Friday, May 31, 2019
The American Dream in A Raisin in the Sun by Lorraine Hansberry Essay
Check coming today? The Life Insurance check that Mama will soon be receiving is the source of all the dreams in the Younger family. A major argument that Lorraine Hansberry makes in her play A Raisin in the Sun is the importance of dreams. Dreams are what each(prenominal) member of the Younger family is driven by. Mama wants to piddle her own home in a nice part of town she does not want her children maturement up in a place with rats. Walter wants to have a successful business so he can surpass the poverty that has plagued his family. And Beneatha wants to get a good education, become a doctor, and marry a nice man. Dreams are especially important to the Younger family as they come from a poverty cockeyed family and desire to live the American Dream. Every member of the Younger family has a dream but each one is different with a different come across on what the true American Dream really is.The Youngers are a very poor family, and this shows in the setting of a tiny Chicago flatcar with several people living in close proximity of each other. Hansberry also shows how the Youngers are a proud family by the way everything is arranged in the little apartment. Everything throughout the apartment was selected with care and love and even hope and brought to this apartment and arranged with taste and pride. This shows that even though the Youngers do not have much, they are still proud of what they have. In a sense their pride is coming from the fact that they al...
Thursday, May 30, 2019
Blake :: essays research papers
In Blakes "London" the speaker connects various characters and socio/political institutions in order to go over the injustices perpetrated in England. The busy, commercial city of London functions as a space in which the speaker can imagine the inescapable interconnections of English institution and citizens. Although separated by differences of class and gender, the citizens of London brush up against each other so that the misery of the poor and dispossessed is a direct indictment of the severeness of the rich and powerful, f the institutions of state and religion. The speaker of the poem emphasizes the social and economic differences that separate the citizens of London. By repeating the intelligence information "charterd", he reminds the reader of the commercial record of the city, the fact that portions of it are owned, and that non everyone has equal access to goods or property. In the first note of hand of his poem as Blake speak s of how he is wandering through the "charterd" streets, he is commenting on this commercial aspect of London. As he moves on in his poem he also refers to the "charterd" Thames, he is telling us in this aid line that even a river which is a force of nature, is owned in London. When Blake says that he sees "marks of weakness, marks of woe" in "every face" he meets, he means that he can see how this commercialism is affecting everyone rich and poor. Yet, despite the divisions that the word charterd suggests, the speaker contends that no one in London, uncomplete rich or poor, escapes a pervasive sense of misery and entrapment. The speaker talks of how in "every cry of every man" he hears the misery. Blake is at a time again reminding us that this is affecting everyone. As he goes on to comment on he can hear it in "every infants cry of charge", he is saying that even the babies know what is going to happen to them when they grow up and they fear the misery that they will soon face. In the next line of the poem Blake chooses to use a very interesting word. When he writes "in every ban" he leaves the line open to many different interpretations. The word ban can mean a political prohibition, a curse, or an announcement of marriage. The political meaning is an obvious one in this poem, Blake obviously does not like the politics of London and he fells that the commercialism is preventing the people from being happy.
How Dickens Creates Sympathy for the Characters in Great Expectations E
How daimon Creates liberality for the Characters in gravid ExpectationsPublished initially as a weekly contribution in a local newspaper,Dickens Great Expectations developed to be a great success. GreatExpectations was a story for all classes, both rich and poorappreciated his efforts. Great Expectations is the tale of PhillipPirrip who has no family except an former(a) sister, he feels insecure inthe world around him. Having no parents to give him a sense ofidentity, he wanders in the wilderness that is the graveyard to searchfor answers. Dickens own life was very much along the lines of radar target,his father a well paid clerk went to lag for unpaid debts. Dickenshimself was a wakeful and feeble child who was not cared for. He mouldshis family history in to the character of place, who also suffers in a elan that Dickens had. This essay foc drops on which composition techniquesDickens uses to help the reader empathize with the characters of finish upand Magwich. The tech niques in particular to be examined are setting,characterization, narrative vox and dialogue.The chapter opens in the desolate setting of a muddied graveyard.Already an ambience of anxiety and uncertainty has been created. Themarsh is a symbol of wilderness, amid which stands a lonely Pip. Pipis physically and mentally alone in his surroundings he has no senseof belonging. This helps the reader empathize Pips helplessness andisolation. The wet and marshy scenery resemble a twisted nature,which reflects the events happening in Pips life. The graveyardsymbolizes death and terror. It is in the graveyard that Pip realizesthe death of his parents and encounters Magwich.Pips innocent mind hallucinates more or less the appearance of his parent... the reader as he describes in his own words, his misfortune andabandoned past.Alternatively, Dickens use of dialogue with Magwich creates a negative moving picture for him in the reader. Magwich is very aggressive in hismannerism and di alogue, for instance, Hold your noise. The suddencontrast of dialogues (from courteous to offensive) creates confusionin the passage, similar to the one that runs mingled with Magwich and Pipthroughout the chapter. However, Magwichs character is revealedthrough his dialogue and the reader starts comprehending his reasonfor acting hostile manner towards Pip. the likes of Pip, Magwich is alsovulnerable as seen with I wish I was a frog. Or a eel This piece ofdialogue shows Magwich as a man who is exasperate with his poorstandard of life. The similarity between Magwich and Pip is made moreapparent with their dialogue. How Dickens Creates Sympathy for the Characters in Great Expectations EHow Dickens Creates Sympathy for the Characters in Great ExpectationsPublished initially as a weekly contribution in a local newspaper,Dickens Great Expectations developed to be a great success. GreatExpectations was a story for all classes, both rich and poorappreciated his efforts. Gr eat Expectations is the tale of PhillipPirrip who has no family except an older sister, he feels insecure inthe world around him. Having no parents to give him a sense ofidentity, he wanders in the wilderness that is the graveyard to searchfor answers. Dickens own life was very much along the lines of Pip,his father a well paid clerk went to jail for unpaid debts. Dickenshimself was a weak and feeble child who was not cared for. He mouldshis family history in to the character of Pip, who also suffers in away that Dickens had. This essay focuses on which writing techniquesDickens uses to help the reader empathize with the characters of Pipand Magwich. The techniques in particular to be examined are setting,characterization, narrative voice and dialogue.The chapter opens in the desolate setting of a marshy graveyard.Already an ambience of anxiety and uncertainty has been created. Themarsh is a symbol of wilderness, amid which stands a lonely Pip. Pipis physically and mentally alone in his surroundings he has no senseof belonging. This helps the reader empathize Pips helplessness andisolation. The wet and marshy scenery resemble a distorted nature,which reflects the events happening in Pips life. The graveyardsymbolizes death and terror. It is in the graveyard that Pip realizesthe death of his parents and encounters Magwich.Pips innocent mind hallucinates about the appearance of his parent... the reader as he describes in his own words, his misfortune andabandoned past.Alternatively, Dickens use of dialogue with Magwich creates a negativeimpression for him in the reader. Magwich is very aggressive in hismannerism and dialogue, for instance, Hold your noise. The suddencontrast of dialogues (from courteous to offensive) creates confusionin the passage, similar to the one that runs between Magwich and Pipthroughout the chapter. However, Magwichs character is revealedthrough his dialogue and the reader starts comprehending his reasonfor acting hostile manner t owards Pip. Like Pip, Magwich is alsovulnerable as seen with I wish I was a frog. Or a eel This piece ofdialogue shows Magwich as a man who is infuriated with his poorstandard of life. The similarity between Magwich and Pip is made moreapparent with their dialogue.
Wednesday, May 29, 2019
Men and Women in Music Essay -- Gender Roles
sexual practice is a set of attitudes, beliefs and behaviors that we typically associate with masculinity and femininity (Brym, 2011, p.76). A lot of times, these differences are socially constructed through various outlets one of them being music. Often times there is a lot of confusion amidst the definition of sex and gender. An easy steering to understand the two definitions is to remember that sex refers to biological differences between men and women and gender refers to culturally delimitate ways of being male or female. Through a process of gender socialization, we are enabled to understand how to be more masculine or maidenly (Brym, 2011, p.89). Music is definitely a contributor in the process of gender socialization. In a sociology 100 class, on February 3rd 2011, a class word of honor suggested that men are often characterized as violent, assertive, strong, and sexual instigators (reinforced by Pruitt, 2007). Since the beginning of time, men have been considered the dominant sex. In the same class discussion it was excessively suggested that women were emotional, motherly and insecure (again, reinforced by Pruitt, 2007). Unfortunately, women are seen as the weaker sex in society. This simplistic way of categorizing women and men is commonly referred to as gender stereotyping. Gender stereotyping is the simplification of common beliefs about men and women and the traits that they possess (Brym, 2011, p.156). Gender roles are socially constructed expectations on how males and females are required to behave in social settings (Brym, 2011, p.76). The line of work with gender roles is that theyre socially constructed meaning, its constantly changing. The term assumes that there are strict differences between men and women and the truth of t... a part of. The women enkindle concepts like independence and freedom for women and have helped fuel the feminist movement in the humankind through music. Conversely, rap music is a Black male-domi nated genre that promotes aggressiveness, sexuality and dominance over women (Conrad et al., 2009). This genre is notorious for being misogynistic and sexist towards women (Conrad et al., 2009). As the world continues to evolve and grow, hopefully women will get the recognition they deserve in music and in the world in general. This way, there can be equality between the sexes in every aspect of life. However, the only way that this can happen is by allowing space for women in male-dominated genres like rap. Music is a social phenomenon that is constantly bringing people all over the world together. Hopefully in years to come, we can eradicate all inequalities within music.
Weather and Environment Impacts in Brazil Essay -- Brazil Rainforest C
Weather and Environment Impacts in BrazilManaus is a remote town locate in a rainforest, so obviously there is a large influence by the weather on the environment approximately Manaus. Yearly it receives intimately 84 inches of rainfallinches of rainfall leading to the first environmental impact of the weather flooding. Manaus is located near the junction of two major rivers, the Rio Negro and the Rio Solimoes, which combine roughly to the east of Manaus to from the Amazon river. The land is relatively flat, and therefore serves as a flood basin for the rivers. The average yearly fall of the river may be around 33 feet (1). The flooding is a risk to humans in that it may threaten the city and homes, but there is also important ecological benefits that melodic theme from the inundations. The flooding of riverside forest provides important habitat for fish, particularly juveniles which can use the trees root structure to avoid predation (1). A potentially more controversial result of the flooding is that fields which are inundated are an important source of atmospheric methane, as well as good nursery grounds (1) Methane is a babys room gas, which may lead some individuals to call for flood control of the plains in an effort to limit greenhouse gas emission in Brazil. There is a dam built up river of Manaus, but there have been problems with Amazonian dams. Because of the rainforest large amounts of plant rubble ends up in the rivers, where it gets caught behind the dams and causes sedimentation, similar to silts in American rivers (2). Unlike north American sedimentation ho wever, the climate in Brazil allows for rapid breakdown of the plant detritus, acidifying the water and releasing large amounts of Methane into the air. The dams reservo... ... become. Fires also put particulate mater into the air, which is classified as a pollutant.Referenceshttp// accessed 11/29/04http// erica/ brazil-nut tree/about_destin/nature.html accessed 11/29/04http// accessed 11/29/04http// accessed 11/29/04Bruijnzeel, L.A. Hydrological functions of tropical forests not seeing the soil for the trees? Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 1041 185-228Durieux, L. Machad, L.A.T. Laurent, H. The impact of deforestation on cloud cover over the Amazon arc of deforestation. Remote Sensing of Environment 861 132-140Lamb, H.H. Climate Change and the Modern World. new York, NY. Routledge 1995Somerville, R.C.J. The Forgiving Air. Berkley, CA. University of California Press 1996
Tuesday, May 28, 2019
The Woman Warrior :: essays research papers
Love MedicineLipsha Morriseys confusion about his place in society results in his combining both old Indian traditions with new American ideas in an attempt to discover himself and his place in society. Although this combination ultimately ends with disaster, Lipsha uncovers a powerful lesson about love.Lipshas first mistake begins when he decides to concoct a "love medicine". Fearing for Nector and Maries relationship, he draws from old Indian superstitions since "these love medicines is something of an old Chippewa specialty" (241). But in reality, while the idea of the love charm was innate(p) in Indian tradition, Lipsha strays into the American realm when creating the charm. Instead of the mettles of wild geese that the spell requires, Lipsha buys turkey hearts from the grocery story, a completely American creation. shunning the Chippewa gods, Lipsha instead attempts to have the hearts blessed by a catholic priest. His attempts at playing love doctor backfire w hen Nector chokes on the turkey heart and dies. Yet even though Lipsha repents and realizes "it was all my fault for playing with power I did not understand", Nectors true love for Marie is allowed the chance to be revealed when his biography returns for a final fairwell (255). Lipsha knows that since the love medicine was a fraud, Nectors love was real. "He loved you over time and distanceIts true feeling, not no magic. No supermarket heart could have brung him back" (257).Much analogous his decision to "Americanize" ancient Indian love spells, Lipsha mentally "Americanizes" whatever seems to reflect the old culture. His observations of tribe and life reflect his susceptibility to American influences. Throughout the chapter, he makes references to video games and pinball machines when describing something. Death has always been an important part of Indian culture, as testify in numerous myths and legends. American Indians believe the mind is a t angible object, existing in all living objects. As a person dies, the soul departs, and travels to a realm of spirits. When Nector lays dying on the floor, Lipsha draws from his Indian heritage, the respect and awe of the soul while describing it with an American twist. "Time was flashing back and forth like a pinball machine.
Monday, May 27, 2019
Case Studies in Finance Company G & H Essay
caller-out G deals mostly in selling books in a large sell setting, however they implement a concept that is more community-based. Company H deals in a variety of media, including books, music, and video along with electronics and other varieties of merchandise. Not just does Company H differ in merchandise variety, but it also differs from Company G in that it is internet-based only and is highly interested in pull ahead corporate acquisitionsvery different from Company Gs community store concept. Bruner, Eades, & Schill, 2010, pp. 96-97).Since Company H has a variety of merchandise to sell, along with its interest in acquisitions it has a significantly higher level of net inflexible assets than that of Company G. Acquisitions will always increase the level of net fixed assets. Since Company G tends to implement a strategy that does not favor large acquisitions, its level is lower at a level of 7. 6 versus 24. 4 in Company H.Company H also exceeds Company G in most of the liabi lities section, which automatically gives Company H a leg up in being able to take on more liabilities such as credits and loans. However, Company G comes out winning in term of income and expenses, with a net income of 8. 5%. Company Hs net income ended at 2. 9%. This also relates to lowered percentage of SG&A expenses on Company Gs side, higher interest income, special items income, and its lower percentage of income taxes.Company G is also considered to be more liquid than Company G, with a current ratio of 1. 57 versus Company Hs 1. 49. This indicates that while Company G has more liabilities, it is better-able to pay its short-term liabilities than Company H. It is apprehensible why Company H keeps its liabilities slightly lower so that they do not become overwhelmed with short-terms loans and notes that it will not be able to pay gumption on time.
Saturday, May 25, 2019
Dijkstra Paper
(A Look Back at) Go To Statement Considered Harmful Edsger Dijkstra wrote a Letter to the Editor of Communications in 1968, criticizing the excessive use of the go to statement in course of studyming languages. Instead, he encouraged his fellow computer scientists to keep back out structured scheduleming. The letter, originally entitled A Case Against the Goto Statement, was published in the March 1968 issue under the headline Go To Statement Considered Harmful. It would become the close leg residuumary CACM Letter of all clipping Considered Harmful would develop into an iconic catch-all.Dijkstras comments sparked an editorial debate that spanned these pages for over 20 years. In honor of the occasion, we republish here the original letter that started it all. Editor For a number of years I open been familiar with the observation that the quality of programmers is a decreasing feed of the density of go to statements in the programs they produce. More recently I discovered wh y the use of the go to statement has such disastrous effects, and I became win over that the go to statement should be abolished from all higher level programming languages (i. e. verything except, perhaps, plain machine code). At that time I did not attach in addition much importance to this discovery I at once submit my considerations for publication because in very recent discussions in which the subject turned up, I have been urged to do so. My first remark is that, although the programmers activity ends when he has constructed a correct program, the military operation taking place under control of his program is the true subject matter of his activity, for it is this process that has to accomplish the desired effect it is this process that in its alive(p) behavior has to satisfy the desired specifications.Yet, once the program has been made, the making of the corresponding process is delegated to the machine. My second remark is that our intellectual powers are rather geare d to master static relations and that our powers to visualize processes evolving in time are relatively poorly developed. For that reason we should do (as wise programmers aware of our limitations) our utmost to shorten the conceptual gap between the static program and the dynamic process, to make the correspondence between the program (spread out in text space) and the process (spread out in time) as trivial as possible.Let us now consider how we hindquarters characterize the give of a process. (You may think about this question in a very concrete manner say that a process, considered as a time succession of actions, is stopped after an arbitrary action, what data do we have to fix in order that we can redo the process until the very same point? ) If the program text is a pure concatenation of, say, assignment statements (for the purpose of this discussion regarded as the descriptions of ace actions) it is sufficient to point in the program text to a point between two concomi tant action descriptions. In the absence of go to statements I can permit myself the syntactic ambiguity in the last three words of the previous sentence if we parse them as successive (action descriptions) we mean successive in text space if we parse as (successive action) descriptions we mean successive in time. ) Let us 7 PAUL WATSON communication theory OF THE ACM January 2008/Vol. 51, No. 1 Forum call such a pointer to a suitable place in the text a textual index. When we include conditional clauses (if B then A), alternative clauses (if B then A1 else A2), choice clauses as introduced by C.A. R. Hoare (casei of (A1, A2, , An)), or conditional expressions as introduced by J. McCarthy (B1__ E1, B2 __ E2, , Bn __ En), the fact re primary(prenominal)s that the take place of the process remains characterized by a private textual index. As soon as we include in our language procedures we must admit that a single textual index is no longer sufficient. In the case that a textu al index points to the interior of a procedure body the dynamic progress is only characterized when we also give to which call of the procedure we refer.With the inclusion of procedures we can characterize the progress of the process via a season of textual indices, the length of this sequence being equal to the dynamic depth of procedure calling. Let us now consider repeat clauses (like, while B repeat A or repeat A until B). Logically speaking, such clauses are now superfluous, because we can express repetition with the aid of recursive procedures. For reasons of realism I dont wish to exclude them on the adept hand, repetition clauses can be implemented quite comfortably with present day finite equipment on the early(a) hand, the reasoning pattern known as induction makes us well quipped to retain our intellectual grasp on the processes generated by repetition clauses. With the inclusion of the repetition clauses 8 textual indices are no longer sufficient to describe the dynam ic progress of the process. With each entry into a repetition clause, however, we can relate a socalled dynamic index, inexorably find out the ordinal number of the corresponding current repetition. As repetition clauses (just as procedure calls) may be utilise nestedly, we find that now the progress of the process can always be uniquely characterized by a (mixed) sequence of textual and/or dynamic indices.The main point is that the values of these indices are outside programmers control they are generated (either by the write-up of his program or by the dynamic evolution of the process) whether he wishes or not. They provide independent coordinates in which to describe the progress of the process. Why do we need such independent coordinates? The reason isand this seems to be inherent to sequential processesthat we can interpret the value of a variable only with respect to the progress of the process.If we wish to count the number, n say, of people in an initially quash room, we can achieve this by increasing n by one whenever we see person entering the room. In the inbetween moment that we have observed someone entering the room but have not yet performed the subsequent increase of n, its value equals the number of people in the room minus one The unbridled use of the go to statement has an immediate consequence that it becomes terribly hard to find a meaningful set of coordinates in which to describe he process progress. Usually, people take into account as well the values of some well chosen variables, but this is out of the question because it is relative to the progress that the meaning of these values is to be unders to a faultd With the go to statement one can, of course, still describe the progress uniquely by a counter counting the number of actions performed since program start (viz. a kind of normalized clock). The difficulty is that such a coordinate, although unique, is utterly unhelpful.In such a coordinate system it becomes an extremely en tangled affair to define all those points of progress where, say, n equals the number of persons in the room minus one The go to statement as it stands is just too primitive it is too much an invitation to make a mess of ones program. One can regard and appreciate the clauses considered as bridling its use. I do not claim that the clauses mentioned are exhaustive in the sense that they will satisfy all needs, but whatever clauses are suggested (e. g. bortion clauses) they should satisfy the requirement that a programmer independent coordinate system can be maintained to describe the process in a helpful and manageable way. It is hard to end this with a fair acknowledgment. Am I to judge by whom my thinking has been influenced? It is fairly obvious that I am not uninfluenced by shit Landin and Christopher Strachey. Finally I should like to record (as I remember it quite distinctly) how Heinz Zemanek at the pre-ALGOL meeting in early 1959 in Copenhagen quite explic- January 2008/Vol. 1, No. 1 COMMUNICATIONS OF THE ACM itly expressed his doubts whether the go to statement should be treated on equal syntactic footing with the assignment statement. To a modest extent I blame myself for not having then drawn the consequences of his remark. The remark about the undesirability of the go to statement is far from new. I remember having read the explicit recommendation to hold back the use of the go to statement to alarm exits, but I have not been able to trace it presumably, it has been made by C. A. R. Hoare. In 1, Sec. 3. . 1. Wirth and Hoare together make a remark in the same direction in motivating the case construction Like the conditional, it mirrors the dynamic structure of a program more clearly than go to statements and switches, and it eliminates the need for introducing a large number of labels in the program. In 2 Guiseppe Jacopini seems to have proved the (logical) superfluousness of the go to statement. The exercise to translate an arbitrary escape d iagram more or less mechanically into a jumpless one, however, is not to be recommended.Then the resulting flow diagram cannot be expected to be more right-down than the original one. REFERENCES 1. Wirth, Niklaus, and Hoare, C. A. R. A contribution to the development of ALGOL. Comm. ACM 9 (June 1966), 413432. 2. Bohn, Corrado, and Jacopini, Guiseppe. Flow Diagrams, Turing machines and languages with only two formation rules. Comm. ACM 9 (May 1966) 366371. Coming Next Month in COMMUNICATIONS Alternate Reality Gaming IT Diffusion in Developing Countries Are People Biased in their Use of Search Engines?The Factors that Affect Knowledge-Sharing Behavior choice Scenarios to the Banner Years Municipal Broadband Wireless Networks The Myths and Truths about Wireless Security Managing Large Collections of Data Mining Models Women and Men in IT Alike or Different? EDSGER W. DIJKSTRA Technological University Eindhoven, The Netherlands Communications of the ACM March 1968, Vol. 11, No. 3, pg 1 47 COMMUNICATIONS OF THE ACM January 2008/Vol. 51, No. 1 9
Friday, May 24, 2019
mettle It Does My Body Good I eat meat I drink milk I eat eggs. I dont eat it at every meal, but I do eat it daily. For the sake of this essay, I will state that I, clearly, am not a vegetarian. appropriate me begin by explaining the term vegetarian as used in this essay a vegetarian is a person that does not consume meat. There multiple forms of vegetarianism ovo-vegetarian regimen includes eggs but not dairy products lacto-vegetarian viands includes dairy products but not eggs ovo-lacto vegetarian regimen includes dairy and eggs but not meat.A vegan is the strictest vegetarian diet and excludes all animal products including eggs, dairy and honey. Some vegetarian diets, however, do include fish or chicken, but not red meat. After reading several(prenominal) articles on the pros and cons of being, or not being, a vegetarian, I came upon an article by William T. Jarvis, PH. D entitled Why I Am Not A Vegetarian that encompassed many of my similar views. Dr. Jarvis, now retired, was a professor of public health and preventive medicine at Lorna Linda University, and founder and president of The National Council Against Health Fraud and he is a Seventh Day Adventist.Seventh Day Adventists are strong believers in vegetarianism, which is one reason why I enjoyed his opposing viewpoint. In the article by Dr. Jarvis, several topics and theories are discussed including his observation on classifying vegetarians in two behavioral categories pragmatic or ideologic. A pragmatic vegetarian is rational and most often are vegetarian egress of health related concerns, but an ideologic vegetarian is one that is more emotionally rooted in the behavior as a matter of principle so to speak. It is his views on the pragmatic vegetarian that closely mirror my own. In the article, Dr.Jarvis points out that it is possible to obtain all the essential nutrients needed, except vitamin B-12, by eating a vegetarian diet however, he also points out that the same can be said for eating an all meat diet, too. temporary hookup I understand the need that some have to refrain from eating certain foods for health related issues, I believe that our body needs meat. Also, to me, meat tastes good. The quality of protein from meat exceeds the quality of protein from plants. Meat contains much more protein by mass, and this protein contains all the essential amino acids, in the correct balance.Meat is also rich is Iron which is needed by pregnant women and old women approaching menopause. Many argue that there are certain health risks of eating meat, especially red meat, but they often tend to be exaggerated. debar processed meat and try to eat lean meat as much as possible, and meat can be very healthy in the diet, and does not increase risk of heart disease or cancer, as Dr. Jarvis also pointed out in his article quoting scientific data from nutrition-related research supports vegetarianism only(prenominal) tentatively.Another reason I think eating meat is healthier than a vegetarian diet is that we, humans, are fully able to digest meat. We have canine teeth, which allow us to chew meat, and enzymes in our stomach and small intestine to digest it. In conclusion, eating meat tends to be an economical option for nutrition overall. While it is possible to get all the nutrients in meat on a vegetarian diet, it is much more difficult, often resulting in the need to obtain various types of grains to tally that no vitamins, minerals, or amino acids are missing.This can be inconvenient and costly, and difficult to prepare. Meat supplies us with the vitamins we need in everyday life. Although, the other articles I read are opposed to meat eating they still share the health risks of not eating meat, and that meat does the body good. Work Cited Why I Am Not a Vegetarian. Why I Am Not a Vegetarian. N. p. , n. d. Web. 25 Sept. 2012. <http//www. quackwatch. org/01QuackeryRelatedTopics/vegan. html>.
Thursday, May 23, 2019
Development and Social Change Essay
Although globalization made earlier appearances, the trend has unfolded with unprecedented speeds, and to unprecedented extents since the 1960s. (SCHOLTE. 2000) This essay pass on explain how the forces of globalisation have shaped and will continue to shape, the pecuniary, demographic, and political societies we see around us today. It will identify the extent to which sustained globalization has the crevice between p everyplacety, comparative poverty, and luxury. Such positive and negative attri thoes affect society on a number of different levels, the individual, the household, the firm, the town, the region, the sector, the nation. (Kaplinsky) This essay will submit and in-depth analysis and examples of how such global processes have worked to erode the fortunes of so many (sierra Leone) whilst in like manner being the catalyst for success in early(a) areas (Mexico). (HELD. 2007) The Race to the Bottom, is a term describing the intra-national contest for the most favour able environment for business trading, manufacture and investment.Following its successful application to join the World Trading Organisation (WTO) in November 2001, chinaware has experienced a vast influx of foreign investment. This has as expected empowered the Chinese economy to the detriment of its former South-east Asiatic exporting partners. Hong Kong and Taiwan had nurtured the Chinese economy for a decade previously, and now find that their economies are being hollowed out, as China sucks away jobs. (CHAN. 2009) How did this happen? In the early 1990s China introduced its first lower limit engage system with the intention of protecting its workforce.Due to the great versatility of China, the government came up with a face ( found upon local living costs inflation etc. ) with which each city or region would publish and enforce its own minimum prosecute. The benchmark for all(prenominal) minimum wages set is between 40% and 60% of the average wage in that locality. S ince 1993, according to a study by the Bureau of global Labour Affairs, almost all of the provincial governments have failed to maintain these standards see table 2. Their desire to attract investment has forced the minimum wage average wage percentage further down.Shenzhen, a model Chinese exports city, paid, on average, 10% less that the absolute minimum wage required by the government and outside(a) labour standards. Conversely, the city of Chongqing, which is not export-led or globally integ setd, consistently achieves almost 10% much than its minimum required standards (49. 86% in 2000). Chan concludes a perturbing trend. She suggests that as a region or province becomes more prosperous, it violates the national guidelines and seeks to maintain its attractiveness to foreign capital by keeping its minimum wage level lowthe benefits of globalisation with this competitive logic have not, and will not, trickle down to those who make the products. (CHAN. 2009) The Human De velopment Report 2006-2008 uses Corrado Ginis coefficient to spotlight an sum up in overall inequality from 0. 31 to 0. 45 during the initial years of repossess. Coefficient measures between 0 and 1 where 0 is complete equality. (FACTSHEET. 2008) However, the benefits of neo-liberal economic refine in China seem to have had a positive effect on Poverty. Between 1990 and 2005 the influx of industry and trade bought a per capita growth averaging 8. 7%.Using the World Bank poverty line, (mensurable at Purchasing Power Parity (PPP)) household surveys suggest that post 1981, 54% (500,000,000 people) of the population of China scramble over the poverty line. (CHAN. 2009) In this sense, we must conclude that global economic integration in China has seen a signifi grasst reduction in poverty, but an increase in income inequality has come from overwhelming national development due to increasingly capitalist structures stemming from trade liberalization. What advocates of globalization e mit is that two thirds of Chinese industry relies on coal, and fair(a) 7% of their energy sources are renewable.A report from the Financial Times found that air pollution in China caused by heavy industry and chemical production has led to the annual premature deaths of 400,000 (air quality) 300,000 (indoor air quality) and a further 60,000 due to poor water quality. (BBC. 2007) in that location is 1 country in the world where economic growth rate has consistently outpaced that of the Asian Tigers Botswana (9% average annual growth). Botswana had a gross domestic product per capita of just US$ 77 at independence from Britain (1966). It now stands at US$ 7,554 (GLOBAL PROPERTY. 2010).Kraay notes that A sustainable future in Africa rests on its ability to develop and maximise raw(a) resources. Diamonds play a major role in these efforts. Diamond extraction and production requires a large investment of initial capital. In the case of Botswana, DeBeers and the governing body of Bot swana invested 5050 US$40 million in the Damtshaa mine. FDI in diamonds around Botswana accounts for 33% of gross domestic product growth. Global trading and distribution of diamonds and other minerals accounted for 55% of total government revenues in the late 1990s. (MBENDI. 2009)Botswanas history of sound management, good governance Botswana has an accountable parliament and holds regular democratic elections and an emerging rivet on enhancing regional competitiveness should serve it well as it continues efforts to diversify. (WORLD BANK. 2009) So, to what extent basin we propose Botswana as a model of how sustain Globalization croupe Eliminate World Poverty? Firstly it is important to note the income elasticity of diamonds and other such minerals. They are a luxury product and due to the flowing economic downturn, as real wages decrease, demand is likely to proportionally decrease also.Growth estimates for 2009-2010 predict a contraction of 10. 2%. It seems that over doct rine on the global export market has forged vulnerabilities in an other than stable nation. However the non-mining private sector of Botswana has proved to have deep foundations, arrangement a 9. 4% market increase this year. Either way, prudent fiscal and taxation policy, and low level of public debt (3% of GDP) resulting from huge capital influx over the years, mean that national reserves are likely to hold out for the recession period. (MBENDI. 2009)Secondly, it is important to note (as was the case in China), that increase in GDP is not directly proportional to poverty decrease. The most deprived quintile share just 1% of GDP, whilst the second quintile accounts for 5. 9% (Gini coefficient 0. 6). This means that 47% of the population inactive live below the poverty line. perchance the capital gains still need more time to filter down through infrastructure development and mend? In 1966 there were just 3 miles of roads now there are 4,000 miles, a public transportation system and a nation-wide telephone grid.(WORKMAN. 2006) Perhaps the figures are being distorted by the unstoppable force of HIV/AIDs and malaria that has hit Botswana so hard recently? It is impossible to say. What we can say, however, is that in order to reap the benefits of global trade in the long-term, Botswana must recognise the fragilities of basing their economy on an exhaustible and export-orientated resource. In 1991 the Revolutionary United Front (RUF) nether Froday Sankoh, launched assaults against the Government of sierra Leone. Their goal was to combat crime and corruption. The ensuing 11-year conflict was funded throughout by revenues generated by the diamond trade (an estimated initial worth of US$ 125 million). A median estimate suggests the murder of 75,000 (USA Today and The Times). A less conservative opinion from the Agence France Presse believe the figure was nearer to 200,000. (WORLD BANK. 2009) Either way, the debilitate on capital, raw(a) resources, labour demogr aphic and widespread looting was funded by the global financial market and African integration with it. Capital obtained from conflict diamonds was notably from consumerism in the global North.Following the end of the war in 2000, the country was exposed to anarchy and complete economic collapse. Drugs and arms trafficking in cocaine and ex-soviet ordnance was rife, and corrupt feudal political structures further intensified income inequality Gini coefficient over 0. 6. In 2004 its trade deficit totalled $US 350 million. (FACTSHEET. 2005) In the same year the UN named Sierra Leone the poorest country in the world ( base on PPP/capita) and the worlds least livable country, based on its poverty and the poor Quality of Life its citizens must endure. (WORKMAN. 2006) Whose mar is it?Is it the greediness of the conflicting armies? Is it the presence of such a store of wealth in a poverty-stricken country with few other natural resources? Is it the process of a global market that has created cosmic demand for such commodities? Time will tell. What we can see is that again, (as was the case in China and Botswana) global financial demand caused a sharp increase in GDP of the country. In 1965 GPD in Sierra Leone was US$ 246 in 2000 it was US$1,330,429 see Table. 3. We can also say that this does not in any way correlate to an increase in living standards or reduction in poverty.It represents a huge toss in the neo-liberal ideology and Shahs suggestion that Sustained economic growth is the way to human progress. Economic globalisation in the form of freer circulation of capital would be beneficial to everyone. (SHAH. 2009) This essay suggests that however trade and political systems are constructed, without complete socialism, conflict can, has, and will continue to peak at the emergence of valuable natural resources. We can also conclude that whilst globalization could offer the best prospects for eliminating world poverty, African history stands in the way of such an ideology.(Table 6) It is not, however, all doom and gloominess for the globalization and poverty argument. Mexico in many ways lost the Race to the bottom to China, but neo-liberal reform has played a vital role in the successful integration of the Mexican economy into the global manufacture and export market. Prior to the 1980s (and economic downturn), Mexican economics was characterised by protectionist policies, high tariffs and quotas, and restrictions to FDI. By 1981 choking fiscal profligacy and vulnerability to external conditions (notably the 1973 oil shock) caused an imbalance of payments and massive capital flight.This caused huge inflation and the worst recession since the 1930s, forcing devaluation of the Peso on numerous occasions and further recession. (SOMMER. 2008) The North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) eliminated the almost all import and export taxes and infused a gradual fade-out of the majority of tariffs between Mexico, the US and Canada. Foll owing initial success, (Table. 4) the government then furthered economic liberalization by implementing 11 free trade agreements with the EU, Japan, and countries in South and primaeval America.Table. 4 shows how Mexican commodities exported to the United States increases from US$39. 9 billion in 1993 to US$ 210. 8 billion in 2007 (437% increase). Over the same period GDP grew 46%. (SOMMER. 2008) The success of the Mexican model is based largely on efficiency and proximity. Maquiladoras are large manufacturing and export plants, the majority of which are located just south of the US border. There are around one million workers employed in any of the 3,000 clothing, furniture and electronic equipment factories.Their proximity to the US gains them a significant advantage in terms of lower indirect costs (90% of production is transported North straightaway) than those of Asian Tigers and the Pacific Ring countries. (BORRAZ. 2007) In contrast to Sierra Leone and Botswana, GDP increase seems to have direct correlation with improvements in real wages a negative correlation with income inequality and an overall reduction in poverty. Evidence of its success is shown by a net decrease in Gini coefficient between 1992 and 2002 (Table 5). (FACTSHEET. 2005)Borraz shows that income is less concentrated and has a lower Gini coefficient in states that are more closely linked to the global economy. He suggests that states with stronger links to the world economy might offer proportionately high wages to the unskilled workforce in this case (young) women. Unskilled women in Mexico earn between 7% and 16% more than their counterparts in non-globalized or exporting states. Overall, in 2002, 7 out of 9 states in Mexico have seen a decrease in income inequality. (BORRAZ. 2007) Why then, has Mexico succeeded in reducing poverty, whilst Sierra Leone has not?According to Borraz there are two main reasons for Mexican success 1. Commitment to universal education in the 1940s realize d a significant increase in skilled labour and higher overall productivity sustained GDP growth of 3-4% from 1940. Governmental organizations like PROGRESA have hugely enhanced school attendance rates and decreased peasant labour. In November 1999 PROGRESA strategies accounted for 82% of the 25% of boys who left work to choose basic or higher education. Thus it was inward looking development strategies prior to neo-liberal reform meant the basic infrastructures for rapid growth were already there.2. Luck. On the verge of complete inward economic collapse, the discovery of the Cantarell oil fields in 1976 sustained an otherwise weakened and fluctuating Mexican economy. (BORRAZ. 2007) However, it is true that NAFTA and other trade liberalization schemes in the Americas have reduced income inequalities and increased real wages in Mexico but at what cost? The violation of human rights of a million of underpaid (US$ 3. 40/day) overworked (up to 60 hours/week) underage (girls often st art at 12 or 13) workers with minimum knowledge of their rights.In 1987 a worker had to work 8 hours and 47 minutes to buy the basic food basket for a family of four. Today it takes 34 hours. (CORPWATCH. 2009) The pollution of New River in Mexicali Valley which runs into the Rio Grande is now dumped with 130 million gallons of industrial waste each day. According to the Texas Department of Health, since NAFTA went into effect the Hepatitis A rate for Cameron County shot up from 17. 8 per 100,000 residents to 87. 4 per 100,000 an increase of almost 400%. (CORPWATCH. 2009) The Zapatistas have also suffered hugely from opening the agricultural market to mass produced US market-garden exports.Their anti-globalization ideology highlights that their inability to compete with mechanically harvested, artificially fertilized and genetically modified imports from the US. NAFTA also eliminated crop subsidies for Mexico while US farmers still receive them. The agrarian based society has direc tly suffered from a decrease in real wages and an increase in comparative poverty due to open trade. Further, China Page 2 & Table 1 has weakened the allure of Maquiladoras in recent years and some report that more than 500 plants have been closed since the beginning of the decade. (SOMMER. 2009) Currently, the future of the Mexican economy is unknown. Sharp decreases in PEMEX oil production and the current financial crisis in the U. S. is revealing more weaknesses in the Mexican export strategy. (RANDEWICH. 2008) Conclusion Does Sustained globalisation offers the best prospects for eliminating world poverty. ? Firstly there is no confirmed method of effectively measuring either Globalization or Poverty. One can not accurately judge the benefits/detrimental effects of globalization without a baseline measure for poverty.QOL indicators, the Gini coefficient, and GDP are subject to variations and outside influences that cannot be measured or corrected (E. g. measuring GDP in Kerala or measuring the Gini coefficient of China). The Neo-liberal argument that increased density of economic integration between countries will increase overall efficiency due to the specialization of resource use is likely to be correct. The majority of trade liberalization cases show an overall increase in GDP. This cannot be taken further to suggest that it directly benefits those living in poverty.Further, in the case of Mexico and China, evidence suggests trade liberalization pits global forces against each other and with no weight divisions and no handicaps, smaller regions, towns, industries and households cannot be expected to win. The eradication of global inequality requires much more than simply repeating the tired empty words of anti-imperialism, anti-capitalism or, even worse, marking globalization work for the poor. (HELD. 2007) Claire Shorts White Paper (Title) fails to recognise this, suggesting 5 common elements to successful poverty reduction based around a neo-libe ral framework1. Openness to trade and eagerness to attract FDI. 2. Political stability and competent governments committed to economic growth. 3. Savings and investment of at least 25% of national income. 4. Economic stability controlled inflation and government budgeting avoiding production collapse. 5. Market allocation of resources minimal necessary government intervention. (DFID. 2006) Such claims can be considered naive. The DFID paper reads like a propaganda policy designed to gain electoral support. This essay suggests that there are only three conclusions that can be drawn.1. That trade liberalization generally incurs an increase in international trade and GDP. 2. Every international institution throughout history has been hierarchical and composed of rife and subordinate states there has never been, and in the future is never likely to be, an egalitarian and democratic international system. (HELD. 2007) 3. Globalization is in fast forward, and the worlds ability to unders tand and react to it is in slow motion. (TURNER. 2003) Table 1 (WORLD BANK. 2009) (CHAN. 2009) Table 3. Estimated GDP Sierra Leone (WORLD BANK.2009) TABLE. 4 (SOMMER. 2009) Table. 5 (CHAN. 2007) Table 6. (DFID. 2006) ABOUT. 2009. The History of tape transport online Accessed 28th December 2009 Available from http//inventors. about. com/library/inventors/bl_history_of_transportation. htm. ADELZADEH, A. 2008. Simulation Models of 5 African Economies. Designing Africas Poverty Strategies Creating the Capacity for Policy Simulation. online Accessed 3rd January 2010 Available from http//models. wider. unu. edu/africa_web/input_login. php? clan=bw_quickies&instance=quickies&country=bw
Wednesday, May 22, 2019
Unit 48 P3
P3 Produce an Action plan for self- development and achievement of own personal goals Short-term goals Goals How I will achieve these goals? How long I think this will take to achieve? deteriorate AS Level PE. Do a large amount of revision and find oneself the course call on handed in by the end of term. 2 weeks (course work)3 months (exam) Pass AS Level Sociology. Do revision and learn the key sociologists for each topic. 3 months (exams) Pass the 3 units of BTEC Level 3 Health and Social care. Create a timetable and make deadlines for myself to get my work. 3-4 months (coursework) Pass my driving test. Get my coursework finished and save notes to pay for lessons. 4 months 1 year (theory and driving test)4 months (provisional license) Get a part time job. Apply online for jobs and look at job vacancy boards in shopping precincts. Waiting for a response. Long-term goals Goals How I will achieve this? How long I think this will take to achieve? Pass AS and A2. Do a lot of studying and revision for exams. 1 year and 3 months (exams and course work) Get into university. Concentrate on coursework during AS and A2 and apply for a number of universities. 2 years (depending on my grades at A-Level) Get a degree in sport science. Go to lectures and get work done on time. 3-4 years (to complete Sixth form and go to university) Get a decent paid job after university. Graduate from university and apply for jobs such as PE teacher, Handball coach. 4-5 years (to complete Sixth form, university and 1 year of work experience) Have a nice house. Save up a large amount of capital and buy or rent a house or flat. 10 years (to complete Sixth form, university, 1 year of work experience and get a job in teaching/coaching)
Tuesday, May 21, 2019
The evaporating of harmful gases, earthquakes, and some evidences from the manhole be the manifestations showed that an underground volcano was forming under the city. This means that there was already lava under the city and the ground cannot take the pressure anymore so it formed a volcano. The physical changes in the movie are the breaking of glasses from buildings, breaking of buildings, fling of the ground, boiling of water from the pond, injured people, the melting of metal, and the falling down of some properties.The chemical changes are the burning of trees and people, formation of the volcano and its eruption, the ashfall, and the lava turning to rocks when mixed with water. These changes are driven by some factors in the environment such as the formation of gases underground, and the eruption of the volcano. The eruption affected the place by destroying buildings and properties, injuring people, loss of lives, and the panicking and yell of the citizens. I learned that w e should always be alert, caring, trustworthy, and we should have teamwork and cooperation.We should be alert so that when disasters like this happen to our community, well know what to do and we can evacuate safely. We should be trustworthy so that new(prenominal) people will believe us and we should trust one another. We should be caring and concerned to each other and other people. In disasters like this, we can do small heroic acts which can save lives of millions of people that means very big to them. We should do heroic acts not because we want to be recognized but because it came from our heart. Last but not the least, we should have teamwork and cooperation so that problems can be solved quickly and we can designate for success.
Monday, May 20, 2019
Mass society system
The problem is the fact that society tends o associate coating with concepts, such as fine arts, literature, classical music, philosophy, etc. All these be manifestations which belong to a subsection of culture issuen as spicy culture. Nevertheless, what about other signs of culture, such as telecasting, movies or magazines? ar they not ethnic signs? To my mind, evidently they are. In fact, high and popular culture are closely related, out-of-pocket to the fact that nowadays, most of the manifestations of popular culture are originated In signs of high culture. Certainly, the UK Is not an exception. For that reason. Wrought these nines I would like to prove my point by two examples (one from literature and the other from music) and finally, I will take in you a contrastive perspective with examples of the same plains of study. The first example is related to literature. From conviction immemorial, this field of knowledge has been related to erudite bulk, simply because at very ancient times In history, literature could be known and analyse by literate ones. Clearly, they were not too many In fact, they were a sort of elite. Just wealthy bulk had access to formal education and knew how to read and write properly.However, time went by and being an educated person became more affordable. In most of the constitutions worldwide, being educated is despotic it is a right for everyone. For that reason, in relation to this area, that is to say literature, little by little people started to know the classics such as Homer, Plato, Tolstoy, Verne, among others. In these terms, with Shakespeare. Among their master pieces we quarter find Romeo and Juliet, A Midsummer Nights dream, crossroads, Macbeth, and King Lear. Most of them are recognized all over the world for thousands. But, are Shakespearean plant life presented n lowly cultural manifestations?Indeed, there are multiple references of Shakespeare in popular culture. For Instance, there are several movies based on his works like Gnome and Juliet, Shakespeare In love or spry bodies which Is Inspired In the Buff The Vampire Slayer a popular television program in the nineties. Moreover, we can recognize the Shakespearean influence in Disney movies like The Beauty and the sentient being, in which Belle reads to the Beast a quotation from Romeo and Juliet or in the movie The Nightmare Before Christmas, in which the main genius Jack makes clear reference to the scene of the skull in Hamlet.Finally, we have the Lion King, which is but based on Hamlets story since Scar kills his brother (as Claudia kills his brother, the King) then Mafias ghost visits Samba (as the Kings ghost visits Hamlet) and at the end of the movie Samba is encouraged by Timing and Puma to take revenge for his fathers terminal (exactly as Restaurants and Guilelessness did in Hamlet). The second case is located in the field of music. This is the case of Queen, in particular, the case of its vocalist, the grea t Freddy Mercury.Perhaps, now you are wondering, how this contestation and roll musician can be influenced by high culture music? At the very beginning, when he was a child, he was formally trained on delicate in which he was quite skilful. In addition, some people who were closed to him, utter that he used listening classical music like Chopin and Mozart, moreover, he was even pretty enkindle in opera having a large collection of opera recordings. Other example of it was a gossip of one his friends named Chris Smith, who said that Freddy piano style was very Mozart.In fact, in my point of view, this influence is Leary noticeable in songs of his band like Bohemian Rhapsody in which there is an exquisite mixture of rock music, touches of classical piano and the magnificent contributions of the lyrical choir or in the song Love of my life, in which we can listen features of classical music as the arpeggios, which are not very common in rock and roll style. The last two examples are valid according to its own perspective. Nevertheless, there is a unlike point of view, which is related to a social system known as Mass society.People, who have studied this system, have established that high culture has en replaced by low culture. This cultural replacement has been helped, enormously, by mass media or the widespread of popular education. These ones have caused a progressive deterioration in populations tastes, that is to say, that socio-economic class after year peoples tastes are more unsophisticated and that is the reason why they replace high cultural elements for those which are part of the popular tradition. For instance, a quite clear example of this situation is the amount of people who listen to classical music.In fact, a survey of The Readers Digest says things like a thirty three recent of people have never listened to classical music, or that a thirty nine percent of the survey respondents, distinguish that they do not like listening to this type of music. Other good evidence of it could be the option for some books, especially, Best sellers. The best example is Harry Potter. This saga is one of the most successful in the I-J and in the whole world adolescents were avid to read every single word.However, would have they the same trust to read the classics of literature by themselves? According to this, we could confirm that popular culture is not reflected n high cultural manifestations, there is not a kind of legacy or continuity from one to the other, there is Just a substitution process sadly, high culture has been left aside. As a conclusion, done the development of the present document and taking undeniable that elements related to the field of high arts such as literature, classical music, visual arts, etc. Re manifested in expressions of popular culture like movies, television programs, newspapers, magazines, among others. Even though, it is important to take under consideration, that there is not Just one perspect ive in relation to this matter. In addition, we have the point of view according to the phenomenon of Mass society system, which indicates that, progressively, low culture is replacing high cultural manifestations reducing populations taste.
Sunday, May 19, 2019
Operation management tma worksheet
Second, marri has do enthronizations in plant they build a manufacture in London with 1 million productions of sandwiches per calendar week but when they invest more than by building Manton Wood they produce more by 3 million sandwiches. too with new powerful machines, they could reduce the human resources costs because fewer tasks need to be d iodin . Also the stock levels testament be reduced so that this depart be undefeated for the company.Third reasons lead satin walnut Sandwiches to process investments in the product that customers are looking for quality, different types of Sandwich to match it when they are abroad, So Hazelwood try to provide a exalted quality, healthy and delicious sandwiches in order to meet the customer demand. In addition providing different types of sandwiches to satisfy completely types of tastes and modify anile items or create new ones. Over all, in that respect are many other reasons that lead Hazelwood to made capital investment . ln fact they are trying to improver competitive advantage to maximize the wealth of owners.They use different techniques to evaluate the investment opportunities, and then choose the best project. unless, Hazelwood assert a brand progress to because of its sandwiches, Actually every company should investment in people, product and plant. movement 2 Hazelwoods investment decision techniques Investment decisions are important for the growth of the line of reasoning because an investment includes mo net profitary resources for purchasing assets such building or equipments which bequeath bring economic benefit for the company. Those decisions are unmanageable and expensive to refuse once it has been ventured.Actually Hazelwoods uses various capital investment appraisal techniques to measure which project is more profitable. First method is Payback period which is the length of magazine that the investment restorations to pay back the net cash inflows hurl the project. Projects leave be selected according to the period the business sets and the shorter ones are preferred. The advantages of this method that its well and quick to calculate or understood by users, avoiding risks and its good for the startup business to calculate the time needed to prepay the original investment.The disadvantages are that it onsiders about the time not the value of money, the relevant info such as the cash flows beyond the payback period are ignored and it doesnt consider maximizing the wealth of owners because it looks for the short project periods while longer beneficial project might be ignored. The siemens is Net Present Value includes all the money of an investment It calculates the benefits from the investment against all the costs of this investment with allowance for the timing of them. The rule is to choose the project with the higher value and the positive ones not the prejudicial ones.For its advantages, it considers about the objects of the business, maximizi ng the profits, it takes all the relevant cash flows in account and the timing of cash flow. For the disadvantages, there are some risks for example a machine doesnt works, or that interests may lost in investment, as well as the problems of inflation which consider the loss in the purchasing power of money. The third is the Accounting Rate of ingathering which calculates the total operating profits over the average investment to earn those profits in the form of percentage.Its about achieving the target with higher ARR projects. The advantages that it represents a percentage and it consider the performance before it has performed. The disadvantages about employ the accounting profits to measure the performance over the life of product, alike different sizes of investments competing and using of average investment cause problems. Over all, those are the three investment decision techniques that Hazelwood uses in military rating the investment opportunities.Each method ranks pro jects according to some compared features. With those techniques the most profitable project will be chosen. psyche 3 Invest in people Investing in workforces is the lifeblood for any business, actually its important to make investments in human resources because they are the main role of the business and attects it pertormance. Also well trained and undergo employees give advantage for the company because they are the workforce that a control the process in which the business operates.So the company should ensure that their employees are well trained, motivated and loyalty to their Jobs. Additionally maintain the satisfaction of the employee will raise the employee performance and focus to achieve the business objectives. Also this will improves their skills in doing the tasks. On one hand, Hazelwood provides flexible working surroundings include the induction program which introduced the new employee to the organization and to its role, also programs that make the new employees feel they are a part of the team.Second, Family-friendly HR practices to understand the employees circumstances such as the working hours for the mothers to look for their families and offers a paid time off for pregnant womens. Third, providing training and cultivation opportunities which will enhance the commitment and improve the skills in doing the asks as fast as possible, also opportunities to take National Vocational Qualifications relevant to the food industry. Hazelwood try to provide facilities in the Job environment by providing gyms, hair dressers, shops, restaurants and cleaning services.In addition, the employees expectations about the nature of work should be met. On the other hand, Hazelwood plain and monitor the performance of its employees to give them reward packages for their high performance. With those methods Hazelwood achieved to be the employees brand that its the plectron of the employees because they know how to take care of their employees offer them g ood ay packages. As a result, Hazelwood decreases the labour dollar volume and reduces the levels of absenteeism also the costs of recruitment.Beside of Hazelwood there are other companies that invest in people in such as the National Bank of Kuwait they believe that investing in people will benefit them in future. Actually 1800 Kuwaitis has been trained in 2012 and it will always provide training and readings opportunities to kick upstairs their employees. Also ZAIN Company provides programs of training such as ongoing coaching, direct employees outside to complete their high education and induction. Last but not least TD Team provides training and developments for the employees in order to improved their skills, performance and knowledge.Question 4 Workforce greatest assets For all businesses workforces are the role assets In fact they are the people who achieve the company objectives. They should be looking after them starting from the managers, suppliers, employers, employee and all of them. Actually investing in people adds value to the organization especially for innovation companies such as Google because they rely on the experience of their human resources rather than nything else. The importance of workforces has different points of view. First the HRM lead situation which considers about managing people and carrying out their activities.Its responsible for ensuring that the people are in their right places with right skills by recruiting, selecting, developing and monitoring. HR believes that people performance affects the business performance so they provide training and development opportunities to maximize their performance. Also monitor the performance to ensure that they are on the right track and provides them with feedback. Moreover they provide reward systems to encourage them to achieve their targets and make sure that they are satisfied, motivated, appreciated and loyal to their Jobs.Moreover, this will build the organizations reputat ion as a social, ethical and responsible organization in order to gain a competitive advantage. Second the accounting function which considers about the monetary accepts of the business. To achieve the HR function activities, the business should be able to afford the costs associated with those activities. Here the workforces are important because they guarantee saving money to the business. But before going a step the business should think of the investment returns and risks.As if sending an employee to take English courses, how much of benefits this will bring in the future benefits. Moreover developing the skills of employees will raise the production levels as they have experience, finish the tasks on time and do it perfectly . So they will be able to develop or create new products or advanced technology. Also maintaining a positive reputation that will help them to raise money in the market and the financial advisors will advise the investors to invest in the business. Additi onally, the company will gain a brand name which will decrease the costs of recruitment and advertising.
Broken Windows and Victimology
The spinsterhood where you do not want to get out of the car. Are tidy sum more than likely to be a dupe of crime in these neighborhoods? The spatial syntax guess supports the idea that you are more likely to be a victim of a crime in certain battlegrounds (Nubian, 2006), and the broken windowpane surmisal of crime volitionally supports the Idea that people are more likely to commit crimes If they think no one cares. Small crimes butt end lead to bigger crimes in areas where people are used to disorder and a lack of consequences for the smaller crimes (Keeling & Wilson, 1982).The broken window theory was introduced in a 1982 article titled broken windows by James Q. Wilson and George L. Keeling. In the article they discourse psychologist Philip Sombreros experiment with an attached car. The experiment was done to show how even good people that usually do not commit crimes go out commit a crime under certain circumstances (Keeling & Wilson, 1982). Zanzibar did legion (predicate) experiments that involved elements of good people doing evil things. He whitethorn be best known for his Stanford prison house experiment, where he wanted to explore situational variables on human behavior.The prison experiment remains one of the intimately well-known psychological experiments (Rubberiest, 2013). Zanzibar served as the president of the American Psychiatric Association in 2002. My great reckon for Summarizes work got me Interested In the broken window theory. The broken window experiment showed how even in a nice neighborhood where people would not usually commit crimes they did vandalize and damage the abandoned car subsequently Zanzibar broke the window on the car. The experiment set the stage for the broken window theory.According to the broken window theory crime volition be more prevalent in areas that are run down and uncared for. If a building has one broken window that has not been fixed it gives the gist that no one cares enough to fix the w indow. When people think that no one cares they will train more windows in the building Just for fun. As the neighborhood deterio orders and gets more vandalism the more crimes will be committed in that area. According to Keeling and Winslow community deterioration and crime are inextricably linked (Keeling & Wilson, 1982).New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani was motivated by the broken window theory to clean up New York. unneurotic with the chief of police Willie Britton they took a very strict stance on graffiti, pan handling, prostitution, and other secondary crimes. They try ond that by cleaning up the neighborhoods and taking care of the petty crimes it had a big outlet on the bigger crimes as well. There were 2,801 murders were committed 1994 the year that Giuliani took office and by 2003 the murder rate was down to 537, the lowest murder rate since 1963 (Adams, 2006).Another study done by a college student on the broken window theory in 2011 also produced positive results (US Fe d News Service, Including US evince News, 2011). The student cleaned up neighborhoods near campus to decrease the crime rate and to test out the validity of he broken window theory. The work that she did had a positive impact on the residents of the areas that she cleaned up. Opposition to the broken window theory state that there is no real evidence to prove that this theory is valid.A main head up that they make is that the lack of crime in the areas that have been cleaned up and have been policed more regularly may be due to other things and not Just the policing and aid of the neighborhood. While the opposing people do recognize there is a 4 correlation between the areas that have had increased policing and more upkeep ND the reduction in crime, they are quick to point out that correlation does not delegate causation (Miller, 2001). The main weakness in the broken window theory is that it is very difficult to prove the theory.I think that the opposing side of the broken wind ow theory is not very strong. Much of the unfavorable judgment takes the theory too literally expecting that Just fixing the windows and graffiti will stop murder. However, the theory is more about how once an area starts to deteriorate with petty crimes it can quickly turn into an area where more serious crimes are committed. Once law unchanging citizens start touching unsafe in an area they leave the area and while the area is becoming less populated by law abiding citizens it will gradually become more populated by criminals.Anyone can be a victim of crime however, there are things that people can sometimes do that can increase the chances that they will be unable to fix it and leave it parked in the parking serving with the broken window it could increase the chances of psyche trying to steal the radio out of the car. I experienced factorization of plaza crime on two occasions in my life and looking ace on it after learning about the broken window theory I now see that the re were things I could have done to decrease my chances of being a victim.The first time I was a victim of quality crime I had left my car parked in my work parking lot for two weeks while I was waiting to get the car repaired. It had engine trouble and I popular opinion it would be k to leave it in the parking lot. The car sat there for weeks before someone broke the window and tried to steal the radio. The second time I was a victim of property crime I had moved into an flat tire composite in a city I had lived n for years. I Just moved a few blocks over from where I had been living so I thought that it was obviously a good neighborhood and I did not even look for whatsoever signs of trouble.I was 5 used to living in the surrounding neighborhoods with homeowners who took good care of their property however, the apartment complex was contrastive people did not take care of their property left broken down cars in the parking lot many of the cars were damaged with busted window s and accident damage to them. I did not buy off attention to the cars or the parking lot when I decided to move in. Within weeks of moving into the apartment my car was vandalized and my daughters bike was stolen off of the back patio.I believe that the broken window theory does explain the come up of property damage and vandalism of that apartment complex that I lived in. To remain safe and not relate to be a victim of crime I moved out of that neighborhood. People in world-wide want to be safe and not become victims of crime if I had understood the theory of spatial syntax and the broken window theory at the time I moved into that neighborhood I would probably paid more attention to certain details and avoided the situation by choosing a different apartment complex.I am not different in the way that I moved to get external from crime many people alter their lifestyle as a result of fear of crime. some(prenominal) people now live in gated communities (Nubian, 2006). People o ften feel safer in gated communities and in areas where they feel that people care more about their property. When people feel safer they are more present in the streets and therefore criminals would be less likely to be active in these areas. There are areas that are not kept up where the sense of community is rower that crime is more prevalent in.I can see the broken window theory active in society because of this. People who live or spend a lot of time in these areas are more likely to be victims of crime. I support the broken window theory and believe that communities should be more involved in the direct of their neighborhoods and that would reduce the crime rate. When people do not take care of their property they are more likely to become a victim of crime. In that same manner of thinking 6 miss or go unpunished that can lead to bigger more violent crimes.
Saturday, May 18, 2019
Consumer Trust
Project report on Consumer Trust Flipkart study Consumer Behaviour Submitted to Prof. Neha Gupta Submitted by Ami Vora Roll No 58 Class PGDM Communications FLIPKARTis an Indiane-commercecompany founded by Sachin Bansal and Binny Bansal in 2007, both alumni of the Indian Institute of Technology Delhi. Initi tot onlyyy funded by the Bansals themselves withRs. 400,000, Flipkart has since then raised patron while from venture capital fundsAccel Indiain 2009and Tiger Global (US$10 million in 2010 andUS$20 million in June 2011).Today, as per Alexa traffic rankings, Flipkart is among the top 20 Indian Web sites and has been credit with being Indias largest on tenor booksellerwith over 11 million titles on offer. The cash-on-delivery model adopted by Flipkart has proven to be of great signifi flockce since the credit card and net banking penetration is very low in India. up to now its 30 days replacement offer is something which identification numbers as its USP. FACTORS THAT LEAD TO T HE SUCCESS OF FLIPKART * Customer Service ply dear(p) guest support with quick turn around time for client queries.Provide replacement of fruit in case a customer receives a defective growth. * User Interface Easy to use, idle to browse through the products, add products to wishlist or to a cart, get product reviews and opinions, pre-order products, make payments using dissimilar methods. * Cash/Card On Delivery Demonstrated more confidence in buying products. Flipkart sells 20 products/min and have with more than 60% of the Flipkarts customers use Cash on Delivery and card on delivery methods. This is because of two reasons, champion is many people do not know how to make payments online.And secondly people do not have immense blaspheme in e-commerce in India. * Customer property Has around 15 lakh individual customers and more than 70% customers are repeat customers i. e. they shop respective(a) times each year. The company targets to have a customer base of 1 crore by 2015. * local anesthetic Presence Tie ups with local vendors and courier firms (thereby reducing transportation and storage costs. Owns warehouse in major cities. CONSUMER TRUST For ensuring success, securing assert in your company is essential. Trust is as important to a potential customers purchasing decision as the products you offer him.And an essential element of building that think, with both customers and partners, is the authorization that your e-commerce operation meets the demanding security standards required of organizations handling sensitive financial information. Building a consumer Trust for Flipkart can take place in the following facets * Setting up a Storefront which generates a nose out of dependency among the consumer * Build a commerce friendly Web Host * Securing Information Using SSL * treat Transactions * On time Delivery * Quality of the products * Efficient staff * Return PolicyFollowing are the discordant measures taken my Flipkart to build and ens ure consumer trust. 1. Merchandise site safety and security A safe and rise(p) Web site is the most crucial element to building online trust. Flipkart convey that customers can trust them with their person-to-person information and their secures. Promote the basic security of your site and reinforce that message with a buying act that emphasizes safety and ease. Flipkart has a Worry Free Shopping environment. It clearly states shipping, return and privacy policies as well as security and product guarantees.Customers are most sensitive to trust and security issues as they shanghai down the path to purchase. 2. A professional site speaks volumes Flipkart has invested wisely in professionalism of their site. This includes user-friendly design and sate updates that are accurate and regular, paying attention to load time, avoiding site down time at all costs, updating content often, avoiding typos and broken links. 3. Showcase the Trustworthiness of Your Brand The trustworthiness is also defined by highlighting its distinctive qualities and physical presence.They do this by expliciting brand-value statement, reinforce that brand-value statement by creating a strike out line that customers, over time, will easily associate, and provide easily accessible customer service speech sound numbers. 4. Outside Voices Boost Credibility There is often no better way to build trust in your brand than to allow others to endorse it. Flipkart has a section for reviews for the product and services from trusted sources which act invaluable. 5. Comprehensive Product Content Enhances Trust You will find comprehensive product content and dilate of a limited product once u chose any item.This gives an insight of the minute, technical, and other details of the product before purchase. 6. What You take to Is What You Get Flipkart provides image zoom functionality provide thumbnail images to the shopping cart, etc. to ensure that What You See Is What You Get. 7. Building Quali ty Service One of the most important aspect is also to create trust among the consumers about the quality of the product. Flipkart provides information such as sizes, product availability (in stock), e-mail confirmation, post purchase services, customer service, etc. . Secure Payment options Flipkart promptly provides versatile options for the payment of the desired products. This is done by Cash on delivery, Credit card and debit card purchase, Net banking, etc. One hitting features is also their EMI option with a very minimal amount of overhead. This attracts the consumers and develops a string sense of trust among the consumers as payment is the most sensitive part of the entire consumer buying process. 9. Returns and Guarantee Flipkarts USP is the 30 day returns guarantee process.Though conditions apply to these, but to almost all the products they refund the entire amount of the capital paid if the consumer returns the purchased product due to any reason. Below is a graph de noting monthly traffic to Flipkart and it shows an increase trend for most of the years. Customer trust in a company can play a significant role in determining the customers actions regarding that company. Customer trust (a belief) influences customer intentions. experimental Research has shown that trust increases customer intention to purchase a product from a company as well as customer intention to return to a company.The following image shows the flow on process for Flipkart online shopping. RESULTS OF BUILDING CONSUMER TRUST The most important parameter for measuring the results of the efforts for creating consumer trust is the revenue generated. In about 7 years, Flipkart generated 12billion (US$220million) (FY201112). Flipkart even has a market share of 20-25% in the Indian online market. Last year, it even acquired Lets Buy and thus increased their market share. The graph shown to a higher place also speaks for itself that the number of visitors have been increasing day b y day thus ensuring better gross sales and profitability.ROLE OF ADVERTISING IN BUILDING CONSUMER TRUST Flipkart. comis one such online portal that is synonymous with trust magna cum laude online shopping. Flipkart used various innovative ads where they show kids playing the roles of an adult (with real adult dubbed voices) in a day to day situation to reach their audiences. This creates a sense of trust among the consumers as kids convey truthfulness. This particular advertisement where three generations are portrayed to present the customers skepticism in online shopping hits just the ripe chords to marketFlipkart. comand assure customers of its excellent services.This advertisement focuses on the major concern of the customers i. e. guarantee and how can one make an assessment from an online image. With the witty use of our old custom of arranged marriages where brides got betrothed by scarce looking at the photographs of their husbands, this advertisement mixes a perfect mar keting solution, wrapped up in good humour. By presenting three generations together in an ad,Flipkart. comonce again makes it clear that online shopping is devoid of age barriers andFlipkart. comis targeted to everyone irrespective of age or gender. CONCLUSIONFlipkart is one of the leading players in the online shopping sector in India. It targets all the one-time(a) generations trust towardsFlipkart. comby making the high-tech younger generation doubtful, and boosting the older generations ego by making them make an online purchase in the tech-savvy world. The tag line shopping ka naya address, the new address for shopping, does open doors or rather browsers to online shopping. By various and continuous efforts Flipkart has, no doubt, succeeded at a great level to create consumer trust and its impact is clear and measurable through the results. THANK YOU
Friday, May 17, 2019
Sarcoidosis is a multi-system infirmity that is caused by ignition of body tissues. It particularly affects the lungs and lymph nodes but it can affect any other body parts. The cause of this disoblige is yet to be established and its cure has similarly not yet hit the sackn. Its symptoms in well-nigh cases follow gradually but might after few time pop abruptly. This paper is going to name an in-depth analysis of what perhaps leads to this disorder, give around of the symptoms that ar characteristic of this illness, its possible treatment and the group that is most affected by it.The complaint was identified for the first time over a century past in England by a doctor known as Hutchinson and another doctor from Norway called Caesar Boeck and that was why the disease originally came to be referred to as Boecks or Hutchinsons disease. Unfortunately, it is the young persons mostly those within the epoch bracket of 20 to 40 geezerhood and those that panorama strong and energetic that are affected (Baughman, 2006). Its bearing might at first appear to be mild but after sometime this whitethorn turn to be fatal.This disorder when this disorder is critically analyzed, it seems to vary across gender as it is women who are more affected than men and this is a claim that is supported by a survey that was conducted by the American Lung Association that revealed that black females are affected almost twice as much as black males are affected. According to the same report, it is also dependant on racial background as in most cases it is the blacks, Danes and Swedes that are affected most.Reports available show that blacks are affected more than whites in fact, the mortality rate of the former is sixteen times than the number of the whites that are affected (Stein, 1998). The disease set up can start affecting any organ and then spread to other organs. Sarcoidosis can appear in almost any organ in the body, although the inflammation of the bodys tissues c an go intimately in any organ and usually affects more than whizz organ (Ebony, 106).The affected organs ruin microscopic lumps which are known as granulomas that may last for some time and then mellow out even without any medical intervention is done but in cases where they do not disappear, the jumble may become scarred and inflamed. The affected persons may start complaining of fatigue but because they look young and energetic, doctors might fail to diagnose them for this disorder until it is later clearly suspected to be the one and an X-ray is conducted or a routine physical examination of the chest is conducted.This is what happened to one former marathon runner who says that she started complaining of fatigue long before but her doctor would dismiss her claims as orthogonal and would attribute them to her stressful workload. According to her, she may rush developed the disorder within a point in time ranging from one to sixteen years as it is only in 2001 she was di agnosed of the same (Ebony. 2005). People affected by this disorder say it is hard to describe how they feel when sick as one never gets bracing even after resting.Generally, the common symptoms that are reported are that the victims generally become fatigued, lose weight, have blurred vision, sometimes gasp for breath, and have dry eyes and report of dry cough. It may also occur abruptly where rashes may appear on the skin and some bumps appear on the forehead, submit and eyes inflammation (Swierzewski, 2000) Most of those affected by sarcoidosis about (60-80) % heal particularly after 2-3 years without having any medical attention.In most cases, those affected by this disorder do not know that they affected and end up having damaged lungs. If this disorder does not disappear immediately, it remains on a low level but might with time progress on. About 10 to 20 share of cases of sarcoidosis are a bit serious and can lead to permanent debilitation while it is about only about 10 percent of sarcoidosis cases can be fatal (Schiff et al, 2006). There tends to be some relationship between how serious the disease begins and how it progresses and ends.In most cases, if nodosum appears suddenly there is a high up possibility that the pains will be short-lived and ends without being treated According to statistics, thirty to 70 percent of the victims do not have any serious health complications that might require medical attention but sometimes these patients are given some therapeutic treatment like corticosteroids although it is not very clear whether the disease is reversed or not. There have also been cases where steroids such as methotrexate and azathioprine have been used in treating the disease (Baughman, 2006).As this study has established, sarcoidosis is a disorder that affects virtually all body organs but the most affected are the lungs. It leads to the development of some microscopic lumps that with time causes skin rashes. According to studies that h ave been done, the disease mostly affects people of African American decent, the Swedes and the Danes more than it affects the whites and to make the matter worse, those in the age bracket of 20 to 40 years. The cause of the disease and cure has not yet been established although some therapeutic medical interventions are given.
Thursday, May 16, 2019
Introduction to comparative politics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Introduction to comparative politics - Essay ExampleThe electoral process is the outline used to nominate candidates, creating ballots, and polling the public. The electoral process is the mechanics and body of laws that govern the election. The electoral outline is not the same as the electoral process. The electoral system is the means by which votes are translated into seats in the process of electing politicians into office (Farrell 4). The United States has a 2-party system, which is non-proportional and tends to provide continuity and stability at the court of minority representation. This has tended to minimize any impact that minority opinions have on legislation. Ecuador has a multi-party system that has worked towards a proportional system where all viewpoints and parties are represented based on their ability to get votes. However, this is an oversimplification as Ecuador has made some major changes in their system in recent years and is real a mixed system. The propo rtional system of Ecuador has insured minority representation, but has in like manner complicated the legislative process.In both Ecuador and the United States, the highest choose position in the land is the presidency, but are elected by systems that are considerably different. In the United States, the president is elected by an electoral system where each maintain is given a number of votes based on their population. In each state it is a winner take all system and the candidate with the most votes gets the electoral votes of that state. This has had the effect of creating two parties, of relatively equal strength, that serve as a representative for ideas and change. It has virtually eliminated any opportunity of a third party or minority party candidates due to the expense and almost certain defeat. It has also created an electoral system where voting blocs and coalitions are of critical importance. In addition, the winner
Wednesday, May 15, 2019
The Moorish Empire Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
The Moorish Empire - probe ExampleIt was the system of learning and education established by the Moors in Spain that gradually gained grounds in the rest of Europe. While in the Christian Europe the populations predominantly happened to be illiterate, Moors placed a passing value on knowledge and learning (Sordo & Swaan 117). During the generation of the Moorish Empire, when the entire Europe could boast of but two universities, the Moorish Empire was the home to almost seventeen universities placed at Almeria, Toledo, Cordova, Malaga, Cordova and other central cities (Sordo & Swaan 131). The Moorish Empire in Spain had well stocked libraries housing some of the most important manuscripts and books. The depository library at Cordova happened to be one of the most expansive and well stocked libraries in Europe (Sordo & Swaan 55). It was this abstruse and well endowed system of education introduced by Moors in Europe that laid down the foundations for European Renaissance.It was the Moors who organized agriculture in Spain along the modern lines. They introduced elaborate systems of irrigation through artificially planned and constructed weewee channels, used modern manures and cultivation methods and introduced m either new crops to Europe that included citrus fruits, cotton, sugarcane, dates, ginger, peaches, apricots and many more(prenominal) (Fletcher 63). The new crops introduced by Moors in Spain in a way altered and transformed the local cuisine and this had a profound influence on the culinary techniques and tastes in Europe. The Moorish Empire also influenced the expression and dressing styles in Europe (Sordo & Swaan 145).The urban planning of the Moorish Empire readily excelled over that of any other European nation or city. The capital of Al Andalus that is Cordoba happened to be an important city of those times that had all the modern urban utilities like hospitals, street lights, public baths, mosques, libraries and running water (Fletcher 65). The Moors introduced to Europe a detailed and
Tuesday, May 14, 2019
Compare and Contrast Peptic Ulcer Disease and Gastroesophogeal Reflux Term Paper
Compare and Contrast Peptic Ulcer Disease and Gastroesophogeal wane Disease - Term Paper ExampleThere are symptoms and diagnosis that may help pose the type of gastrointestinal disorder that one may be suffering from (Kahrilas 2008).Peptic ulcer malady is the most common ulcer of an area of the gastrointestinal tract, usually acidic and extremely painful. A higher(prenominal) percentage of these ulcers are caused by Helicobacter pyloris. Epithelial cells in the stomach and duodenum secrete mucus in response to epithelial lining irritation. Gastric and duodenal mucosa exist in the form of a change layer impermeable to acid and pepsin (Kurata et al 1997).A physiologic balance does exist amid stomachal acid secretion and gastro duodenal mucosal defense. Peptic ulcers occur due to disruption of the balance between the aggressor factors and defensive mechanisms. The aggressor factors include NSAIDs, H pyloris infection, alcohol, bile salts, acid and pepsin which allow back down di ffusion of hydrogen ions leading to epithelial cell injury. Defensive mechanisms include tight intercellular junctions, mucus, mucosal blood flow, cellular restitution and epithelial renewal (Kurata et al 1997).Symptoms of peptic ulcers include abdominal pain, epigastric with severity relating to mealtimes which manifest three hours after taking a meal. Other symptoms include Bloating and abdominal fullness, pee brush, nausea and copious vomiting. Pain caused by peptic ulcers may be felt around the navel point up to the sternum, this pain normally lasts for a few minutes although it may potentially last for hours and may worsen when the stomach is empty (Kurata et al 1997).Diagnosis is mainly established based on the symptoms characteristics. Tests such as endoscopies or barium contrast X-rays help to confirm the diagnosis. An Esophagogastroduodenoscopy (EGD) is usually carried out on patients guess to be having peptic ulcers (Kahrilas 2008).Antacids or
Monday, May 13, 2019
Risk Assessment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words
jeopardy Assessment - Essay ExampleThe history and ability of terrorists involves any method they have utilized to reach their objectives. Secondly, the put on the line assessment demonstrate should identify the building asset value that requires safeguarding, or protection. The third timbre is conducting a vulnerability assessment (Baranoff, Harrington & Niehaus, 2006). A vulnerability assessment appraises the probable vulnerability of essential assets against a wide range of hazards or threats that have been identified. A vulnerability assessment gives a foundation for establishing measures of mitigation. These may be required to protect essential assets in a building. A vulnerability assessment acts as a connection between hazard or threat, value of asset, and the consequential risk level. Step quadruple is the risk assessment. This stage involves analyzing the threat, value of asset, and vulnerability to determine the risk value of each and every remarkable asset against any threat that erect be applicable. Moreover, a threat that would happen and has extremely low consequence may need mitigation measures that atomic number 18 easy and of low cost. Those that be much probably to occur, but have consequences that are particularly massive may need mitigation measures that are complex, and more expensive (Wheeler, 2011). The risk assessment process should provide a comparative risk profile. ... The purpose of the process of assessment is to realize the protection level required. This is through the execution of mitigation measures in a knowing building. The mitigation measures may decrease the risk by denying, detecting, devaluing or deterring the probable threat component before, or during a terrorist attack. In addition, mitigation measures may lessen the risk of injury or damage by imparting a satisfactory protection level if there is an occurrence of a risk. It may in any case work to dissuade an aggressor further (Crouhy, Galai & Mark, 200 5). This paper will look at a risk assessment of the Seattle Space Needle building. Threat Identification and Rating There are many hazards that are manmade. This makes necessary to comprehend the individuals who have the intention of harming others. On the other hand, it is fundamental to be familiar with an aggressors tactics, weapons, and tools. The Seattle Space Needle building designers recognize that tactics, tools, and weapons can change quicker than the building can be customized against the threats that are posed. They acquired the hazard or threat assessment learning from topical anaesthetic emergency management, local enforcement, the Homeland Security department, and the Federal Bureau of Investigation (Crouchy, Mark & Galai, 2000). For risks or hazards that involve technology, they got information from the topical anesthetic Emergency Planning Committee, State Emergency response Commission, hazardous materials unit, and the local fire department. These organizations isolate facilities that are significant in zones that are vulnerable and create management plans for emergencies. Moreover, many fire departments have information on industries in a local area that have many of the materials
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