles. Now let’s take a look at how socialization and self-control relate to crime. Socialization and Self Control Socialization into crime refers to an individual who conforms to the norms and roles in their given communities. I believe that these offenders criminality can be attributed to their socialization into an environment that values low self-control. The offenders in this study exhibited spontaneity in their decisions to commit burglaries, amplifying their lack of self-control. These offenders learned a great deal about their communities, the people who live in it and their vulnerabilities and so were able to commit their crimes putting forth little effort or planning. In my opinion there is a connection between criminality, low self-control, and the culture of immediate gratification. These offenders seem to have gone through a process starting off with socialization into street culture which leads them to a lack of self-control, and then the culture of immediate gratification. To simplify Gottfredson and Hirishi’s self-control theory, I would say that low self-control is related to crime and that need for immediate gratification and low self-control are connecting factors that contribute to criminal behavior. These offenders are accustomed to spending a lot of time on street corners with other offenders, learning the ways of the street, so to speak. This is their socialization period. Once they are socialized into crime they lose their sense of self control. These offenders apparently don’t have much guidance from their parents or others because they are allotted so much free time to commit their crimes. This tells me that their parents likely don’t have strong social control either. Once their social control is lost, they yearn for immediate gratification. They want things right now; they are not willing to wait until they can find a job and get it conventionally. All the research done by Wright and Decker has shed light on the lifestyle of an active burglar. As mentioned in the introduction, this research is scarce but could be much more reliable than research conducted with offenders who are no longer active burglars. This type of field research should be continued and expanded with all types of crimes, which may give us a better understanding of what drives people to commit them and in the long run may help us understand how to stop them.
Sunday, September 15, 2019
Model of Communication Essay
Recently I attended a lecture given by a geriatrician. He was speaking on healthy ageing. Most of the audience consisted of people above the age of fifty years. However there were some youngsters too like me. The appealing fact regarding the entire lecture was that the geriatrician possessed the qualities of a good orator. What is said is not as important as how it is said. All the health related information was given in an easy to understand and interactive manner making the speech structured, intentional yet formal. The audience got bound to be attentive for full one hour due to excellent communication techniques of the speaker. The eye contact of the geriatrician was excellent. His eyes moved in all the directions which kept the audience engaged. He used interesting slides to present his point. The slides did not just contained written words but also lots of pictures and easy to understand graphs. All this made the lecture more interesting. There was a high degree of audience participation as the geriatrician did not just kept on speaking on the topic, rather frequently asked questions. He also scheduled the last fifteen minutes of the lecture for the audience to ask questions or clear their doubts if any. He stood in the middle of the room and his facial expressions, and body language beautifully matched the contents of the message he wanted to convey. He was a lot younger than the majority of the audience attending the lecture but his excellent command on the subject that he was speaking and the matured way in which he was conducting the whole session resulted in a wonderful interactive session. He reworded certain information in order to hold the interest of the few young audience who were present. Thus every element of communication such as the sender, message, medium of communication and the receiver were in perfect synchrony making the lecture a huge success.
Relationship Between Speaking And Listening
Kelsey responded in a very clear way. I agree that you cannot have one without the other. Like Kelsey said, when you are younger and learning to talk, you listen to what other people say. If no one were to listen when they were younger, than nobody would know how to talk. Joey also brought up a great point He mentioned body language. Although you do not need to listen with your ears to read body language, you still need to focus on what the other person is trying to say. Listening is basically trying to focus on what another person is trying to get out to others whether it is with your eyes, or your ears. Pratt Gag 6, 2009 Speaking and listening go together like best and friend. The reason this is the analogy that I chose is because best friends listen when their best friend is speaking. Although, speaking does not require listening, and listening does not require speaking. Many times when I am talking to someone in my family they tune me out, ignore me. It is in times such as this w hen speaking does not demand listening. Speaking does not always need listening because often times the words being said are little more than idle chatter.For and example, Melinda says on page 86, â€Å"By the time we eat dinner, the Battle is roaring at lull pitch. Grades, blah blah blah, Attitude, blah blah blah, Help around the house, blah blah blah, Not a kid anymore, blah blah blah. †Also, on page 115 Melinda is daydreaming while her parents are talking with the school guidance counselor and the school principal. â€Å"In my headword they jump on Principal Principals desk an perform a tap-dance routine. A spotlight flashes on them. A chorus line joins in, and the guidance counselor dances around a spangled cane. I giggle. Zap.Back in their world. †In neither of these passages is Melinda listening, but people are still speaking. Thus, speaking can exist thou listening. Likewise, listening does not require speaking. It is possible you listen to things that cannot speak. Also, it is possible to listen to others, even when they do not speak. So many times share looks with my friends that say more than a thousand words ever could. To provide a real life example, today at band camp was talking to my best friend, but neither of us were speaking. Yet I know that she was listening to me, and to her.As an example from the book, page 152 is excellent. Melinda is hiding in her closet at school and she talks about her poster speaking to her. â€Å"Maya taps me on he shoulder. I'm not listening. I know I know, I don't want to hear it. I need to do something about Rachel, cometh inning for her. Maya tells me without saying anything. †Even though Melinda says that she is not listening to Maya, she evidently is. Maya isn't really saying anything, seeing as she is part of an inanimate object. Considering this, listening can also exist without speaking just as speaking can also exist without listening.Two different people, independent from each other , yet held fast by an unbreakable bond. Two different ideas, independent from each other, yet held together by an iron link. Best friends are truly just the same as speaking and listening. Choice Gag 7, 2009 The relationship between speaking and listening is that if someone is speaking for a particular reason, there is usually someone or something on the other end listening and possibly benefiting from the speaker. One can exist without the other to an extent. Someone can speak to themselves but the only one listening is themselves.Also, someone can listen to anything. Music, rain falling, cars passing by, and so many other things that are able to be listened to but none of those things are qualified as speaking. So I believe pea king cannot exist without listening, but listening can exist without speaks Eng. Junkyard's Gag 7, 2009 First of all, wow great response Beck! She's right! Speaking and listening definitely go together like brother and sister, however you have the choice to be listening when others are speaking or vice versa.Page 86 as Beck mentioned says, â€Å"By the time we eat dinner, the Battle is roaring at full pitch. Grades, blah blah blah, Attitude, blah blah blah, Help around the house, blah blah blah, Not a kid anymore, blah blah blah. †Page 115 Melinda is daydreaming while her parents are talking with the school guidance nonsense and principal. â€Å"In my headword, they jump on Principal Principals desk an perform a tap-dance routine. A spotlight flashes on them. A chorus line joins in, and the guidance counselor dances around a spangled cane. Giggle. Zap. Back in their world. †Right on again!This proves to us that speaking does not always need listening, and even in our everyday lives we often times speak random words knowing that no one is listening. Beck also mentioned a great example on page 152 of listening without speaking. Melinda talks about her poster Maya, â€Å"Maya taps me on the shoulder. I'm not listening. I know I know, I don't want to hear it. I need to do something about Rachel, something for her. Maya tells me without saying anything. †Although Mel says she is not listening, she obviously does. Therefore, listening can also exist without speaking just as speaking can exist without listen inning. Griming Gag 10, 2009 There is a symbiotic relationship between speaking and listening. One cannot exist without the other effectively. This goes back to the age old saying, if a tree falls in the forest but if no one is around to hear it did the tree actually make any noise when it fell. You can speak all you want but if no one is existing there is no point in speaking. You can listen all you want but if no one is speaking there is no point in listening. This is how Melinda felt, she could talk all she wanted but she thought no one would listen, so she figured there was no point in talking.Referring back to page 1 84 when Melinda speaks out and tells Rachel that she was raped, Rachel believes her at first but then when the person that raped Melinda was Earache's boyfriend she calls Melinda a liar and does not believe her. Dishtowel Gag 1 0, 2009 Beach, think you did a good job of exploring all of the opportunities between peaking and listening. It is true that the two go together like brother and sister, but I think that they can also stand on their own. Harrison, I would like to point out something when you said â€Å"You can speak all you want but if no one is listening there is no point in speaking. I think you have a valid point, but aren't there some people that say things purposely when nobody is listening, just to get it off of their chest without the fear of others' judgment? Think that speaking and listening have a very complicated, semi-dependent relationships with each other. Pratt Gag 10, 2009 Thanks Jean! This was actually my favorite question to answer because it was a challenge, but I knew that I would be able to come up with a good answer. Laur en, I want to bring up what you said about saying things when people aren't listening just to get it off your chest.I think that is something that we as teenagers all do. For instance, people mutter to themselves and someone says â€Å"What? †and you reply â€Å"Nothing. †then they proceed to say â€Å"What? No, seriously, tell me. Want know! †Often times I find that the person who muttered is saying something negative to themselves that they do not want everyone around them to hear, but if they do not say it they will flip. Or also, many times I will go off by myself and just try to explain things to myself to try and figure things out. No one is listening, yet I am still speaking.And as I am speaking, I am helping myself by bringing thoughts to the surface to help organize and collect myself. Speaking aloud helps me a lot, even when no one is listening. So Harrison, I also disagree with your point stating that no point exists in speaking if no one is listen ing, because speaking can be extremely worthwhile, perhaps even more worthwhile when no one is listening, because o one will interject and argue with you. Nanas Gag 12, 2009 In a mix of words Sarah says that though there is a relationship between speaking and listening, not everyone will choose to listen to what they hear.Speaking and listening cannot exist without each other and if you want to be listened to you must first listen to others and speak up so that others hear and listen to you. There is a difference between hearing and listening and if you want to speak you must be understanding and willing to listen to what others have to say as well. In Speak, Sarah states that Melinda does not speak of her rape and this is true. Though many people are willing to listen to Melinda such as her friends, mother and father, David Petrifies, Mr..Freeman and potentially others, she feels as though no one would hear her or just choose not to listen. Sarah quotes Melanin's realization that t hough, â€Å"IT†, meaning Andy Evans raped her and that it might not ever leave her, she can grow from it. When she finally figures out that it is Okay to share what occurred at the party and speak to others about it Melinda begins to grow again. Agree with Sarah that the only way Melinda can over come what happened is by speaking about it and having other people listen to her. Crooking Gag 28, 2009 Sarah Footfall makes a really good point in her explanation.
Saturday, September 14, 2019
Aims and Objectives of a Business Essay
Strategic aims and objectives of two different organisations * Aims are just general statements briefly outlining what a business plans to achieve. * Objectives are much more specific and should clarify the aims in more detail. * A Business Strategy is the conduct of drafting, implementing and evaluating cross-functional decisions that will enable an organization to achieve its long-term objectives. Aims are broken down into individual objectives which are SMART; Specific – the objective will have a purpose Measureable – growth can be measured Achievable – It will not be impossible to achieve Realistic – It Time specific – It will be able to be achieved within a certain time frame Strategic plans enable a business to achieve its Objectives. They are based on what is happening in current marketplace. So a business must do research and find lots of different information about its, customers, competitors, sales, market shares, price, costs and profits. This information is found by doing Market Research. This information can either be Quantitative or Qualitative. Quantitative data – information easily gathered by numbers. Qualitative data – information based on opinion, beliefs, feelings. A strategic plan considers the future of current decisions, overall policy, organizational development, and links to operational plans. . It establishes imperatives, goals, strategies, and performance measures for the organization that can be used as a management and communications tool. Strategies for the Public Sector A hospital may have the aim to provide better customer service. Their objectives; * Make sure all patients in A&E are seen within 15mins * Always having ambulances ready * Answering all phones within ten seconds Plans to achieve this: * Constantly checking the quality of customer service * Buying more ambulances and hiring more ambulance staff * Provide services at cost, below cost or free where appropriate It is then up to the management to ensure that these plans are executed properly so that taxpayers’ money is well spent in providing these health services. There most important stakeholder is us. Strategies of the Private Sector The most important stakeholder in a Private Sector organisation is the owner. They would aim to; * Maximise profit * Increase sales * Cut costs * To survive * To breakeven * To expand To maximise profits the long term strategy would be to; * Increase prices * Reduce costs * Increase sales Sometimes in order to make money you have to lose money first. A business might reduce its prices to gain more sales and customers and in order to do this their profits have to fall. However, a business must make a profit in the long term or it will go bust. A Short term strategy to maximise sales would be to; * Reduce prices * Improve product quality * Add new products * Spend more on advertising * Spend more in market research Cutting costs * Reduce number of employees * Reduce wastage of materials * Conserve energy If a firm decides to get rid of employees it has to be careful not to get rid of staff who might be needed in the future or even be hired by a rival company. It is also important to keep the standard of quality high, if you choose to go to a low cost supplier you might lower your standard of quality and customers might go to a rival store. Survival * In this economic climate the main aim of a business may be to survive. They may have to drop prices drastically and cut costs. Breakeven * All businesses must at the very least cover all their costs in the short term * Their revenue must cover their fixed and variable costs * Fixed costs are those unaffected by sales; e.g. rent, rates, insurance etc. * Breakeven can be measured using a graph, chart or formula Growth * In order to become a market leader a firm has to grow * Growth can be internal or external * There are three ways to measure growth; profit, sales, and market share Private Sector Objectives > Maximising profits – may benefit shareholders and managers but at the expense of employees, customers and suppliers if the business decides to increase prices and/or reduce costs. > Maximising Sales – to maximise sales a business may have to reduce prices, increase quality, or even introduce a new product. Public/Voluntary Sector Businesses in these sectors usualy serve the public in some way. Their aim is to help people. They may have different objectives than a private sector business as a business in the public/voluntary sector does not aim to make a profit. For example a charity may want to increase the amount of aid it gives to a third world country. So they will try to raise more money to be able to send things to them. This will benefit the people of the third world country, however the people that are giving the donations may then have to so without something else because they have gave their money to the charity. P3 Boots mission is to become the world’s leading pharmacy-led health and beauty group. They seek to develop their core business of pharmacy-led health and beauty retailing and pharmaceutical wholesaling across the world and become a significant player in many major international markets. Boots aims to; * Be the place for health and beauty customers. * Secure market leadership in the UK. * Build on their brands’ growing success internationally. * Create shareholder value by investing to become a more modern, efficient and competitive health and beauty retail business. Objectives Their strategy is underpinned by their continued focus on patient/customer needs and service. The key steps Boots are taking in the UK to execute their strategy are: * Making Boots more convenient and accessible for customers. They are re-branding over 1,000 outlets into â€Å"your local Boots pharmacy†and relocating more Boots stores/pharmacies to improved locations. * Improving customers’ in-store shopping experience by consistently providing best in class customer care and service. This being achieved by operating efficient walk-in prescription services staffed by friendly, knowledgeable and accessible pharmacists, and faster till service. * Creating a compelling multi-channel health and wellbeing consumer offering. Initiatives include making shopping at easier, expanding product ranges available on-line and rolling out their â€Å"order on-line collect-in-store†concept. * Continuing to provide customers with excellent value by providing trusted ranges of Boots branded products, executing strong promotional offers and rewarding customer loyalty with Boots Advantage Card points. The key steps Boots are taking in their International health and beauty markets to execute their strategy are: * Opening new stores in markets where Boots is already well established, including the Republic of Ireland, Norway and Thailand. * Selective franchising of the Boots pharmacy-led health and beauty retail proposition in areas such as the Middle East. Boots aims for Alliance Healthcare to be the world’s leading wholesaler and distributor of pharmaceutical products. To make this possible they have come up with a number of Objectives to make this possible, including; * Ensuring that they continue to deliver an excellent core service to all customers. By delivering prescription medicines to pharmacies at least twice a day on a just-in-time basis to meet patients’ needs. * Differentiating their product offering. They are achieving this through a series of initiatives which include the development of Almus, their exclusive range of generic medicines, and the extension of Alvita, their branded healthcare product range. * Entering new geographical markets where stable regulatory environments, large populations, growing healthcare expenditure, scope for wholesaler consolidation and the right management can be found, such as in Russia and China. Stakeholders Shareholders – an individual or company (including a corporation) that legally owns one or more shares of stock in a joint stock company. Shareholders would have particular interest in the aim ‘Secure market leadership in the UK’, because to secure Market Leadership in the UK would mean the company is expanding and making more capital. A Shareholder in any Business is mainly interested in the company making a profit so that their shares go up in value, therefore they get more money. Customers – someone who pays for goods or services. Customers would have a keen interest in the aim ‘Ensuring that they continue to deliver an excellent core service to all customers’. This is because when a customer goes into a shop they expect there to be great customer service, they are there spending their money on that companies goods so they expect the highest standard of customer service. Otherwise they would take their custom elsewhere. Suppliers- someone whose business is to supply a particular service or commodity. Suppliers would have a keen interest in the aim ‘Differentiating their product offering.’ This is because if Boots want to offer new products to their customers they will have to buy them off their suppliers. This means the Suppliers would be making more money. Making a profit is the Suppliers main aim. Boots order on-line collect in-store strategy would affect the following stakeholders; Customers – would be winners, as it makes shopping more convient for them. They can shop 24/7 and they don’t even have to leave their own homes. Shareholders – would be winners because when shopping is more convienent for customers sales will go up therefore shareholders will make more profit. Older Customers – would be losers, because some older people may not own a computer or even know how to use one. So it would not make shopping more convienent for them at all. Boots strategy of Differentiating their product offering would affect the following stakeholder; Customers – would be winners as they would have a wider and better range of products to choose from. Suppliers – would benefit as they would make more money because boots are buying more of their products. The Environment – may suffer though. Because new products have to be devloped and tested, some may harm the environment. Boots Strategy of Opening new stores in markets where Boots is already well established would affect the following stakeholders; Shareholders – would be winners because if new stores were opened they they would gain more service and customers and therefore make more money. Suppliers – would be winners as they would be gettingg more business as they would have to supply for the new stores. Customers – would be winners and losers. The customers that are getting the new shops in their area would be winners but customers that live in more isolated areas and will not benfit as they would not be able to use the store. Oxfam International is an international group of independent non-governmental organizations dedicated to fighting poverty and related injustice around the world. The Oxfams work together internationally to achieve greater impact by their collective efforts. Oxfam Aims to: * To Aid third world countries in any way they can * To relieve poverty, distress and suffering * To educate people about the nature, causes and effects of poverty * To campaign for a fairer world * To work with others to find lasting solutions to poverty and suffering. * Help people to help themselves, supporting local organisations in poor parts of the world. * Campaign for national and international policy changes that will help the world’s poor. Though Oxfam’s initial concern was the provision of food to relieve famine, over the years Oxfam has developed strategies to combat the causes of famine. In addition to food and medicine Oxfam also provides tools to enable people to become self-supporting and opens markets of international trade where crafts and produce from poorer regions of the world can be sold at a fair price to benefit the producer. Oxfam’s program has three main points of focus: * development work, which tries to lift communities out of poverty with long-term, sustainable solutions based on their needs; * humanitarian work, assisting those immediately affected by conflict and natural disasters (which often leads in to longer-term development work), especially in the field of water and sanitation; * lobbying, advocacy and popular campaigning, trying to affect policy decisions on the causes of conflict at local, national, and international levels. Oxfam works on; * trade justice, * fair trade, * education, * debt and aid, * livelihoods, * health, * HIV/AIDS, * gender equality, * conflict (campaigning for an international arms trade treaty) and natural disasters, * democracy and human rights, * climate change Another of Oxfams Aims is to ensure Women have the same rights as men. Project aims During 2007-8, people from 30 remote districts of Nepal will participate in Oxfams WE CAN campaign. The campaign is based around volunteer Change Makers: men and women who pledge to change their own attitudes and practices and to spread the message that women deserve equal respect and rights in society. Change Makers tell others that violence against women is not socially acceptable. WE CAN’s long-term aim is to challenge and change attitudes. In order to generate support for their campaign and to recruit male and female Change Makers in Nepal, members of local organisations will arrange 60 community-based events and one national event in 2007/08. By the end of the year, 35,000 new Change Makers will be active in Nepal. And because each Change Maker pledges to influence at least ten people, more than 350,000 people in Nepal will have heard the WE CAN message. The aim is to recruit five million Change Makers across South Asia by 2011. Another of Oxfams Aims is to Improve Health Care in Rural Georgia. This project will ensure that 50,000 people in the isolated and impoverished regions of Ajara and Samegrelo can receive local, affordable health care. Project aims The aim of the project is to improve the health of people in Georgia. It will: * Implement community-based health care schemes * Improve health awareness and practice among the wider communities * Help people to know and demand their patient rights and state health benefits * Influence the government to fulfil its commitment to provide basic health services nationwide . Another part of the Oxfam group is Oxfam International Youth Partnerships. Their Mission The Oxfam International Youth Parliament (Oxfam IYP) is an initiative of Oxfam International, managed by Oxfam Community Aid Abroad. IYP mobilises a global network of young leaders and activists to bring about positive and sustainable change. It does this through supporting youth led initiatives, facilitating skills and capacity building programs and supporting young people to advocate for their rights and freedoms and those of their communities. Aims Oxfam IYP encourages and supports young people as leaders in developing positive, sustainable, innovative and community oriented change initiatives. IYP aims to support youth led initiatives that will make a significant contribution to: * An increase in the number of people who have a sustainable livelihood. * An increase in the number of people who have access to social services. * an increase in the number of people who have an effective voice in decisions that affect their lives. * An increase in the number of people who are live free from fear and discrimination, especially those who are currently oppressed or marginalized due to their gender, ethnicity, Indigenous status or cultural identity. * An increase in the number of people who are safe from conflict and disaster. Objectives To achieve these ends IYP has the following objectives: Support youth led initiatives: To support Action Partners in the development, implementation and evaluation of social change initiatives (individual and collective action plans) through the provision of strategic and financial support. Skills development and capacity building To increase the effectiveness of Action Partners as social change leaders through further developing skills and knowledge necessary for implementing positive and sustainable change. Networking and Alliance Building To encourage and support action partners to exchange information and learning, build alliances and partnerships amongst themselves and with others to support their work for change. IYP Sittings To inspire, empower and grow the next generation of young leaders and activists. IYP sittings are international meetings between action partners that are convened every 2-3 years. Through IYP sittings action partners build skills, networks and develop social change initiatives. IYP sittings launch a cycle of activity and programs to be implemented over the next two years. Research and information exchange To establish a significant exchange of learning, information and research relating to the issues that face young people and the actions they have taken for the positive and sustainable change locally, nationally and globally. Youth Participation To actively promote the right of young men and women to meaningful participation in the decision making processes that affect their lives. IYP empowers Action Partners to participate in policy development and decision making at all levels. Oxfam International To facilitate and enhance the work of Oxfam International and its affiliates with young people around the globe. M1 Stakeholders A key Stakeholder in Oxfam would be The Third World Countries that it helps. They are probably the most important stakeholder as their lives often depend on the goodwill and charity Oxfam provides for them. Third World countries would have an interest in all of Oxfams aims, ‘To relieve poverty, distress and suffering’, ‘To campaign for a fairer world’, etc. Another Stakeholder would be the Employees (Volunteers). Oxfam employees do not get a Salary; they work for free (volunteer). This means they will have a keen interest in helping the business provide aid for third world countries. So they will have particular interest in aims such as ‘to recruit five million Change Makers across South Asia by 2011’. The Government would also have a keen interest in the aims of Oxfam. They would in particular be interested in the aim to ‘stop conflict (campaigning for an international arms trade treaty). They would be interested in this as international arms would be very important to the Government.
Friday, September 13, 2019
Multiple Sclerosis and its Development Case Study
Multiple Sclerosis and its Development - Case Study Example This has been continuous and thus has been associated with the cause of the hearing loss. His condition caused a lot of misery in his life since he mysteriously lost over 20 pounds of weight and often become fatigued. This prompted Philip to seek medical attention where a few medical and neurological checkups led to MRI scan of the brain. The results indicated a patchy demyelination controlling every part of his body, thus a confirmation of multiple sclerosis. The results proved quite challenging to him with concern for his family members, his real estate business, and fear of loss of more physical attributes (Richard, 1). Despite the condition, Philip never gave up but intensified search for more knowledge about the disease. In his endeavor of the search, he met Dr. Swank, a neurologist who introduced the low dairy diet as well as low fat for the patients suffering from the disease. This program seemed effective for Philip, and thus reducing the severity of his condition. Despite experiencing some improvements, Philip never gave up and this offered him the opportunity to meet Dr. Richard, an orthomolecular practitioner. Due to his desire to get better, he accepted a neurological diagnosis, which authenticated the weakness in the left foot, failure of concordant rotational motion of the hands, hand tremor. Moreover, he displayed junky movements of the left limbs in case of stimulation by the neurological hammer (Richard, 1). Moreover, he experienced left-sided hyperactive reflexes, had nystagmus among other symptoms of MS. However, the laboratory report was more promising and indicated an iron overload due to the high presence of ferritin, which stores a lot of protein. Consequently, the thyroid panel indicated a low activity of 1.1 while the nerve cells were sensitive to mercury due to the presence of tubulin protein. Nevertheless, the laboratory test revealed deficiencies of vitamins pyridoxine and thiamin, which facilitate nerve function (Richard, 1).Â
Thursday, September 12, 2019
Emiliano Zapata (For Latin American Humanities class) Research Paper
Emiliano Zapata (For Latin American Humanities class) - Research Paper Example Soon after being elected the mayor of Anenecuilco town in 1909, he started to defend the peasants’ debt peons’ lands, from the greedy sugarcane plantations owners. He managed to assemble thousands of peasants’ men and he remunerated them by collecting taxes from provincial cities as well as extorting from the affluent (Chasteen 219). Zapata arms mostly came from the captured from federal troops and they were wanted change from the higher level. That is why he decided to ambush the well-off, national institutions, as well as the federal army anywhere and when possible. Even though his peasants’ army acquired land and began to work on it, Zapata faced problems especially when changing from guerrilla aggravation to open combat, something which did not produce his desired victory (McLynn 221). His armed revolutionaries were referred to as Zapatistas who were mostly rural peasants. The alliance between him and Francesco Madero saw the overthrow of President Porfirio Diaz in 1910 (Chasteen 219). However, this alliance did not last for a long period, since him and Madero had dissimilar ideologies. Zapata was more concerned about land reforms something which Madero did not believe in. When Madero was overthrown by his key General, known as Victoriano Huerta, Zapata joined forces with Venustiano Carranza and Alvaro Obregà ³n to defeat Huerta in 1914, before they turned against each other (McLynn 213). Zapata was later killed in 1919 after being tricked to appear in a meeting with Jesà ºs Guajardo who was sent by Pablo Gonzà ¡lez a close general of president Venustiano Carranza (MicrosoftCorporation para 3). Some of Zapata notable achievements include the formation of the agrarian commissions, which were responsible for distributing land with no favoritism, in addition to being free of the practice whereby landowners could corrupt the
Wednesday, September 11, 2019
Speech Code Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Speech Code - Essay Example The speech code of University of Pennsylvania, for instance, is created with an aim to protect the wider student community on the campus. The code clearly places limitation on the speech and conduct when it comes to the rights of other students. No student is allowed to use threats, violence and hostility against the other. The university provides strict rules against such events and protects students from the discrimination and biases that prevail in the modern globalized world. The disciplining habits and codes of the university mentioned are aimed at preparing students for their future lives. The code of University of Pennyslvania can undergo a constitutional test and may be pronounced unconstitutional because it does not allow the students to freely speak (Lewin 2003). My current workplace has a speech code and it is adopted to avoid any kind of hate crimes occurring within the workplace. Before the speech code was implemented the workplace saw many fights happening between the w orkers. The workplace without a speech code can have several problems because of the minorities participating in the jobs. Blacks are the most targeted in the workplaces because of their lower ranks.
Tuesday, September 10, 2019
The Increasing Involvement of the Clergy in Politics Essay
The Increasing Involvement of the Clergy in Politics - Essay Example In the American context, American Muslims seem to just take care of themselves and mind their own businesses. Bill uses facts and opinion polls to back his arguments. For instance, when he says that 11% of those polled agreed that they had been influenced to vote along political divides, this only depicts the selfishness, majorly on the part of the clergy (Agnew 56). One might want to ask: why do they involve themselves in politics in the first place? Truly the American Muslims have replaced the Koran with their own interpretations, which in my view, is a paradox indeed. McKibben reveals the dangerous misinterpretations of the Koran by most American Muslims. When I read Bill’s article, what first came to my mind was the infiltration of the â€Å"expensive mega-churches†, plus their founders. When one visits some of the churches, they may be shocked by the elegance and the exurban styles of the churches. The churches are built using millions, or billions of dollars. The founders seem to use the church as an avenue to enrich themselves, promising worshippers that the â€Å"the hands that give are the hand that receives†. The American worshippers have understood this and would give an arm and a leg to receive the â€Å"blessings†. Instead of helping the poor members of the church just as Mohammed commanded, the founders and top clergy live lavish lifestyles, adorning expensive suits and other wears. In some cases, they are reportedly involved in scandals such as those pertaining to sex and politics.
Monday, September 9, 2019
Play And Childrens Development Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Play And Childrens Development - Research Paper Example In a study that measured the rate of video game playing by students compared to their academic performance, video gaming or passive gaming was found to have negative effects on the cognitive ability of students. The study reported decreasing interest in academic work due to its strong addictive nature that ties the students’ mind to such video gaming. According to this study, teachers and policy makers in education have constantly voiced their concerns regarding the detrimental effects of video passive gaming and TV watching. The study found that video gaming was negatively correlated to academic performance among college students, with the variation being much higher in male students compared to females. This may be explained by the time displacement hypothesis where media consumption takes away most of time that would be used in the intellectually challenging academic activities. Shelving such intellectual challenging activities thus leads to lower cognitive development amon g such constant passive game players, resulting to lowered cognitive development. Thus as Kantor (259) asserts, physical or active play would lead to improvement in cognitive development due to the mental activities and body systems involved, all which work to improve healthy development of an individual. Russel and Newton (295) relate passive gaming to the acute increase in obesity cases among teenagers today. According to this study, child obesity increases due to lack of enough time for physical activities, and increase in passive gaming and watching screen content.TV watching and passive gaming are rapidly displacing children physical activities with more teenagers showing increased preference to passive gaming over physical activities. The... The self-efficacy of children becomes critical in social development. Increasing children efficacy can be enhanced through increased self-confidence, which is attained when children learn to do things alone. Independence can be developed by ensuring children plan their own games and are supported and not guided in such unstructured games, which improve a child’s efficacy. Structured games will, therefore, reduce the learning process in a child compared to unstructured games, which reduces their self-efficacy, and limits their social development. Some of the plays that children can use freely to express themselves and enhance development are drawing, collages, using paper mache and block games where children arrange blocks to form different patterns. Playing is not only beneficial in developing physical health and abilities but has a great impact on social and psychological attributes in children. To ensure the benefits of physical play among children for both psychological and physical health, child play should not be directed. Allowing children to design their games and construct meanings from such games leads to creativity and self-drive, which is critical in ensuring cognitive development in children. Therefore, active play in children has to be encouraged and facilitated in any way possible to avoid health complications in obesity and other negative behaviors related to passive gaming. Such an approach in a child’s play promotes major psychological, social and physical benefits involved in physical gaming.
Sunday, September 8, 2019
Deserving graduating senior Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Deserving graduating senior - Essay Example This is the major reason as to why I am applying for this particular scholarship program. Throughout my high school education I have worked hard and put all my efforts towards achieving excellent performance. I may not have been naturally smart when it comes to the book but my efforts and encouragement from parents and teachers were influential in the attainment of what I have so far achieved. My hard work, dedication and commitment towards excelling in my studies made me create a very special bond with my teachers which prove extremely beneficial. I am an inquisitive, proactive, and flexible learner; these qualities coupled with my great effort and cordial relations with my tutors perform well. I was thus able to post high GPA results and take college classes as a junior during my senior year of high school. In my college classes at the Pen State-Beaver Campus I posted above average grades as a junior student. I therefore intend to join the Kent University on graduation from college and pursue Aviation Science. It’s my intention to participate in the United State s Air Force ROTC program at college and enlist in the Air Force after graduating from college. Apart from my academic life at school and college, I am also am outgoing person; I actively participate in extracurricular activities. I have served as President for the Ski club, and Treasurer of the Freedom Fortune 500 club. Am an active of the Spanish club, Homecoming Court 2014 and Tech Team. When it comes to track and field events I have always committed myself to athletics and soccer serving as soccer captain for the high school team while at the same time maintaining a high GPA standing in my academics. These I believe are very important for physical, mental and psychological needs of my body which translate into good health as well as performance of the brain. I extend the same to my community where I voluntarily serve as Head Coach for the
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