Monday, August 19, 2019
Survival of the Marine Corps Essay -- essays research papers fc
SURVIVAL OF THE MARINE CORPS The Marine Corps historical characteristics after the Civil War could be based in part on survivability and the need for the Marine Corps to prove its worth to the United States as a Military Force. The Marine Corps part in the Civil War had been small and not altogether impressive. Both the Army and the Navy did not regard the Marine Corps as useful. This paper will in effect touch on the Marine Corps history from after the Civil War to World War I. It will then converge on a discussion with regards to the fight against the disestablishment of the Marine Corps. (Simmons/Moskin 1998) The Marine Corps found its mission in the amphibious landings of several countries â€Å"to protect American lives and property". Some of these countries included China, Formosa, Japan, Korea, Samoa, Hawaii, Panama, Nicaragua, Uruguay, Mexico, Argentina, Chile, Colombia, Haiti, and Egypt. The United States, having conquered much of North America, was expanding overseas. Marines made small-scale landings in response to real or perceived affronts to U.S. diplomatic or economic interests. (Simmons/Moskin 1998) In 1883 the motto of the Marine Corps, "Semper Fidelis" (â€Å"always faithful†), was adopted as the official motto of the Marine Corps. Since 1812 the motto, although unofficial, had been "Fortitudine" ("with courage"). The Marine Corps adopted this motto in part because of the fact that there has never been a mutiny, or even the thought of one, among U.S. Marines. (Website For Young Marines, Online) When America became involved in the â€Å"splendid little war†against Spain when they landed in Cuba. The Marine Corps involvement was again modest with their major feat being the taking of a coaling station for the Navy. (Simmons/Moskin 1998) The day after the war with Spain ended, August 12, American troops began the occupation of Manila. Two battalions of Marines were involved in the attacking the fortified town of Novaleta. After a third battalion arrived in December the pacification of the Philippines continued. (Simmons/Moskin 1998) The Marine Corps continued to justify its means through World War I. The Marine Corps was involved in the Boxer Rebellion in China, Columbia, Cuba, Nicaragua and once again in the Philippines. Although most were minor scuffles, Marines were about to make their first significant mark in World Wa... (Warfighting Planning Course Online) It seems from the end of the Civil War to the beginning of the Korean War, there were always certain affiliations that did not see a need for a Marine Corps. In theory this would be correct as even today you can make that argument. Aviation we have the Air Force, for Naval Power we have the Navy and for ground assaults we have the Army. Being a Marine myself I am a bit sensitive on the subject. Although I think there are a multitude of reasons I believe there will always be a Marine Corps, but only one reason makes all the others seem mute. There will always be a Marine Corps because the American People want a Marine Corps. BIBLIOGRAPHY Millett, Allan R., Semper Fidelis: A History of the United States Marine Corps (New York: The Free Press, 1991). Simmons, Edwin Howard, ed. and Moskin, J. Robert, ed. The Marines: The Marine Heritage Foundation, Levin Associates, 1998. Sturkey, Marion F., Warrior Culture. Heritage Press International, 2nd Ed., 2003., RE:Macauthor, Online. Warfighting Planning Course: USMC in National Military Strategy Website for Young Marines: Common Sayings and Quotations, Chadduck Enterprises. 1999
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