Saturday, May 23, 2020
Importance of the Past in Willa Cathers My Antonia Essay
The Importance of the Past in Willa Cathers My Antonia In My Antonia, Willa Cather emphasizes the importance of the past through Jum Burdens narration. Jim Burden realizes at the conclusion of the novel how much he enjoyed his childhood days and how much his memories mean to him. There are three events that Cather included in the novel which contribute greatly to the overall theme, concerning the importance of the past. One event is in Chapter II of Book III. Jim decides to write about his youth in Nebraska as Vergil has just done. As he is thinking about this, Lena Lingard comes to the door and he is excited to see her. Once again he begins to think about the past. Even after she left, just her presence had impacted his†¦show more content†¦He spends a day in Black Hawk that ends in a disappointment since none of his childhood friends are around. Walking out to the edge of town, he finds a half-mile stretch of the old wagon-road which used to run like a wild thing across the open prairie. The memory of his first ride over that road comes to him strongly. Now he feels that this road has brought him and Antonia back together. It is the road of Destiny along which their lives have traveled. Another event appears in chapter 14 of book II. Antonia and Jim are having a picnic by the river. It is an important event for many reasons. First, the past is brought up, when Antonia says, It would be like old times. The reader can only be reminded of the events that have taken place in Book I. For example when Jim walks two miles towards the river. At the riverbank he takes a swim and realizes how much he will miss this river once he goes off to college. Jim skated, swam and fished on this river throughout his childhood. Second, it is the last shared afternoon of Jim and Antonias youth. Throughout their youth, Jim and Antonia share a number of memorable moments, like the time when Jim teaches Antonia how to read. However, this is their last day together in their childhood. Soon, Jim will be going away to college so the future is near. Then, he finds Antonia crying because she is looking at overhanging bushes that remind her of Bohemia. It makes me homesick,Show MoreRelatedEssay on Use of Environment, Landscape, and Cycles in My Antonia3310 Words  | 14 PagesUse of the Environment, Landscape, and Cycles, in My à ntonia   The landscape and the environment in Willa Cathers, My à ntonia, plays several roles. It creates both a character and protagonist, while it also reflects Cathers main characters, Jim and à ntonia, as well as forming the structure of the novel. Additionally, it evokes several themes that existed on the prairie during the time in which the story takes place. Some of these themes that directly relate to the novel, which are worthRead MoreAnalysis Of Willa Cathers My Antonia1427 Words  | 6 PagesIn this excerpt from Willa Cather’s My Antonia, as it nears night in the prairie of Nebraska. Jim Burden returns to his hometown of Black Hawk, visiting family and friends during his summer vacation before he starts Law School. He first visits his Grandparents and other family friends, but finds himself reminded of Antonia, his childhood friend who he grew up with. He walks to Antonia’s house, and Antonia’s sister directs him to the field where she is working. T heir reunion is sentimental, as theRead MoreInfluences of Regionalist Liturature in the 20th century1481 Words  | 6 PagesMark Twain, Bret Harte, and Willa Cather are notable authors stemming from the Realist movement that occurred around the turn of the century. Mark Twain’s â€Å"Corn Pone Opinions†comments on the fickleness of the human mind, using the example of a slave minister. Bret Harte’s â€Å"The Outcasts of Poker †tells the tale of a gambler and other rabble rousers who were shunned from the Western mining town of Poker , which had recently seen a moral reprise. Willa Cather’s My Antonia narrates the life of Jim BurdenRead More Comparing the Theme of Sacrifice in My Antonia and The Song of the Lark2537 Words  | 11 PagesSacrifice in My Antonia and The Song of the Lark       A common trait for Willa Cathers characters is that they possess a certain talent or skill. This art usually controls the lives of these characters. According to critic Maxell Geismar, Cathers heroines who possess a skill often either do not marry or marry men whom they dominate; if they do marry the marriage is without excitement because their passion is invested in their art. In a sense, Geismar accuses Cathers heroines of sacrificingRead MoreMy Antonia Character Analysis1856 Words  | 8 PagesMy Antonia was published in 1918, two years before all American women were granted the right to vote in 1920. Willa Cather lived in a bustling time where women were heavily vouching for fundamental rights and breaking free from what had been considered societal norms. While Cather mentions the conventional duties and housewives of the time the book was written, her story’s focus differs. â€Å"My Antonia’s,†narrative centers around women, m any of whom are immigrants, who transcend the gender norms ofRead MoreWilla Cather s My Antonia1932 Words  | 8 Pages In her novel My Antonia, Willa Cather, while writing in a sexist time, calls attention to the power of the female in life and society through Antonia, Lena Lingard, Tiny Soderball and Frances Harling and accentuates and celebrates the significance of the matriarchal world by use of Jim Burden as the narrator. Jim holds an enlightened consciousness of the female because, after spending most of his life with these women, he sees how they started with nothing ended with a successful life. In a time
Sunday, May 17, 2020
Peripheral Intravenous Infusion For Medications, Fluids,...
Medical care has become reliant on intravenous infusion for medications, fluids, and nutrient administration. Peripheral intravenous (PIV) catheters are the easiest and most frequently used method to deliver these infusions, but they also have complications (Shah, Ng, Sinha, 2011). Some complications of PIVs include thrombosis, dislodgement, leaking, phlebitis, scar formation, and extravasation. Interventions have been researched and trialed to prolong the use of PIVs including intermittent heparin flushing. It is important to determine its effectiveness in prolonging the patency of PIVs, to deliver the best care possible to patients, but for this case, neonates specifically, with minimal complications occurring. Heparin also has its risks: abnormal coagulation profile, allergic reactions, heparin induced thrombocytopenia, and intraventricular/intracranial hemorrhage (Shah, Ng, Sinha, 2011). Due to its risks, there needs to be further study and research to truly determine its effec tiveness. The following systematic research review (SRR) focuses on ten eligible studies regarding the use of heparin as either an intermittent flush or continuous infusion compared to normal saline flushes to prevent thrombosis or occlusion in PIVs from occurring in neonates. Furthermore, this paper will analyze and critique the articles used for this review to determine its overall validity. Critique of Research Rigor Scientific rigor in quantitative research helps determine a study’sShow MoreRelatedHow IV Infusion Works in a Patient Essay example1383 Words  | 6 PagesHow IV Infusion Works in a Patient IV (Intravenous) infusion means â€Å"into the vein†. Intravenous medication administration takes place when you insert a needle into a vein and medication is administered via that needle. IV infusions are used to administer drugs, blood, essential nutrients or fluid into a patient’s blood. It begins with the insertion of a needle into the patient’s vein through the skin. This hypodermic needle is attached to a tube that channels liquid from a bag that it is connectedRead MoreAdvanced Key Terms Of Central Line- Iv Line911 Words  | 4 PagesAdvanced Key Terms central line- IV line inserted into a large vein typically in the neck or near the heart hypertonic- fluid on the outside of the cell membrane has a greater tonicity and osmotic pull than on the inside of the cell membrane hypotonic- fluid on the outside of the cell membrane has a lesser tonicity and osmotic pull than the fluid on the inside of the cell membrane osmolarity- concentration of solute in the solution osmosis- a process by which molecules of a solvent tend to passRead MoreA Brief Note On Sepsis And Septic Shock9966 Words  | 40 Pagesinability of the immune system to fight off an infection. Additionally, hospitalized patients often have various portals of entry for bacterial infections, including urinary catheters, mechanical ventilation, endotracheal tubes, surgical wounds, intravenous catheters, invasive monitors, and trauma sites. Because hospitalized patients are at higher risk for infection and are unable to fight off otherwise harmless bacteria, it is much more likely for bacteria to enter the bloodstream directly, causingRead MoreCase Study 15: Endocarditis Essay5879 Words  | 24 Pagesyou go through the admission process with her, you note that she wears glasses and has a dental bridge. She is immediately started on PN at 85 ml/hr and on penicillin 2 million units IV piggyback (IVPB) q4h, to be continued for 4 weeks. Other medications are furosemide (Lasix) 80 mg/day PO, amlodipine 5 mg/day PO, potassium chloride (K-Dur) 40 mEq/day PO (dose adjusted according to lab results), metoprolol 25 mg PO bid, and prochlorperazine (Compazine) 2.5 to 5 mg IV push (IVP) prn for N/V. OnRead MoreLung Cancer Evolve Case Study Essay4737 Words  | 19 Pagesremain NPO until the gag reflex has returned. Prior to the procedure, he will be given a topical anesthetic, both to gargle and through an aerosol mask to numb the back of the throat. C) Encourage Mr. Prieto to force fluids. Feedback: INCORRECT There is no need to increase fluid intake. D) Maintain a chest tube drainage device as prescribed. Feedback: INCORRECT Chest tubes are not inserted during bronchoscopy. Correct answer(s): B Risk Factors Biopsy results confirm that Mr. PrietoRead MoreCase Study Essay33967 Words  | 136 Pagesdischarged from the hospital 10 days ago and comes in today stating, â€Å"I just had to come to the hospital today because I cant catch my breath and my legs are as big as tree trunks.†After further questioning, you learn she is strictly following the fluid and salt restriction ordered during her last hospital admission. She reports gaining 1 to 2 pounds every day since her discharge. 1. What error in teaching most likely occurred when M.G. was discharged 10 days ago? A breakdown of successful communicationRead MoreChronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (Copd; Emphysema) Patho6945 Words  | 28 Pagesenlargement of air spaces distal to the terminal bronchioles and does occur in the lung parenchyma in COPD patients (AARC, 2011; Rosdahl Kowalski, 2003). As a result of emphysema there is a significant loss of alveolar attachments, which contributes to peripheral airway collapse. There are two major types of emphysema according to the distribution within the acinus and they are; (i) centrolobular emphysema which involves dilatation and destruction of the respiratory bronchioles; and (ii) panlobular emphysema
Tuesday, May 12, 2020
Behaviorism And Behaviorism Theories Of Psychology Essay
William James is credited as the founder of American psychology. He believed in observing everyday psychological experiences such as attention, memory, and reasoning. James also believed that the mind way very active in nature. Behaviorism says that you have to look at psychology in a way that is observable and objective. The main focus was on how we react to stimuli. Unlike Ebbinghaus both James’s view and behaviorism stray from introspection as opposed to observation. Gestalt psychology emphasized people’s tendency to organize the information they receive. Like behaviorism and James’s view, Gestalt psychology did not agree with Ebbinghaus’s introspection. Unlike behaviorism Gestalt psychology did not view things as a response-cost unit. Frederic Bartlett saw that people make meaningful and systematic errors. Like Gestalt psychology, Bartlett focused on how our brain organized information, even in ways that are mistakes. The cognitive approach was the res ult of research being done on many aspects of human cognition. This caused questions to arise that Behaviorism could explain, like problem solving. Behaviorism could also only focus on what was observable, however psychologist were realizing that cognition was much more complex than that. The cognitive approach focuses on linguistics, memory, and development. 2.) List several reasons for the increased interest in cognitive psychology and the decline of the behaviorist approach. In addition, describe the field ofShow MoreRelatedThe Theories Of Psychology And Behaviorism2081 Words  | 9 Pages When one hears the word psychology, a therapist on a couch asking patients to talk out their problems usually come to mind. In fact, the field is much more important and relevant in our everyday lives than one may think. Cambridge’s Dictionaries Online website defines it as â€Å"the scientific study of the way the human mind works and how it influences behavior, or the influence of a particular person’s character on their behavior†(2015). How we act and react, what we think and say, and why we do whatRead MoreBehaviorism s Theory Of Psychology983 Words  | 4 PagesClassification Behaviorism claims that â€Å"consciousness†is neither defined nor unable concept; that it is merely another word for the â€Å"soul†of more ancient time (Watson, 1970). However, behaviorism holds the subject matter of human psychology it focus on the behavior or activities of the human being. Etymology The word behaviorism originates from the Middle French word behavior, meaning the observable activity in human and animal. This term was coined in 1913 by the United States psychologistRead MoreWhy Do We Do Your Regular Schedules?1368 Words  | 6 PagesTodd Donerson 5/9/2015 Intr. Philosophy Main project part 2 Behaviorism Why do we do the things we do in our regular schedules? Do we do it on impulse, is it something we daily choose to do, or are we simply conditioned to a point where it becomes natural? These are the questions behaviorists think about when studying other people. I believe this is the right theory because I believe that everything a person does, why they think they way they do, why they do the things they do is becauseRead MoreBehaviorism : Behaviorism And Behaviorism847 Words  | 4 PagesBehaviorism When individuals hear the term Behaviorism today, they instantly know that it signifies some form of behavior considering that it is in the word itself. Nevertheless, what exactly is behaviorism? According to the Dictionary of Psychology, behaviorism is a theory of learning that is based upon the idea that all behaviors are obtained from outside observations and not in thoughts or feelings. In the twentieth century, three significant behaviorists John B. Watson, Ivan Pavlov and B.F.Read MoreBehaviorism And Classical Conditioning And Operant Conditioning Essay1504 Words  | 7 PagesBehaviorism is one of many theories in the field of psychology. It can be applied in different learning scenarios for different research purposes. Biographical information will be provided about the founders of the theory who are John B. Watson and B. F. Skinner. However, the information will focus more on their early education and known achievements. Furthermore, you will find different theories reg arding behaviorism such as classical conditioning and operant conditioning. In order to understandRead MoreBehavioral Approach And Consistent Misunderstanding And Devaluation1344 Words  | 6 PagesAbstract Behaviorism application to early childhood, the behavioral approach and consistent misunderstanding and devaluation exists among many professional in the early childhood field. In this paper, it will discuss the important figures in developing behaviorism, the principal elements of the theory and relevant periods of development through adolescence. In addition, it will identify and describe the critical features of the behavioral approach and their similarities to early childhood and theRead MoreBehaviorism And The First American Psychological Revolution963 Words  | 4 PagesBehaviorism Behaviorism has been a topic of many controversies in the early stages of developing. This paper will present a synthesis of several articles discussing behaviorisms and its development through various schools of theories, in addition known researchers and conclusions. The first article that illustrates behaviorism is, â€Å"Behaviorism at 100†by Ledoux (2012), which details the last 50 years of the study of behaviorism. The next article is â€Å"Behaviorism†by Moore (2011), maps the beginningRead MoreBehaviorism Was A Slow Revolution1604 Words  | 7 PagesBehaviorism was a slow revolution that proved to become a popular study within psychology that lasted through the second decade of the twentieth century and through the beginning of the cognitive science revolution (Behjamin, 2014). During this time, there had been a vast amount of academic individuals that contributed to the multifaceted studies within the context of behaviorism. Many of the studies withi n this movement were based on the concept that all behaviors are the result of conditioningRead MoreBehaviorism The Developmental Grand Theory1525 Words  | 7 PagesBehaviorism the Developmental Grand Theory Hillary C. Wade Cisco College Author Note This paper was prepared for Psychology 2314 Lifespan Growth and Development, Fall Mini-Semester, Taught by Linda Grant. Abstract Out of all the theories of lifespan development, behaviorism has proven to be the most efficient explanation of how we grow and adapt with our environments. Also known as the learning theory, it was developed by John B. Watson, and with major contributions from B.F. Skinner and Ivan PavlovRead MoreThe Field of Psychology840 Words  | 3 PagesPsychology is a discipline of social science that encompasses nearly every aspect of the human experience. The field of psychology addresses the entire gamut of human behavior and the complexities of emotion. Issues related to perception and cognition are included in psychological research. Neurobiology and neurophysiology also fall under the rubric of psychology. At the same time, psychology embraces less quantifiable variables in the human experience, such as emotional responses and altered states
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Separation of Powers in the Constitution - 895 Words
The Separation of Powers was simply created to establish a system of checks and balances so that no one particular division of the government could solely control all of our nations business. This makes is so the President does not have dictatorial control. Congress has a form of checked power so they cannot make unfair laws. The Judicial Branch is then not allowed to exceed the power that is given to them by law. It’s a system â€Å"Of the people, by the people, and for the people†allowing us as the people to be the unmentioned fourth branch of the government. Since we as a people elect our representatives, that allows us to change our form of government and provide the best checks and balances we can to our government and its†¦show more content†¦Congress enacts legislation, which the president must sign into law or veto. The Supreme Court can declare laws passed by Congress and signed by the president unconstitutional, but the president appoints the j ustices and all the other federal judges, with the Senate’s approval. So that means that the President administers the laws, and Congress then provides the money in which to run the government. This also means that the Senate and the House of Representatives have absolute veto power over each other, the reason for that is because both houses must approve the bill before they can become law. Each branch has some authority over each other but at the same time each has political independence from one another. The Judiciary has become such an invaluable part of our system of checks and balances so much so that many other nations have adopted this approach. In places such as Canada, Germany, France, Italy and Spain the constitutional courts review the laws that are referred to them to ensure that the laws comply with their constitutions. The framers clearly indented that the Supreme Court have the power to declare state legislation unconstitutional, but whether they meant to give it the same power over congressional legislation and the president remain unclear. The constitutional framers were very careful to limit the powers they gave the national government, they did however meet in Philadelphia to create a stronger nationalShow MoreRelatedThe Constitution and the Separation of Powers579 Words  | 2 PagesOne of the earliest ideas of separating powers came in the 1600’s and is evidenced by the idea that the parliament then is what we would consider today as being the Legislative branch of government since it was in charge of taxes. To be a king in those days would be similar to the Executive branch, as the king conducted wars and enforced the law. However, credit is often given to Baron de Montesquieu, a French philosopher. According to the authors of our text book, John Locke initially desired thereRead MoreThe Australian Constitution And The Separation Of Power2193 Words  | 9 PagesAustralian Constitution is a rich amalgam of variou s classical political principles. The concepts of the Rule of Law and the doctrine of the Separation of Powers evident in Montesquieu’s Spirit of the Laws are both salient examples of political theses that are central to Australian Constitutional Law. The structure of the Constitution itself and decisions of the High Court of Australia unequivocally validate the entrenchment of the doctrine separation of powers in the Commonwealth Constitution . In particularRead MoreThe Separation Of Powers During The American Constitution1932 Words  | 8 Pages The concept of the separation of powers introduced in the American Constitution has been consistently praised throughout early academia as a check on the corruption and tyranny of the federal government. By distinguishing between state and national powers, policies are tailored to fit individual needs, and the personaliz+ed laws of each district collectively appeal to public interests. This statement, however, ignores the histori cal motives behind the separation of powers. In Slavery in the StructureRead MoreSeparation Of Powers And The United Kingdom s Constitution Essay1465 Words  | 6 Pagesaimed to focus on and examine the importance of having a separation of powers and the reasons for having same in the United Kingdom’s constitution. We shall further look into the structure of the United Kingdom’s constitution whilst assessing its somewhat unclear separation of powers which exist and assess the reasons why the United Kingdom’s system of government does not adhere to the doctrine of the separation of powers. The separation of powers is defined as the political doctrine of constitutionalRead MoreEssay The Separation and Balance of Powers in the UK Constitution1225 Words  | 5 PagesThe Separation and Balance of Powers in the UK Constitution â€Å"By the latter part of the 20th century the independence of the judges had come under increasing threat from interference by the executive. Recent reforms have, however, served to redress this position and ensure that a proper division of personnel and functions between these two arms of the state is restored. Discuss this statement in the context of the Separation/ Balance of Powers in the UK constitutionRead MoreSeparation of Power Plays an Important Role in the Constitution of Trinidad and Tobago1189 Words  | 5 PagesThe doctrine of separation of powers plays an important role from a constitutional perspective. In defining the term it can be seen within a vast multitude of legal text as the â€Å"constitutional principal limiting powers vested in an institution or person. The functions of governmental authority is divided into three categories; inspired by French jurist Montesquieu (1689- 1755), the legislative, executive and judiciary as separate branches exists in many countries. In Trinidad and Tobago these branchesRead MoreWhy Did the Founding Fathers Create a Constitution Based on the Ideas of Separation of Powers, Checks and Balances, Federalism and the Bill of Rights?1533 Words  | 7 Pagesfathers create a constitution based on the ideas of separation of powers, checks and balances, federalism and the bill of rights? The founding fathers wanted to create a constitution because many believed that the national government had to be stronger than what it had been with the use of the Articles of Confederation. But at the same time they were fearful of human nature and how often it could be seen in the history of other countries such as Britain, for people in the position of power to infringeRead MoreThe Separation of Powers Doctrine Essay1040 Words  | 5 PagesThe Separation of Powers Doctrine The Separation of Powers Doctrine can be traced as far back as ancient Greece and essentially the meaning attributed to it is the dividing functions of government between groups with different interests, so that no power in the centre can act without the cooperation of others. However there are many interpretations of the doctrine, one being that of Aristotle, who favoured the division of power according to class interests of theRead MoreCritical Analysis of Good-bye, Montesquieu by Bruce Ackerman1454 Words  | 6 PagesINTRODUCTION:- â€Å"Power must never be trusted without a check†. The French jurist Montesquieu introduced the principle of â€Å"Separation of Power†(also known as Trias Politica) for the first time in his book L. Esprit Des Lois (Spirit of Laws) published in 1748. This doctrine mean the fact that one person or body of persons should not exercise all the three powers of the Government viz. legislative, executive and judiciary. It means that theyRead MoreFederalism, Separation Of Powers, Checks And Balances And The Bill Of Rights1208 Words  | 5 PagesFederalism, separation of powers, checks and balances and the bill of rights are the four main elements that the constitution is made up of. All four of these elements are what made the constitution strong, lasting over two hundred years. Three separate branches were created that had their own specific powers. The government was then given the power to tax and enforce its laws. The structure of how this one document has governed is what makes the constitution unique. The U.S. constitution established
Technology Sociology and James Stacey Taylor Free Essays
Kenneth Hunter Dr. Carpenter PL401 13 November 2012 James Stacey Taylor â€Å"In Praise of Big Brother†This essay will argue the point on why we should learn to stop worrying and love (some) government surveillance. James Stacey Taylor’s idea about government surveillance monitoring each state will blow you away or open your eyes. We will write a custom essay sample on Technology: Sociology and James Stacey Taylor or any similar topic only for you Order Now I will draw attention to some good points, bad points, and my beliefs and why I think this way about his view. By the end of this essay I hope to have answered your entire question on this topic of interest. Which is government surveillance could be a positive or negative problem for people? The first inquiry to be address is how Dyson explained his pessimistic doubts that technological innovations frequently serve to increase social oppression and inequality. I will answer this in a two part answers, in which I will tell you how Dyson look at technology was used and who benefited from the changes. Dyson started addressing his pessimistic doubts with examples from history and his own life. He talked about how technology started out in the fourteenth century with printing becoming the first technology transformation in Europe. With this new invention, people all through Europe had the able to have books to read and educate themselves as well as their fellow countrymen by educating themselves. The technology of printing gave power to the reproduction of the Bible which led directly to the Protestant Reformation in Northern Europe. By using the technology the Protestant ethic carried it with perpetual striving for social justice a vision that was seldom achieved. The next things Dyson begin pointing out was the sensibleness of technology which led the way for social justice during the next two centuries. Dyson talked about how public services such as clean water, sewage treatment, antibiotics and vaccines helped with bring the gap between rich and poor closer. The reason for this as he pointed out was these technologies were effective in protecting the rich from contagion and sickness if also available to poor. So, with being said in some countries where public health technologies are in enforced by law there is no large gaps. He also talked about how technologies starting making synthetic materials to bridge the gaps by introduced fake furs, brilliant colors and silk. By doing this everyone was able to afford clothes of fashion and no was able to tell a person social class by the clothes they wore. So where does the social oppression exactly begin for people? Will I believe it start with new technology and gadgets introduce to social as new a improve way to something done. What I mean by this statement for example the IPhone or any smartphone. While everyone has a cellphone to communicate with friend and family a simple function so we think. Then technology comes along a change the game with apps, internet, and built-in cameras all in a phone that cost about $600 in the beginning. Only people that could afford this new slack technology were the people with money and then newer one hit the social world pushing the older version to be affordable for everyone. So, point is like a new toy we get at Christmas time that you didn’t want your friends to touch because we have to keep it for self. Until we are bored and no longer wanting to play with it and the newest has wears off, we are more apt to allow others to enjoy it, as long as there is something better or newer to replace the old one. So, gaps are made with each turn of new technology pushing the way. In conclusion, Dyson hope technology is used to equally by everyone rich and poor. I believe he pointed out everything that would equally shared by all people no matter their social status. Technology and Social Justice will always have some type of gaps between people because money is driving force behind new technology. Dyson never pointed this out but know these gaps were between rich and poor. At the end of his essay said there was no harm to hope. I can see your point on this because Kurzweil took you on ride on many things. From a computer storage stand point look at what we start with 250mb and now we are at 3Tb for storing information. We are growing at a rate that could way out of control or in our control that is the question? We have to understand what direction these things are taking us because it will be a limit to our growth. Kurzweil know that with growth in time bad things would follow and would have to be ready to protect our self. While reading the case against perfection by Michael Sandel he pointed out a lot of thing we do as humans to modify ourselves by technology. Things like muscles in nhancement to improve our muscle loss from old age but when technology is used for performance enhancement, running, weight lifting, and home slugger are just to name a few. The able to change person genes before even being born is wrong on so many levels. The ethics surrounding this theory wouldn’t allow humans to humans anymore. Everyone is born different for a reason and everyone is given thei r on gift at birth. By using this type of technology to change who we are would cause more chaos then good. Like Sandel pointed with the cloned sheep Dolly which died prematurely with abnormalities was unsafe. The sad truth behind all this type of technology is no matter how we try to change or improve it the cycle death in the end. Sandel point I believe is we have a right to choose our own path in life and should only everything to change our unique able to be different. In â€Å"Preventing a Brave New World†(pp. 317-329), Leon Kass concludes that reproductive and therapeutic cloning of human embryos is unethical. What are the exact steps in Kass’s argument for this conclusion? What is your assessment of the strengths and weaknesses of this argument? How to cite Technology: Sociology and James Stacey Taylor, Essay examples
Comparison of Hughes and Plath Wuthering Hieghts Essay Example For Students
Comparison of Hughes and Plath Wuthering Hieghts Essay Wuthering heights is the title of both Ted Hughes and Sylvia Plaths poem. Although their poems are about the same subject matter, it is necessary to compare these two because they are individuals who have very different opinions and interpretations to each other. Hughes writes about Wuthering Heights and its surroundings but mainly focuses on Sylvia, whereas she only describes her surroundings and appears to be by herself. The length of Hughes poem is unusually long, rejecting the traditional structures of poetry. It consists of 4 paragraphs of all different lengths that lack basic structure and consistency. The 1st paragraph describes the surroundings and Sylvias great enthusiasm for it. The sentences are reasonably short except when used the word then the sentences suddenly become longer in a cumulative effect, primarily to exaggerate time. The poet retreats to short sentences again when talking about a new subject matter and uses this method in an alternative way. The 2nd Paragraph is very short and describes the decaying and desolate scenery accentuating time retrospectively. The 3rd paragraph compares Sylvias ambitions with Emilys failed efforts. This paragraph is also very short telling the readers that there really is no comparison, for Sylvia was twice as ambitious as Emily. The 4th paragraph is longer explaining that Emily should be the one jealous of Sylvias frisky glances and huge hope. In comparison to Hughes poem, Plaths is shorter that has a consistency of 9 lines in each of the 5 stanzas, following a more traditional theme to her poetry. Each stanza takes the readers to a new scene, which is being described. The first stanza describes horizon as the sun begins to set. The second stanza illustrates the atmosphere on top of the hill and the third talks about the sheep and their appearance. The fourth describes a totally different and new scene and the fifth describes the sky and total darkness that signifies closure. She mentions the sky in the first and last stanza providing a comparison for the readers. Additionally, the word now informs the reader that the sun has finally set. Unlike Hughes, Plath uses long sentences using commas to embellish the time spent in this area. Hughes poem is written in the past tense because there is a snapshot of Sylvia being mentioned. Therefore the poem is retrospective and the photograph probably provoked a reaction and caused him to write the poem. However, Plaths poem is written in the present tense, which gives the readers the impression that she was actually writing in it there, as it was fresh in her mind. The readers can empathise with her, even more since it is also written in the 1st person narrative. Similarly Hughes also writes in the 1st person narrative but there is no mention of how he feels, which gives the impression that he is detached from the scene and is only observing, very much like writing in the 3rd person narrative. This technique makes the poem very similar to a story being told and the readers are able to reflect the poets observations. The language used by Hughes often as a double meaning. It was all novel.. to you. This is a play on words as not only does it mean innovative but Plath and Hughes wrote novels too. Much like Hughes, Plath uses the word browsing as a double meaning. Firstly, as vegetation that animals are eating and secondly as surveying goods in leisurely manner, emphasising how the sheep have no significance of time. Words like singe are onomatopoeic and help create a fiery atmosphere for the readers to imagine. Similarly Hughes uses onomatopoeias like flaking and crumbling to reinforce the idea of decay. He also has an interesting word choice. When the words midget, elvish and dwarfish are used to describe Emilys possessions the readers feel that not only is the poet over exaggerating but almost incorporating a sense of fairy tale and myth into the poem too. .u4d3fe71c6c602780b02f21ea690b1762 , .u4d3fe71c6c602780b02f21ea690b1762 .postImageUrl , .u4d3fe71c6c602780b02f21ea690b1762 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u4d3fe71c6c602780b02f21ea690b1762 , .u4d3fe71c6c602780b02f21ea690b1762:hover , .u4d3fe71c6c602780b02f21ea690b1762:visited , .u4d3fe71c6c602780b02f21ea690b1762:active { border:0!important; } .u4d3fe71c6c602780b02f21ea690b1762 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u4d3fe71c6c602780b02f21ea690b1762 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u4d3fe71c6c602780b02f21ea690b1762:active , .u4d3fe71c6c602780b02f21ea690b1762:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u4d3fe71c6c602780b02f21ea690b1762 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u4d3fe71c6c602780b02f21ea690b1762 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u4d3fe71c6c602780b02f21ea690b1762 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u4d3fe71c6c602780b02f21ea690b1762 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u4d3fe71c6c602780b02f21ea690b1762:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u4d3fe71c6c602780b02f21ea690b1762 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u4d3fe71c6c602780b02f21ea690b1762 .u4d3fe71c6c602780b02f21ea690b1762-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u4d3fe71c6c602780b02f21ea690b1762:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Comparison on Making Polite Requests in English an EssayHughes uses a moderate form of alliteration such as, transatlantic elation elated and wuthering heights witheringwhich cleverly provides slight rhythm to the poem. Sylvias strong use of colour paints a vivid and atmospheric picture in the readers mind, reflecting the poets observations and emotions. There is a distinct repetition of the word black in both poems but in each case has a different effect to it. Sylvia uses it to describe the darkness overpowering the surroundings as the sunsets. Hughes uses this, as well as using it to create the atmosphere of death and abandonment, not to mention jealousy. The repetition of dark iron and failed further amplify the negligence of Emily and wuthering heights. Both Hughes and Plath use vivid imagery to heighten and give meaning to their descriptions. The moor lifted and opened its dark flower for you too. Hughes depicts the moor as a flower blossoming symbolising Sylvias power as the sun in a very metaphorical way. Using the same technique he also describes Sylvias potential in life as a jewel efracting every tint. This emotive language leads the reader to believe that this potential of Sylvias was very precious and to be treasured. Correspondingly, Plath uses metaphors to help the readers develop a better mental picture of her descriptions. The sheeps dirty wool clouds accentuates the texture and colour of their fur and their grandmotherly disguise tells the reader that the place only seems old and decaying, which contrasts with Hughes perspective. Hughes also uses similes for the same reasons. poem unfurled from you like a loose frond of hair from your nape ept in a book When compared to Emily, the readers understand that it so natural for Sylvia to write a poem that she is almost unaware of it happening. Sylvia too, uses similes to assist the readers in seeing things from her perspective. valleys black as purses and the house lights gleam like small change. Hughes personifies the wind when it came with empty eyes to look suggesting that every attention was made to Sylvia that she became almost a substitute of Emily, whose ghost on hearing this would be stunned or even envious. Plath uses personification when describing the air remembers a few odd syllables informing the reader the eeriness and emptiness of this area. Also when she mentions the sky leaning accompanied by the word weighting suggests its like a burden, strong and overpowering. Hughes tone of voice seems irritated and impatient with the surroundings and especially with the tour guide, for he effervesced like wine kept too long. The constant detailed depiction of negative aspects of the surroundings such as floors were rubble of stone and sheep dropping suggest a very pessimistic view. In strong contrast, Plath seems so overwhelmed with what she is observing that she is completely distracted and hasnt mentioned Ted Hughes. The intricate detail of her descriptions, suggest an overall optimistic view. The black slots of their pupils take me in. Additionally, the mention of her feelings: they might warm me, presents her enthusiasm and energy of her presence in this location. There is also dramatic irony being used by Hughes when the guide mentions that writer were pathetic people when the readers know that both Plath and Hughes were writers. In conclusion, reading both poems gives us a better understanding of how one location can seems totally different through someone elses eyes. Both Highes and Plaths poem are effective in their own ways. Plaths portrays her passion through dramatic and colourful imagery, whereas Hughes illustrates his bitterness through diction and exaggeration. Both have been successful in their intentions of provoking the readers to make their own interpretations and understandings of what is happening.
Sunday, May 3, 2020
Blue Man Group Audio free essay sample
What?was my friends response when I mentioned the Blue Man Group. Theyare some of the weirdest people on Earth, but that is what makes them sogood, I explained. They make their own instruments. Thatexplanation only touches on the utter weirdness of the Group, and that is whatmakes Audio so interesting. You just cannot classify Blue ManGroup as any specific genre. Their music is mostly rock, without vocals, buttheir homespun instruments provide intricate melodies. These instruments includetheir PVC pipe instrument, which they strike with closed-cell foam paddles toproduce a wide range of tones. They also use instruments with well, odd namesis the only word I can think of to describe them. They include Electric Dog Toy,Pressaphonic, Extension Cord Bull Roarer and Angel Wind Pipes (what exactly theDog Toy and Bull Roarer do, Im not sure.) The Group gets their name fromthe fact that, during all their performances, they dress in black jumpsuits withonly their hands and heads exposed which they paint with blue grease paint. We will write a custom essay sample on Blue Man Group Audio or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Theyalso never show any facial expressions except slight eyemovement. Audio is based loosely on music from Blue ManGroups performances in New York, Boston, Chicago and Las Vegas, though it ismeant to stand independently. If youve seen one of the shows, you mightrecognize Track 5, Rods and Cones, during which the Group performs along segment on vision. Even if you havent seen a performance, this CDis still a must-listen. All 14 tracks have a sound of their own; some are slowand relaxing while others are fast and upbeat. The use of conventional guitarsand drums are amazingly mixed together with not-so-conventional instruments likezithers and cimbaloms, making an adrenaline rush as big as Michael Jacksonsannual salary. So, if you like weird-but-cool music, the Blue Man GroupsAudio is a must. And the next time youre in New York, Boston,Chicago or Las Vegas, seek out their live show. Its possibly even better thanAudio, but thats another story.
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