Thursday, October 31, 2019
Salary Inequality in the Workplace - when do men still earn more Research Paper
Salary Inequality in the Workplace - when do men still earn more - Research Paper Example Despite the theories, there is no concrete evidence as to why salary inequality is still a problem, suggesting that the disparity is a social problem with a very hidden agenda to satisfy the needs of a patriarchic work environment. Why do Men Earn More? Allyn (2003) suggests that men earn more than their female counterparts due to the return on investment achieved through education. According to an empirical study, education is geared more to provide men with better understanding of computer systems. Thus, when men and women enter the workforce, men who receive complimentary benefits are assumed to have a better knowledge base associated with technology usage, giving them a salary advantage (Allyn 2003). Under this assumption, salary disparity between the different sexes is a product of the educational system and the provision of knowledge associated with technology. Is this a rational explanation for the aforementioned inequality? If so, one could easily blame the administration in today’s colleges and universities for not creating a diverse curriculum that provides men and women with the same quality learning outcomes. It is likely that many educators and administrators in the teaching environment would strongly argue against Allyn’s study results, suggesting that there are ample and equal opportunities for both female and male students in the schools’ attempts to provide identical learning systems. Many universities, today, make it part of their ethical policies to ensure uniform educational methods that provide equivalent instruction and coaching that facilitates scholarship for both sexes. Thus, if Allyn’s findings are accurate, there must be bias within the educational system that prevents women from attaining the knowledge in technology necessary to achieve equalized pay upon graduation. However, with no concrete research evidence, this is only speculation. Connell (1997) indicates that the salary disparity between men and wom en is quite simple: it is the product of a long-standing patriarchic society that was built by men and sustained by men, thus reducing opportunities for women to advance equally. Since the majority of executives in the business environment are male, there is the assumption that a patriarchic hegemony (domination) resides at the highest levels of the organization. Any attempts to undo the male-dominated workforce would therefore, under this theory, lead to backlash or even sabotage when women attempt to exert their own supremacy (Connell, 1997). Anyone in society with a thoughtful mind could surely support the notion that the workforce as it is known today was built on male governance. The vast majority of businesspersons in history were male, therefore creating authority and control systems in the business world borne of male-generated policy and procedure. It was quite rare in yesteryear for a woman to expand their education and knowledge in order to attain a position of prominence in the business organization. In this time period, it was commonplace for women to maintain a role as housewife and mother, sustaining the household as a reward for receipt of male earnings. This was the foremost role of women until the 1940s, but this mentality was altered in the 20th Century as
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Credit marketed to cunsumers Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Credit marketed to cunsumers - Essay Example Emphasis is given to the following fact: the marketing plans that promote credit have a series of severe implications for consumers. These implications are analyzed below aiming to highlight the need for setting barriers to the marketing of credit around the world. One of the most critical findings of the study seems to be the following: in the past credit was regarded as a tool used under exceptional conditions; today, credit has become a key part of daily life. Thus, the terms of its marketing should be thoroughly reviewed as of their effects on consumers. In order to evaluate the potential consequences of the credit marketed to consumers it is necessary to refer primarily to the methods employed by marketers for promoting credit. Commonly, marketers who design the marketing plans promoting credit use themes and issues related to critical social incidents or problems. For example, in USA ‘the credit cards that aim to cover medical expenses’ (Scurlock 6) are quite popul ar. Another issue quite important for marketers developing these plans is the marketing means used for communicating with the public, i.e. for promoting credit to consumers. ... In other words, the marketing plans promoting credit can appear almost everywhere. It can be quite difficult for consumers to resist to the dilemmas set through the relevant advertisements. However, consumers have started to face these plans with skepticism, especially since the image that these plans present in regard to credit-related products have been proved as unreal (Scurlock 12). The introduction of the concept of credit score is considered as an effort of marketers to control the concerns of consumers towards the credit-related financial products (Scurlock 127). The positive credit report has been set as a prerequisite for the extension of existing credit or for the provision of credit; the last case refers to consumers who borrow money for the first time (Scurlock 127). The credit report is based on credit scores: a high credit score denotes a consistent borrower while a low credit score indicates the failure of the borrower to respond to his obligations in regard to his deb t (Scurlock 127). Today, credit score is used for checking the overall financial status of a person, a fact that has caused strong criticism; for example, a candidate for a specific job may be asked to bring his credit report before signing the employment contract (Scurlock 128). The above practice violates human rights since it justifies the access to private data (Scurlock 128). Although it is widely used, the credit report hides a series of risks: a) by emphasizing on credit report and on the importance of credit score authorities and organizations seem to promote a specific trend: consumers are urged to put all their efforts for protecting their credit score. In this
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Write A Perfect Introduction Paragraph
Write A Perfect Introduction Paragraph It was one minutes before the eighth period bell rang for classes to start. I rushed into my sophmore english class, out of beath, to see my english teacher standing by the door. As we all scrambled in, proceeding to our seats, we were handed a piece of paper which looked to be an assignment. I quickly snatched an assignment and hurried to my seat. Little to my knowledge, this specific assignment that our teacher had planned for us, would change my view on english writing. I was not aware that in the next few weeks, I would be approaching one of the most difficult assignments and experiences in my educational life. Subsequently, our teacher quickly clarified that the assignment that we had to do was to simply write an introduction paragraph. Not only did we need to just write a well-written paragraph, but it had to be perfect. We had a few weeks to write a perfect introdcution paragraph on a choice of a topic, and we had to turn our paragraph into the teacher. If she saw a mistake (w hether it be grammatically or structurely), she would solemnly hand it back without notifying us on what our mistake was. We could turn our paragraphs in as many times as needed, before the deadline. If we were able to write a perfect introduction paragraph with no mistakes, we would earn a full 30 points. If we were not able to write the paragraph within the deadline, we would simply recieve a 0. After understanding the details of the assignment, the pressure began for me. I immediatley went home and wrote a first draft of my paragraph. I wanted to create a basic structure with my bridge and thesis. Arrogantly, I thought I had a perfect paragraph on the first try. The next day, I turned my paragraph into my teacher with a huge grin on my face. I just knew that I would get the 30 points on the first day. To my disappointment, she quietly returned my paragraph within a minute of reading it. My hopes were down, but I was not going to give up. Within the next week and a half, I must ha ve turned in my edited paragraph at least 5 times. I had my friends, family and even the TLC proof-read my paragraph. I wanted to succeed in this assignment, no matter how frustrated it made me feel. A few days before the deadline, I had confindently turned in my paragraph. Waiting patiently while my teacher read it, I was very hopeful that this would be the time when she would finally accept it. The moment I saw my paragraph put in the pile of accepted paragraphs, joy overcame me. Looking back on this experience, I still remember this because it gave me a different look on writing. I had to edit my paper numerous times, I had to recieve help from others and I had to pay attention closley to my writing. Even though I was not happy that I had to make this paragraph a perfect one, it felt great once I suceeded. This assignment has impacted me today as a writer because I now know that there is always room for improvement in any writing that I do. Its just the time and effort that I nee d to continuously put in each piece that I write. That assignment has showed me to never give up on writing, no matter how much stress it can cause me. Hard work, effort and ambition goes a long way in writing! As a human being in general, I am very ambitious and I never give up. These qualities shine through me as a student, as well. When it comes to school and my education, I am usually not too enthusiastic about all the work that i must do. Knowing that all the work and effort that i must put into school is going to help my future, I take school very seriously. As a student, I care so much about my grades and my goals for the future. When it comes to teachers and being in a classroom, I am quite specific. I long for a teacher who has the students best interest at heart and a teacher who is willing to go out of their way to help students succeed. I generally do not like when a teacher has one specific way of teaching, such as having students just write notes. Its preffered that there are various ways of teaching and having students interact differently. The type of learning that helps me the most and that is most beneficial is visual learning. If I am taught something, I want to be able t o see it. Thorough explanations and claficiations behind material also help me understand more deeply. In general, a teacher who simply cares about a students success is the type of teacher who i stride to have. Every year, I say to myself I am going to work extra hard and get straight As this year. Being a bit unrealistic in the beginning, my year ends up not turning out how i say. Obviously, most students would love to get straight As but that does not always happen. This year, I am going to make a difference and make realistic goals for myself. I am definatley striding for good grades this year, but saying I am going to get straight As may not be the most realistic goal. The difference with this year and other years is that this is the year that I must take the most serious. I am going to get quite involved with college information, tests for college (ACT/SAT) and planning my future. Having high goals for my future, I want to meet them. The way to meet my goals for my future is to work extra hard and continue to be ambitious. An enormous change I need to make this year has to deal with procrastination. In previous years, I seemed to procrastinate quite a lot. For the upcoming and subseque nt years, I want to cut out the procrastination quality completley. I know that not procrastination will only benefit me. This year, I have lots of ambition and I want to simply stride to do well. In addition to my general future goals with college and my future career, I have many goals for this specific year in English class. The main expectation and goal that I am aiming for is to improve with my writing. There is always room for improvement and if I learn even more about writing and improve, I am confident that this will carry me far in the future. Another expectation is that I improve with my reading. Honestly, I am not enthusastic about reading and like other students, I sometimes stuggle in this area. I want to enjoy all the reading done in this class and learn ways to improve my reading skills. This may include tips for annotations or any way to help me become a better reader and understand material easier. English is on my top list of favorite classes and I am excited to learn more and to improve!
Friday, October 25, 2019
the pledge of allegiance Essay -- essays research papers
     The Pledge Of Allegiance      The Pledge of Allegiance was written in 1892 by a man named Francis Bellamy for a children’s magazine called The Youth’s Companion. Mr. Bellamy wanted the flag to fly above every school in America so that children would feel pride and love for their country when reciting the words to the Pledge of Allegiance. That was before the recent September 11, 2001 attacks.      The Pledge of Allegiance is a solemn oath of allegiance or fidelity to the U.S. I pledge allegiance, has always meant a strong devotion to or a solemn promise of loyalty of a citizen to his or her government. This is nothing but the truth since September 11,2001. More than ever have we all seen the strong devotion and dedication to this great country. In the first few days after the terrorist’s attacks you couldn’t buy an American flag anywhere. Everyone had in some way symbolized his or her strong patriotism, in a visual sense and an emotional sense. It didn’t seem to have the strong feeling that accompanied the strong words until recent.      To the flag, a piece of cloth varying in size, shape, color, and design, usually attached to one end of a staff or cord and used as the symbol of a nation, state or organization. Not these days. The flag that we are talking about is not about size, shape and color. A symbol of a nation is closer but doesn’t capture it. What we are clear... the pledge of allegiance Essay -- essays research papers      The Pledge Of Allegiance      The Pledge of Allegiance was written in 1892 by a man named Francis Bellamy for a children’s magazine called The Youth’s Companion. Mr. Bellamy wanted the flag to fly above every school in America so that children would feel pride and love for their country when reciting the words to the Pledge of Allegiance. That was before the recent September 11, 2001 attacks.      The Pledge of Allegiance is a solemn oath of allegiance or fidelity to the U.S. I pledge allegiance, has always meant a strong devotion to or a solemn promise of loyalty of a citizen to his or her government. This is nothing but the truth since September 11,2001. More than ever have we all seen the strong devotion and dedication to this great country. In the first few days after the terrorist’s attacks you couldn’t buy an American flag anywhere. Everyone had in some way symbolized his or her strong patriotism, in a visual sense and an emotional sense. It didn’t seem to have the strong feeling that accompanied the strong words until recent.      To the flag, a piece of cloth varying in size, shape, color, and design, usually attached to one end of a staff or cord and used as the symbol of a nation, state or organization. Not these days. The flag that we are talking about is not about size, shape and color. A symbol of a nation is closer but doesn’t capture it. What we are clear...
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Cumberland Case Essay
1. What’s your price for the curled metal pads? Why? (3) 2. How attractive an opportunity is this for CMI? (7) 3. How are you going to market these pads? Describe your marketing plan. (8) 4. What are you going to say to the Colerick Foundation?Exhibit 1: CMI was one of the largest manufacturers of curled metal products in US with an 80% market share. CMI’s sales were dipping and management was not optimistic of maintaining the current market share in the long run. Cumberland had a history of using curled metal technology to develop innovative metal products like slip-seal to meet the demanding specifications. Existing cushion pads in the market seem to be meeting the need adequately and hence no specific attention was being paid to develop new and high performing products. The results of tests of the use of new metal pad had been excellent, exhibiting nearly 33% gain in efficiency and 20 times more life as compared to asbestos pads. Because of the lack of an existing market and sales and distribution channels, company faced a herculean task of convincing the channels that there indeed was a market for the new pad. Existing pads in the market came in standard diameters but CMI’s manufacturing process provided the flexibi lity to develop pads in any diameter using the same band of curled metal. Because of the lack of statistics on cushion pad usage, CMI did not have a clear idea of the sales mix of the various product sizes. Contractors and Subject matter Experts(Prof. R. Stephan McCormack of Pennsylvania A&M university ) had expressed great enthusiasm about the new pad. At this stage of prior to product launch and manufacturing, CMI seem to be struggling to find a responsible contractor to use the product and monitor its performance | Opportunities| Threats|No direct competition for Cumberland existed because of the lack of interest of†¦ foot driven. This alternative is in line with the price of current used pads in the test scenario, hence competitive. The advantage of this method is it fulfills the company objective of 50% markup, is easy to calculate, and competes well with other pads. Furthermore, proceeding years will realize a greater than 50% margin since the $150,000 equipment investment will be eliminated. This approach would work best for a strategy of extensive market penetration. Since the price of the pads are the same current used, CMI needs only to convince consumers of the effici ency and safety advantages to convert them to the new pads. However, this pricing method does not consider the possibility of premium pricing due to efficiency cost savings or value added to the customer by using the CMI pads. Case PresentationCurled Metal Inc. (CMI) faced a pricing and channel marketing decision for metal pile cushions utilized during pile driving. CMI’s approach to metal pads has significant efficiency advantages over currently used pads available in the market. However, CMI has to take into account several barriers to entry into this market. The primary barrier is that most companies viewed role of pads as a necessary accessory or tangent item instead of viewing them as a potentially value adding or cost reducing part of pile driving. In order to penetrate the market, CMI has to alter the point of view of pile driving pads for the opinion leaders, engineering firms, and contractors involved in the decision process. There is several stakeholders to consider, first CMI that need a new successful product to the continued success of the company. The decisions regarding pile cushions could greatly increase the company’s revenues and profits. There are also several secondary sta keholders in the pile driving industry. Secondary stakeholders include pile hammer manufacturers, architectural consulting engineers, soil consultants, pile hammer distributing/renting companies,†¦Promotion strategyPatent? Curled Metal’s strategic and marketing objectivesThere is a need to increase the industry’s awareness for the new pad and to recognize it as a â€Å"necessity†for projects.This can be achieved by soliciting different influencing parties. Different parties have established ties with their targeted clients. The parties can easily influence clients.Pile hammer manufacturers, architectural/ Consulting engineers play a role in influencing decisions of contractors by providing recommendations. Curled Metal should maintain a good relationship with these parties and carry out firm visits to introduce the product to them.For independent pile-driving contractors, professional staff from Curled Metal can be assigned to these contractors to help with management at the initial period.Less resource should be allocated on pile hammer distributing and sophisticated engineering/ construction contractors as it may be difficult to change their mindsets.This can also be achieved th rough promotion. Curled metal can continue to make use of the influence of respected Professor Stephen McCormack of Pennsylvania A&M University. Since sophisticated firms of the industry are familiar with his research, Curl Metal should value Professor McCormack’s influence. Curl Metal should publish the test results of the new pads to the industry when it is finalized.Curled Metal can make use of existing publication on pile-driving jobs, such as Oklahoma Contractor. Curled Metal can have its advertisement featured on the publication to introduce the advantages of the new pads.Curled Metal can also sponsor professional-level seminars and conference for contractors, designers and equipment developers to exchange ideas. Curl Metal can make us of the chance where different parties gather together and promote the new pads to them. Professors can be invited to hold talks and explain how the new pads can help save resources and time. Answered questions: What should a customer be willing to pay for one of Curled Metal Incorporated’s new cushion pads? What factors are relevant in calculating willingness to pay in this situation? Prepare a specific monetary estimate of customer value in this situation. What price should Curled Metal Inc. set for one of its new cushion pads? Why? Please focus on an 11.5-inch cushion pad. On page 1 of the case, Curled Metal Inc.’s vice president Joseph Fernandez says, â€Å"The way we price this could have a significant impact on everything else we do.†An integrated strategic option specifies the basic type of advantage a company will pursue (e.g., differentiation? low cost? other?), relevant decisions about customer and product scope, and key choices throughout the company’s value chain. Please prepare an integrated strategic option for CMI – an option that specifies your price but also specifies the many other choices facing CMI in formulating a strategy for its new cushion pads (e.g., in marketing, sales, distribution, production, finance, and other functions). Case analysis for Curled Metal Inc.1. What should a customer be willing to pay for one of Curled Metal Incorporated’s new cushion pads? What factors are relevant in calculating willingness to pay in this situation? Please prepare a specific monetary estimate of customer value in this situation. When calculating the value of CMI’s curled metal pads to the customers one has to take a variety of factors into account. These are the total costs per hour of pile driving, the saved costs for driving as well as the savings in changing time. By calculating the total amount of money saved when applying the new pads, one can calculate the â€Å"real value†of the product. One „real hour’sâ€Å" worth of pile driving is calculated as follows: One real hour has a total cost of $714. We will use this number for further calculations. Below I have calculated the total costs for driving time, replacing pads for both the Kendrick Foundation Company and Corey construction†¦ Cumberland Metals: Case Study Analysis. 1/9Cumberland Metals faced a both a pricing and channel marketing decision for metal pile cushions utilized during pile driving. Cumberland’s approach to pile cushions had significant efficiency advantages over other asbestos methods that were currently available in the 1979 market. However, Cumberland faced several barriers to entry into the pile cushion market. The primary barrier was that most companies viewed role of cushions as a necessary accessory or tangent item instead of viewing cushions as a potentially value adding or cost reducing part of pile driving. In order to penetrate the market, Cumberland would have to alter the lackadaisical view of pile driving cushion pads for the opinion leaders, eng ineering firms, and contractors involved in the decision process.Key IssuesCumberland needs to consider several marketing decisions. First, they must determine a method for pricing and ultimately a price for the new metal pads. Second, Cumberla nd must decide which channels to market the pads based on the selected pricing strategy. Third, Cumberland must determine how much to invest in manufacturing equipment by estimating market penetration and considering the costs and benefits of investing in pad producing equipment.AnalysisCumberland’s new metal pile driving pads provided several benefits over the current asbestos cushions. Several Pad features and pricing decisions will be discussed and analyzed in this section. First, the safety and heat properties of the cushions will be analyzed and compared to current asbestos pads. Second, efficiency characteristics will be analyzed and compared with current asbestos pads. Third, several methods of calculating the best price in order to match the price to the value added for the customer will be discussed. Finally, an analysis of the different marketing channels a nd marketing strategy will be presented. Safety Presentation MarketingCumberland Metal Industries ( CMI cushion pads) The Problem Definition: For Cumberland Metal Industries the curled metal cushion pads represent a great breakthrough. These pads offer the company the opportunity to diversify, and double their sales, given a proper market introduction. Cumberland Industries faces the challenge to Place in the market (promote/advertise) and price their latest innovation, the curled metal cushion pads in a way that it reveals the great advantages that the product provides.In order to do that, the company needs to pay attention to certain factors that can influence the success of the product on the market. These factors are: promotion and advertising, and the pricing of the metal pads on the market.Marketing Strategy: A sensible thing for the company to do is to use the niche strategy in order to place the product on the market. A Niche strategy will focus on a specific area of a service or a product. The advantage of using niche strategy is that it can focus on a specific niche that provides either a large volume of business or small volume with lucrative profit margins. The whole idea behind the niche strategy is that it targets those people who are interested in the type of product offered. In our case, by placing the CMI metal cushion pads as a niche, Cumberland Metal Industries has the potential of becoming a dominant player on the market.The next step is promoting and advertising the product as such (niche/innovative etc.). What Cumberland Industries should do, is create a brand. They have a truly innovative product that has the potential of becoming a huge success. Before the CMI metal pads, the only pads available were the asbestos pads. Those, however, could be found at diverse retailers, and were not properly marketed. Moreover, it is well known, and proven that the asbestos pads are a hazard to health and also there are some government regulations that prohibit the use of asbestos. Cumberland Metal Industries – Pricing Strategy Executive SummaryCumberland Metal Industries (CMI), a company specialized in making of curled metal products, has develop a new product, metal cushion pad with health safety and long durability, to help contractors drive piles faster. Based on the successful tests, CMI now wants to launch this new product to the market. The main challenge CMI is facing is to price its new pads. Since the pad is totally new in the market, CMI should use perceived value pricing method and apply marketing mix programs comprised of advertising, education, and distribution channels to launch this product as well as develop it to get full market share in the future.Perceived Value Pricing – strategy for future successCMI should set the objective of this new business to be the monopoly and to maximize profits. However, the prerequisite for this objective is to get a patent to prevent this product from being copied and imitated. As long as CMI did not get patent for this product, CMI should not sel l it as it would invite the entry of competitors because this cushion pad is not a high technology product and easy to be copied.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Where There’s a Will There’s a Way
Alex Stough Prof. Minner English 1301 9 November 2012 Where There’s a Will, There’s a Way Many people who are physically challenged have accomplished a lot during their lifetime, proving that they are not â€Å"handicapped†. Bob Sampson and Steven hawking have created successful careers while being confined to a wheelchair. Sampson, despite having muscular dystrophy, has worked for United Airlines for more than thirty years, and has also earned a degree in law.Steven Hawking, most famous for his book A Brief History of Time, used a voice synthesizer to dictate his books and conduct public lectures because he was unable to speak. He was also a teacher of mathematics at Cambridge University. Franklin D. Roosevelt, Ann Adams, and Itzhak Perlman all refused to let polio destroy their lives. Roosevelt and Adams were diagnosed with polio when they were adults; Itzhak, however, was diagnosed when he was just a mere child.President Roosevelt led the United States during two of the worst periods of its history; the great Depression and World War II. Reassured by his bombastic voice, Roosevelt inspired hope and determination in the American public. Ann Adams, who was talented in art before polio paralyzed her, retrained herself to draw with a pencil grasped in her teeth; she now produces sketches of children and pets that are turned into greeting cards.Itzhak Perlman was unable to play sports when he was a child; instead he studied the violin which inevitably made him into one of the greatest violinist of today. Like Perlman, many physically challenged individuals turn to the arts; perhaps the reason is because the joy of artistic achievements compensates for other pleasures that they cannot experience. Ray Charles, Stevie Wonder, Jose Feliciano, and Ronnie Milsap all express their music through their souls. For instances, a lot of Ray Charles’ songs are emotionally driven and have a lot of meaning behind them.Although they are unable to see p hysically, their music reveals truly how well they see. Although hearing impairment struck Ludwig van Beethoven and Marlee Matlin, it did not stop them from developing their talents as Artists. Already a successful composer, Beethoven’s most powerful pieces were written after he had become deaf. Similarly, Matlin has had excellent acting roles in movies, plays, and television programs; indeed she won an Oscar for the film Children of a Lesser God.She encourages others to develop their ability, and because of this many hearing-impaired actors have been inspired by her. Handicapped is a word used far too often to describe those who are physically challenged. As history has proven, many famous individuals have made great achievements in spite of their disabilities. People who are physically challenged should not automatically be labeled as â€Å"handicapped†. We as humans have the mental capability to overcome and adapt the challenges that we may face, even if that means making lifestyle changes.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Post Civil War Racism essays
Post Civil War Racism essays The conclusion of the Civil War in favor of the north was supposed to mean an end to slavery and equal rights for the former slaves. Although laws and amendments were passed to uphold this assumption, the United States Government fell short. The thirteenth, fourteenth, and fifteenth amendments were proposed and passed within five years of the Civil Wars conclusion. These amendments were to create equality throughout the United States, especially in the south where slavery had been most abundant. Making equality a realization would not be an easy task. This is because many problems were not perceived before and during the war. The reunification of the country would prove to be harder than expected, and entry into a new lifestyle would be difficult for both the freedmen and their former oppressors. The thirteenth amendment clearly prohibits slavery in the United States. All slaves were to be freed immediately when this amendment was declared ratified in December of 1865, but what were they to do? Generations of African-Americans had been enslaved in America, and those who had lived their whole lives in slavery had little knowledge of the outside world. This lack of knowledge would not be helpful in trying to find work once they were released. Plantation owners with a lack of workforce were eager to offer extremely low pay to their former slaves. In addition, the work force of the plantation would often live in the same quarters they did while enslaved. These living conditions showed little change from the living conditions African-Americans had faced while enslaved. While the former slaves lived on the ideal that they were now free, the fifteenth amendment was under heavy fire. Those who felt threatened by the massive amount of African-Americans who would now be participating in the government criticized this Amendment, which allowed all male citizens the right to vote regardless of race. Ex-Confederates, many of...
Monday, October 21, 2019
Free Essays on American Dreams
American Dream Compare â€Å"Hester Street†and â€Å"Eat a Bowl of Tea†Many years ago, people have immigrated to a new world where they can hope for a more beautiful existence, for the wealth, for the freedoms, for the better opportunities and most importantly, for the American Dreams. As each new era of foreigners migrate to America, they face the obstacle of conforming to mainstream America. As â€Å"Hester Street†and â€Å"Eat a Bowl of Tea†portrayed, immigrants come to this land of opportunities with the hopes and dreams of a better life for themselves or their families. In â€Å"Hester Street†, Jake, a Russian Jewish immigrant who lived in New York's Lower East Side for five years, leaving his wife behind, and taking up with a new woman and earning enough money to support his dance hall ways. On the other hand, in â€Å"Eat a bowel of tea†, Wah Gay is a traditional Chinese immigrant who owns a club in Chinatown, and sends all his money to his wife back in China, who he has not seen in 20 years because of the inequitable immigration laws that had prevented Chinamen bringing their women into the country. These immigrants fall within a lower social class, as a result they strive to conform to a more facilitating and suitable lifestyle. As they begin to build a new life in America, they face the process of assimilation. America holds an idea of a mainstream society; consequently those individuals not fitting this image are left with feelings of abandonment and insecurity. As a result, they feel pressured in achieving the American dream. Let’s look at the examples the movies give us. In â€Å"Hester Street†, Jake, a self-made Yankee, has abandoned the traditions of his culture by cutting off his beard and earlocks, and he has adopted the mannerisms of his new country, including a new girlfriend who runs a dance hall. When his wife Gitl and son Yossele join him from the Old World, Jake was embarrassed. He ... Free Essays on American Dreams Free Essays on American Dreams American Dream Compare â€Å"Hester Street†and â€Å"Eat a Bowl of Tea†Many years ago, people have immigrated to a new world where they can hope for a more beautiful existence, for the wealth, for the freedoms, for the better opportunities and most importantly, for the American Dreams. As each new era of foreigners migrate to America, they face the obstacle of conforming to mainstream America. As â€Å"Hester Street†and â€Å"Eat a Bowl of Tea†portrayed, immigrants come to this land of opportunities with the hopes and dreams of a better life for themselves or their families. In â€Å"Hester Street†, Jake, a Russian Jewish immigrant who lived in New York's Lower East Side for five years, leaving his wife behind, and taking up with a new woman and earning enough money to support his dance hall ways. On the other hand, in â€Å"Eat a bowel of tea†, Wah Gay is a traditional Chinese immigrant who owns a club in Chinatown, and sends all his money to his wife back in China, who he has not seen in 20 years because of the inequitable immigration laws that had prevented Chinamen bringing their women into the country. These immigrants fall within a lower social class, as a result they strive to conform to a more facilitating and suitable lifestyle. As they begin to build a new life in America, they face the process of assimilation. America holds an idea of a mainstream society; consequently those individuals not fitting this image are left with feelings of abandonment and insecurity. As a result, they feel pressured in achieving the American dream. Let’s look at the examples the movies give us. In â€Å"Hester Street†, Jake, a self-made Yankee, has abandoned the traditions of his culture by cutting off his beard and earlocks, and he has adopted the mannerisms of his new country, including a new girlfriend who runs a dance hall. When his wife Gitl and son Yossele join him from the Old World, Jake was embarrassed. He ...
Sunday, October 20, 2019
Learn More About the Types of Coffee Served in Italy
Learn More About the Types of Coffee Served in Italy Espresso, caffà ¨ normale, cappuccino; sometimes it seems that there are as many types of coffee in Italy as there are kinds of pasta. And just like pasta, Italian coffee is an art form with many customs and traditions. Whether its a caffà ¨ corretto thrown back like a shot, acappuccino and brioche for breakfast or a granita di caffà ¨ con panna to cool off from the hot midday sun, in Italy, there is a coffee drink specific for every time and mood. The Perfect Tazza Want to start a heated discussion in Italy? Ask a group of friends how to make a perfect cup of stove top espresso! There are fully automatic espresso makers, pump-driven espresso machines, lever piston espresso machines, and, of course, the classic aluminum espresso coffee maker (also called a moka pot or The Moka Express), which was invented in the 1930s. Italian coffee tifosi in search of the perfect cup will also debate various factors such as bean type, blade vs. burr grinders, tamp pressure, water temperature and humidity. Caffeine junkies not only have their favorite local torrefazione (coffee house), but even prefer certain  baristi because of their ability to deliver a perfect caffà ¨ espresso. S Marks the Pot (of Coffee) No one expects a first-time visitor to Italy to trill their rs like a native Italian speaker. But if you dont want to be labeled maleducato when ordering a coffee in Italy its espresso, not expresso. Both will quicken your heart rate, but an expresso is a fast train and an espressois a small cup of very strong coffee. And caffà ¨Ã‚ (with two fs) is both the beverage and the locale that serves it. What kind of coffee should you order in a caffà ¨? The possibilities can be as daunting as a Starbucks menu. Below is a list of the most popular caffeine-laden drinks. Keep in mind, too, Italians generally dont drink coffee with any meal except breakfast. Coffee is often ordered after a meal and -  che vergogna! - only the unwitting tourist will order a cappuccino in a restaurant after lunch or dinner. When ordering an after-dinner coffee, do not ask for an espresso, ask for un caffà ¨, per favore. Italian Vocabulary List: Coffee caffà ¨ (espresso)- a small cup of very strong coffee, i.e., espressocaffà ¨ Americano- American-style coffee, but stronger; weaker than espresso and served in a large cupcaffà ¨ corretto- coffee corrected with a shot of grappa, cognac, or another spiritcaffà ¨ doppio- double espressocaffà ¨ freddo- iced coffeecaffà ¨ Hag- decaffeinated coffeecaffà ¨ latte- hot milk mixed with coffee and served in a glass for breakfastcaffà ¨ macchiato- espresso stained with a drop of steamed milk: small version of a cappuccinocaffà ¨ marocchino- espresso with a dash of hot milk and cacao powdercaffà ¨ schiumato- similar to a macchiato, but with milk foam insteadcaffà ¨ stretto- espresso with less water; rocket fuel!cappuccino- espresso infused with steamed milk and drunk in the morning, but never after lunch or dinnergranita di caffà ¨ con panna- frozen, iced beverage (similar to a slush, but ice shavings make it authentic) and topped with whipped creamshakerato- espresso with sugar shak en to a froth over ice and topped with foam
Saturday, October 19, 2019
Performance Management in Education Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3250 words
Performance Management in Education - Essay Example Average spending per pupil is approaching that of independent schools. Rather than the lack of resources, the reason for poor performance lies in the structure of the education system. In the absence of parental choice, British schools have been subjected to increasingly strong direction from central government. While the aim was to achieve a minimum level of achievement for all children, the result has been persistently low standards, inequity and burdensome regulation Research (Oct,2005) done by the independent think tank Reform shows that radical education reform, based on allowing parents to choose either state or independent schools at the taxpayers' expense, is supported by a half of all voters and would create thousands of new schools. A Reform study, The potential benefits of real education reform in England, includes detailed research into the system of school choice in Sweden, held up last week by the former Minister Alan Milburn as a model for the forthcoming White Paper on secondary education. Sweden has seen a dramatic increase in the number of taxpayer-funded independent schools in all areas of the country, including rural and deprived areas. If the Swedish experience was replicated in England, real reform would lead to over 3,500 new schools in twelve years. Reform also released an ICM poll on education reform. ... If the Swedish experience was replicated in England, real reform would lead to over 3,500 new schools in twelve years. Reform also released an ICM poll on education reform. It shows that 76 per cent of voters think that state education is in need of a fundamental review and 49 per cent support choice of both state and independent schools on the Swedish model. A majority of 18-34 year-olds support radical reform. The study shows that the Government's general election manifesto gives it the mandate it needs to introduce radical reform. But unless the key principle of reform is accepted - that taxpayers' money can follow parental choice freely into the independent sector, allowing new schools to open according to parental demand rather than Local Education Authority decision - any change will be slow and any improvement limited. The Reform report shows: 1. The Prime Minister and other senior Labour figures have said that a key objective for this Parliament is to increase the number and variety of state schools in England. They have argued for barriers to the opening of schools to be removed and for new schools to be run by private and voluntary providers. 2. This objective is right. At present the provision of schools and school places is not demand-led by parents but centrally planned by Local Education Authorities. The effect of planning decisions over the last two decades has been to reduce the number of schools and to limit the choices available for parents. Since 1984, the total number of state schools has fallen by 13 per cent (a fall of 3,267 schools) in a time of rising pupil numbers. Prime Minister and other senior Labour figures have made clear that a key aim of their policy for Parliament is to increase the number and variety of state schools
Friday, October 18, 2019
Korean Movie Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Korean Movie - Essay Example The connection between the two movies was very obvious, I do not know if the director retained on purpose the actors who played Kim Yu Shin and the farmer guy, but the continuity was even more felt because of this. I enjoyed the Kim Yu Shin character because he was already crazy in Battle of Hwangsanbeol and even funnier in Pyongyang Castle. But even if he was portrayed as a funny guy, I saw how he became Korea’s hero based on the things he did from the two movies. The moral of the story of Pyongyang Castle was different from that of the Battle of Hwangsanbeol. Pyongyang Castle was more of a love story and showed the love for family, compared to the other movie, which showed that honor and name of the family is the most important thing in the Korean culture, even if honor will be gained through death. Overall, the movie Pyongyang Castle was entertaining and informative at the same time because it showed a glimpse of the Korean history and the colorful culture that it has. The movie portrayed good moral and family values, even if the theme was about war. After watching the movie, I thought of having my friends watch the movie also, because I found it worth-watching though they have to make do with the subtitles just like I
COMMERCIAL LAW Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
COMMERCIAL LAW - Essay Example However, in protecting the interests of consumers, the Act does not go to the other extreme of compromising the interests of lenders. Since one of the requirements of the Act is that lenders and businesses offering credit are to seek a license before they can enter the business of credit, therefore the Act also protects the interests of genuine lenders by enforcing the repayment of debts that consumers may incur, which cannot be easily escaped. One of the notable provisions of the Consumer Credit Act of 1974 which has often been questioned is Section 127(3) which allows for certain agreements t be completed nullified if they are considered extortionate. This is one of the radical reform measures being undertaken through the new Consumer Credit Act of 2006, which does away with this provisions and introduces some fresh measures for the protection of lenders, such as allowing a wider range of small businesses to also enjoy the protection afforded to individuals. However, the scrutiny and screening of lenders and donors of credit has also increased considerably through the enhanced powers that are provided to the OFT under the new Act of 2006. The Consumer Credit Act of 1974 is specifically formulated to regulate all consumer credit and consumer hire arrangements that deal with amounts that are less than 25,000 pounds ( Therefore at the outset, by regulating such low cost transactions, it works to the benefit of average low and middle income consumers rather than targeting the rich and wealthy who are few in number. The Act also lays out a definition of the range of individuals who are to be protected by the Act . One of the ways in which the Act protects consumers is by laying down the form and contents which agreements are to be composed of, providing redressal procedures that must be adopted in case there is a default or a termination of the credit arrangement by either party and by disallowing extortionate credit bargains. For
Health Care Management HA330 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Health Care Management HA330 - Essay Example Lastly, it discusses the skills needed for leaders in health organizations. In the words of Eric and Steven, Strategy is defined not as an event but as the roots of the structure of an organization (Steven G. Hillestad, 2004). In health organization, strategies which are relevant to the changing work environment are adopted. There are various strategies to choose from. These could be: In the 21st century the future of health organizations is totally dependent on how well they adapt to current changing environment. Because of the rapid growth in population the best approach to strategize health organizations is by improving their internal capabilities and personal performance. A health organization is a service based organization therefore its main strength lies in the quality of its service. The better services they offer the better reputation they command. For this it is important to improve on internal capabilities and performance levels. They should focus on the health organization’s hygiene. Providing the patients with perfect hygiene is very important. The news about infections generated due to unhygienic hospitals has always made it to headlines. Technology has taken over most health organizations today. Thus, it is highly recommended that health organizations are abreast with the latest technology . They are updated with the latest data and the latest equipments for treatment are in place. Technological procedures like MRI, CT scans and other surgeries are expensive. However these procedures should be incorporated as they produce efficient results. Survival today is not only what people look for but the quality of life they are offered along with the opportunity cost (Patrick, 1993). Along with the introduction of technology performance maintenance criteria needs to be practiced. The staff needs to get training sessions to get familiar with the machines before experiencing it on humans. Number of studies carried out in Canada
Thursday, October 17, 2019
Critique of Two Articles Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Critique of Two Articles - Essay Example Studies were cited that reported that immigrants who fail to learn either the English or French language will be three times more likely to report ill health after four years. Among the reason cited were 1)impairing accesss to health services 2) creating economic difficulties and 3) reducing social participation. Despite of its title, the article second titled Chinese language signs is un-Canadian actually pushes forth for the tolerance of the Chinese language in the Canadian society. It argues that language is not the glue that binds the Canadian society but rather, the principles of federalism, democracy, the rule of law and respect for minority. It also persuasively argued that Canada prides itself as a cultural mosaic in the same manner America prides itself as a cultural melting pot. The first article Benefit from a common language: campaign to lmit the proliferation of Chinese signage over English deserves public support makes it argument in emphaiszing the English-language sig n on two points that can easily be pigeon holed because the validity of its argument is a suspect and reminiscent of old persuasions about language which were already considered to be false. First, the argument that English-language signs will reduce the segration effects between the Chinese immigrants and other organs of Canadian society is really a narrow minded persuasion and preposterous because it only limits social and national unity to the proficiency of a certain language. Implementing an English only langauge sign will in fact, discriminate more on the minority that will breed resentment and segregation because it is an act of stripping a particular group of their freedom to express themselves which is one of the enshrined principles of the Canadian Constitution. The intention of reducing segregation between Chinese community and Canadian mainstream society, while good and noble, will in fact be easily defeated by the resentment that a bigoted policy will produce. That inst ead of enabling unity, will in fact create a social volcano of resentment among the minorities. Second, the study that was used to advance the argument and position that changing the signages to English and the mandated increase of the usage of the English language will have a health benefit needs scrutiny. Moreso when it threatened that failure to learn the English language will increase the likelihood of getting sick three times in four years. This method, to a certain extent, is reminiscent of autocratic regimes where governments resort to black mail and intimidation to have its way. It is very un-Canadian and makes the position of mandating English only signage weak when it resorted to a dubious study that threatens. True, being proficient in the English language has economic benefits but it does not mean that it had to be imposed by removing Chinese signages. Because even if it will imposed and those Chinese characters removed, it will still not hasten the learning of the langu age because the participants are unwilling and it takes time to assimilate. Instead of being threatened by those Chinese characters, Canada as a society should pride with the richness and diversity of its cultural society. The other article titled Chinese language signs is un-Canadian also made a reasonable assertion that language is not what would
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Assessing & Analyzing the Impact of the British Petroleum (BP) Essay
Assessing & Analyzing the Impact of the British Petroleum (BP) Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill in the Gulf of Mexico - Essay Example is a petroleum manufacturing company which was founded in the year 1889. It is a London based company and is one of the largest companies in the world. It is engaged in the business of exploration of oil and petroleum and manufacturing of various petroleum products. BP is vertically integrated and is engaged in all allied business activities related to the oil and gas industry (Yahoo Finance, 2012). It is a multinational company and its shares are traded in the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) and London Stock Exchange (LSE) with the ticker symbol â€Å"BP†. BP is associated with a rich history and has achieved numerous landmarks on its way to become a large multinational company as it stands today. BP is committed towards becoming the industry leader and maximising the wealth of its shareholders through energy supply to its customers in a responsible and safe manner. The business segments of BP are primarily two, namely a) the oil exploration and manufacturing unit, and b) the marketing and refining business unit. Recently BP has engaged itself in exploring sources of renewable energies as well. The recent tragic incident involving the Gulf of Mexico oil spill had a significant negative impact on BP and the company has taken several strategic initiatives to restore its reputation in the market. Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill The Gulf of Mexico oil spill incident took place on April 20, 2012. It is regarded as one of the largest disastrous event corresponding to the petroleum industry history. The incident took place at Deepwater Horizon, which is a semi-submersible rig meant for oil drilling and situated offshore in the Gulf of Mexico. An explosion occurred which set the oil rig on fire and 11 crewmen were found dead. Several other workers working there were injured. The explosion took place while the oil drilling was on at a water depth of around 1500 m and BP was the principle operator of this project. The explosion occurred because of the ignition of methane gas in the drilling rig which expanded into the rig due to high pressure exerted by the methane gas. Later on after this mishap, oil leak was found which began to spread at a fast rate. According to the reports of Flow Rate Technical Group, the leak resulted in spilling out of oil amounting to around 4,900,000 barrels of oil. The resulting oil spill quickly spread over a large area of water covering around 1,500 square kilometres. After considerable efforts the wellhead was successfully capped on July 15, 2010. A commission was set up by the US government to investigate on the reasons behind the explosion and oil spill which released its final report on January 5, 2011. According to this report several faults were identified on the part of BP which led to the occurrence of this disastrous event. They were mainly accused of making an attempt to work on the project at cheap rate that resulted in the explosion and oil leakage. One of such fault detected was that BP did not make use of any diagnostic tool which could have the ability to test for the tensile strength of the cement used to build the rig. Another major fault in the part of BP was that it ignored the pressure test which indicated negative results. In addition to this BP did not make any effort to plug the pipe with the help of cement. Hence all these facts suggest that BP was primarily responsible for the oil spill at Deepwater Hori
Critique of Two Articles Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Critique of Two Articles - Essay Example Studies were cited that reported that immigrants who fail to learn either the English or French language will be three times more likely to report ill health after four years. Among the reason cited were 1)impairing accesss to health services 2) creating economic difficulties and 3) reducing social participation. Despite of its title, the article second titled Chinese language signs is un-Canadian actually pushes forth for the tolerance of the Chinese language in the Canadian society. It argues that language is not the glue that binds the Canadian society but rather, the principles of federalism, democracy, the rule of law and respect for minority. It also persuasively argued that Canada prides itself as a cultural mosaic in the same manner America prides itself as a cultural melting pot. The first article Benefit from a common language: campaign to lmit the proliferation of Chinese signage over English deserves public support makes it argument in emphaiszing the English-language sig n on two points that can easily be pigeon holed because the validity of its argument is a suspect and reminiscent of old persuasions about language which were already considered to be false. First, the argument that English-language signs will reduce the segration effects between the Chinese immigrants and other organs of Canadian society is really a narrow minded persuasion and preposterous because it only limits social and national unity to the proficiency of a certain language. Implementing an English only langauge sign will in fact, discriminate more on the minority that will breed resentment and segregation because it is an act of stripping a particular group of their freedom to express themselves which is one of the enshrined principles of the Canadian Constitution. The intention of reducing segregation between Chinese community and Canadian mainstream society, while good and noble, will in fact be easily defeated by the resentment that a bigoted policy will produce. That inst ead of enabling unity, will in fact create a social volcano of resentment among the minorities. Second, the study that was used to advance the argument and position that changing the signages to English and the mandated increase of the usage of the English language will have a health benefit needs scrutiny. Moreso when it threatened that failure to learn the English language will increase the likelihood of getting sick three times in four years. This method, to a certain extent, is reminiscent of autocratic regimes where governments resort to black mail and intimidation to have its way. It is very un-Canadian and makes the position of mandating English only signage weak when it resorted to a dubious study that threatens. True, being proficient in the English language has economic benefits but it does not mean that it had to be imposed by removing Chinese signages. Because even if it will imposed and those Chinese characters removed, it will still not hasten the learning of the langu age because the participants are unwilling and it takes time to assimilate. Instead of being threatened by those Chinese characters, Canada as a society should pride with the richness and diversity of its cultural society. The other article titled Chinese language signs is un-Canadian also made a reasonable assertion that language is not what would
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Basic Ideas and Theories of Mass Communication Essay Example for Free
Basic Ideas and Theories of Mass Communication Essay In the first place, there were many well renowned scholars who contributed immensely towards the development of communication processes, society and their communication relationships, which are still relevant and heart touching. Thus, David K. Berlo developed the source-message-channel receiver (SMCR) theory in the 1960s. His theories emphasized the many factors that could affect how senders and receivers created, interpreted and reacted to a message. While Max Weber Explore his contribution to our understanding of social stratification, classes and status groups from category Sociology in relation to communication. According to him, â€Å"We cannot deny the existence of social structures or system by which people are categorized or ranked in a hierarchy. This people categorization is otherwise known as social stratification. It is a universal characteristic of society that persists over generations. It is a social structure by which social issues and organizational problems arise. In a society, groups of people share a similar social status, and this is known as social class†. ABSTRACT In this work (assignment), I bother most on the contributions, the basic ideas and established notions propounded by both theorists_ D K Berlo and that of Max Weber. And their biography. Q. 1 (a) THE CONTRIBUTION OF DAVID K. BERLO AND HIS BASIC IDEAS ESTABLISHED IN THE THEORIES OF MASS COMMUNICATION Foremost, for a proper focus on communications theory, the Oxford English Dictionary defines communication as the imparting, conveying, or exchange of ideas, knowledge, information, etc. We can look up the origin of the word. Communication comes from the Latin communis, common. When we communicate, we are trying to establish a commonness with someone. That is, we are trying to share information, an idea or an attitude. Looking further, you can find this type of definition: Communications is the mechanism through which human relations exist and develop. This broad definition, found in a book written by a sociologist, takes in about everything â€Å"Communications theory then becomes the study and statement of the principles and methods by which information is conveyed. Among key communications theorists were Wilbur Schramm, David Berlo, and Marshall McLuhan. Basically, for a close examination, the major contribution in communication model that I will consider is the SMCR model, developed by David K. Berlo, a communications theorist and consultant. In his book The Process of Communication,6 Berlo points out the importance of the psychological view in his communications model. The four parts of Berlos SMCR model are  no surprises here  source, message, channel, receiver. The first part of this communication model is the source. All communication must come from some source. The source might be one person, a group of people, or a company, organization, or institution such as MU. Several things determine how a source will operate in the communication process. They include the sources communication skills  abilities to think, write, draw, speak. They also include attitudes toward audience, the subject matter, yourself, or toward any other factor pertinent to the situation. Knowledge of the subject, the audience, the situation and other background also influences the way the source operates. So will social background, education, friends, salary, culture  all sometimes called the sociocultural context in which the source lives. Message has to do with the package to be sent by the source. The code or language must be chosen. In general, we think of code in terms of the natural languages  English, Spanish, German, Chinese and others. Sometimes we use other languages  music, art, gestures. In all cases, look at the code in terms of ease or difficulty for audience understanding. Within the message, select content and organize it to meet acceptable treatment for the given audience or specific channel. If the source makes a poor choice, the message will likely fail. Channel can be thought of as a sense  smelling, tasting, feeling, hearing, seeing. Sometimes it is preferable to think of the channel as the method over which the message will be transmitted: telegraph, newspaper, radio, letter, poster or other media. Kind and number of channels to use may depend largely on purpose. In general, the more you can use and the more you tailor your message to the people receiving each channel, the more effective your message. Receiver becomes the final link in the communication process. The receiver is the person or persons who make up the audience of your message. All of the factors that determine how a source will operate apply to the receiver. Think of communication skills in terms of how well a receiver can hear, read, or use his or her other senses. Attitudes relate to how a receiver thinks of the source, of himself or herself, of the message, and so on. The receiver may have more or less knowledge than the source. Sociocultural context could be different in many ways from that of the source, but social background, education, friends, salary, culture would still be involved. Each will affect the receivers understanding of the message. Messages sometimes fail to accomplish their purpose for many reasons. Frequently the source is unaware of receivers and how they view things. Certain channels may not be as effective under certain circumstances. Treatment of a message may not fit a certain channel. Or some receivers simply may not be aware of, interested in, or capable of using certain available messages. In short, Berlo: Several important ideas, notions and factors established must be considered relating to source, message, channel, and receiver. Q. 1. (b) TRACE THE BIOGRAPHY OF DAVID K. BERLO D. K. Berlo in history. This caption attempts to give an insight in to the biography of the eminent scholar whose communication ideologies, philosophy and notions cannot be overlooked in the field of mass communication_ journalism. Biographical information: In 1955, David K. Berlo, at the age of 29, received his doctorate degree in the study of communication from the University of Illinois. Berlo was a student of Wilbur Schramm, who sat on the doctoral committee. Schramm, whose theories of communication are well known, was responsible for the creation of the first communication program at the graduate level which was an entity separate from speech and mass communications. Dean Gordon Sabine, also sat on the committee, and the following day offered Berlo an assistant professorship position and the chair of the newly created Department of General Communication Arts, at his Michigan State University (MSU) (Rogers, 2001). In our trivial pursuit, it was discovered that, Berlo, being many years younger than his colleagues and some of his students, perceived himself to be in need of communicating an air of permanence and maturity, so that his position, and that of the newly formed department, would be taken seriously. To this end, he deliberately gained weight†¦up to 270 pounds of body mass, dressed in dark, fancy suits, and began to act the part of the chairperson of a more well-established department (Rogers, 2001). It must have worked, because he was able to successfully establish, at Michigan State, one of our country’s first undergraduate majors in communication. He functioned in the role of educator, author, and communication department chair at MSU for 14 years, from the department’s inception in 1957 through 1971. In 1960 he wrote the textbook which was implemented in his undergraduate classes, The Process of Communication. He taught an excellent doctoral level core course in research methods and statistics. He was a strong leader, excellent educator, and advocate for the field of communication study. He continued to research and develops his SMCR theory of communication and information. In it he stressed the importance of the perception of the source in the â€Å"eye†of the receiver and also the channel(s) by which the message is delivered. During his final 3 years at Michigan State, it is said, that he seemed to lose interest in his job. He became county chairperson of the Republican Party and was passed over for the position of Dean of the College of Communication Arts (Rogers, 2001). In 1971 he became President of Illinois State University, but resigned in 1973 when an investigation took place to uncover whether or not he had spent unauthorized funds for the completion of the presidential house (Plummer, 2005). He completed his career working as a corporate consultant in St. Petersburg, Florida. Q. 2. (a) GIVE SOME ESTABLISHED NOTIONS OF MAN AND SOCIETY PROPOUNDED BY MAX WEBER. Max Weber was one of the founding figures of sociology. His work is important to students of communication for several reasons, including his methodological and theoretical innovations as well as a diversity of useful concepts and examples for the analysis of social behaviour, economic organization and administration, authority, leadership, culture, society, and politics. Some of his greatest achievements, notions, ideologies, philosophy, and the experiences that guided his convictions he established, which also characterized his stand and position; thus, can be seen as highlighted in the following contributions outlined: * Max Webers work provides an example of historical and comparative social science that successfully negotiated between attention to theoretical concepts and empirical details. Rather than concluding an investigation with a generalization or theoretical claimâ€â€that all economic behaviour is rational, for exampleâ€â€Weber would use the concept of rational b ehaviour as a comparison point in conducting his research. * Webers work provides the origin of action theory as such. Weber defines action as meaningfully oriented behaviour, and takes it to be the fundamental unit of sociological investigation. This is crucially important for communication studies, for it defines a model of social science distinct from behaviourism. * How could Weber claim a scientific approach to motives and meanings, which cannot be directly observed? His resolution of this problem has been widely admired and imitated. On the one hand, he combined logic, empathy, and interpretation to construct ideal types for the analysis of historical cases. He constructed, for example, idealtype models of how the perfectly rational or perfectly traditional actor would make choices in ideal circumstances. These expectations would then be compared with what real people did in actual circumstances. When historical actors deviated from the ideal types, Weber did not take that as evidence of their cognitive shortcomings (their irrationalit y, for example) but as clues to additional concepts he needed to develop for further analysis. * Working from the other direction, he interpreted historical records empathetically, striving to identify how the actors in a particular situation could have seen their action as a rational response to their circumstances. In this way, he was able to construct models of a range of types of rational action, opening up his theory to a greater range of human situations than either the behaviorists or the economists. Prayer, for example, as Weber pointed out, is rational behavior from the point of view of the faithful. * Webers work also provides many useful concepts and examples for communication studies, in addition to the wide-ranging importance of his action theory and his methodological innovations. * His analysis of economic organization and administration is the standard model of rational organization in the study of organizational communication. His studies of authority and leadership are important to students of mass communication, and of both organizational and political communication. * His studies in the sociology of religion explore the range of possibilities in the relation between ideas and social structures, a problem that continues to be at the heart of cultural studies. * His contrasts of rational and traditional and his analysis of modern bureaucracy are starting points for analysis of modern industrial-commercial culture and communication and the effect of the media on culture and politics. * Weber distinguished three ideal types of political leadership (alternatively referred to as three types of domination, legitimisation or authority): 1. Charismatic domination (familial and religious), 2. Traditional domination (patriarchs, patrimonialism, feudalism) and 3. Legal domination (modern law and state, bureaucracy). In his view, every historical relation between rulers and ruled contained such elements and they can be analysed on the basis of this tripartite distinction. He notes that the instability of charismatic authority forces it to routinise into a more structured form of authority. In a pure type of traditional rule, sufficient resistance to a ruler can lead to a traditional revolution. The move towards a rational-legal structure of authority, utilising a bureaucratic structure, is inevitable in the end. Thus this theory can be sometimes viewed as part of the social evolutionism theory. This ties to his broader concept of rationalisation by suggesting the inevitability of a move in this direction. * Bureaucratic administration means fundamentally domination through knowledge. * Weber described many ideal types of public administration and government in his masterpiece Economy and Society (1922). His critical study of the bureaucratisation of society became one of the most enduring parts of his work. It was Weber who began the studies of bureaucracy and whose works led to the popularisation of this term. Many aspects of modern public administration. Social stratification * Weber also formulated a three-component theory of stratification, with Social class, Social status and Political party as conceptually distinct elements. * Social class is based on economically determined relationship to the market (owner, renter, employee etc.). * Status class is based on non-economical qualities like honour, prestige and religion. * Party class refers to affiliations in the political domain. * All three dimensions have consequences for what Weber called life chances (opportunities to improve ones life). This context consisted of the political problems engendered by the bourgeois status-group of the city, without which neither Judaism, nor Christianity, nor the developments of Hellenistic thinking are conceivable. According to Weber, * He argued that Judaism, early Christianity, theology, and later the political party and modern science, were only possible in the urban context that reached a full development the West alone. =He also saw in the history of medieval European cities the rise of a unique form of non-legitimate domination that successfully challenged the existing forms of legitimate domination (traditional, charismatic, and rational-legal) that had prevailed until then in the Medieval world. This new domination according to him, was based on the great economic and military power wielded by the organised community of city-dwellers (citizens). Weber’s ideas â€Å"form the heart of what is commonly known as structuralism†(Littlejohn). Weber defines organization as follows: â€Å"An ‘organization’ is a system of continuous, purposive activity of a specified kind. A ‘corporate organization’ is an associative social relationship characterized by an administrative staff devoted to such continuous purposive activity†(Weber, Social and Economic Organizations, p. 151.). Weber’s notion of bureaucracy involves power, authority, and Legitimacy. Power â€Å"is the ability of a person in any social relation to Influence others and to overcome resistance. Power in this sense is fundamental to most social relationships†(Littlejohn). Q. 2. (b) GIVE THE BIOGRAPHY OF MAX WEBER MAX WEBER’S EARLY LIFE AND FAMILY BACKGROUND Weber was born in 1864, in Erfurt, Thuringia.[3] He was the eldest of the seven children of Max Weber Sr., a wealthy and prominent civil servant and member of the National Liberal Party, and his wife he was buckin Helene (Fallenstein), who partly descended from French Huguenot immigrants and held strong moral absolutist ideas.[3][9] Weber Sr.s involvement in public life immersed his home in both politics and academia, as his salon welcomed many prominent scholars and public figures.[3] The young Weber and his brother Alfred, who also became a sociologist and economist, thrived in this intellectual atmosphere. Webers 1876 Christmas presents to his parents, when he was thirteen years old, were two historical essays entitled About the course of German history, with special reference to the positions of the Emperor and the Pope, and About the Roman Imperial period from Constantine to the migration of nations.[10] In class, bored and unimpressed with the teachers – who in turn resented what they perceived as a disrespectful attitude – he secretly read all forty volumes of Goethe.[11][12] Before entering the university, he would read many other classical works.[12] Over time, Weber would also be significantly affected by the marital tension between his father, a man who enjoyed earthly pleasures, and his mother, a devout Calvinist who sought to lead an ascetic life.†Max Weber and his brothers, Alfred and Karl, in 1879 MAX WEBER’S EDUCATION At this juncture, Weber was in 1882, enrolled in the University of Heidelberg as a law student. After a year of military service he transferred to University of Berlin. After his first few years as a student, during which he spent much time drinking beer and fencing, Weber would increasingly take his mothers side in family arguments and grew estranged from his father. Simultaneously with his studies, he worked as a junior barrister. In 1886 Weber passed the examination for Referenda, comparable to the bar association examination in the British and American legal systems. Throughout the late 1880s, Weber continued his study of law and history. He earned his law doctorate in 1889 by writing a dissertation on legal history entitled Development of the Principle of Joint Liability and the Separate Fund in the Public Trading Company out of Household and Trade Communities in Italian Cities. This work was used as part of a longer work On the History of Trading Companies in the Middle Ages, based on South-European Sources, published in the same year. Two years later, Weber completed his Habilitationsschrift, Roman Agrarian History and its Significance for Public and Private Law, working with August Meitzen. Having thus become a Privatdozent, Weber joined the University of Berlins faculty, lecturing and consulting for the government. References Reinhard Bendix and Guenther Roth Scholarship and Partisanship: Essays on Max Weber, University of California Press, 1971, p. 244. Max Weber. Encyclopà ¦dia Britannica. 2009. Encyclopà ¦dia Britannica Online. 20 April 2009. Max Weber. Stanford Encyclopaedia of Philosophy. Retrieved 17 February 2010. Max Weber; Hans Heinrich Gerth; Bryan S. Turner (7 March 1991). From Max Weber: essays in sociology. Psychology Press. p. 1. ISBN 978-0-415-06056-1. Retrieved 22 March 2011. D K Berlo. The Process of Communication.
Monday, October 14, 2019
Chanakya And His Influence On Modern Day Espionage
Chanakya And His Influence On Modern Day Espionage Chanakya, more prominently known as Kautilya, was one of the greatest philosophers, thinkers and tacticians, not just India, but the world itself had ever seen. This Indian Machiavelli, ironically, who was prominent before the times of Niccollo Machiavelli himself, had carved himself a place among the greats of Socrates, Aristotle and so on and so forth. But, despite of his significant contributions towards the soul of many constitutions, his tactics and policies being used and abused by many a rulers to make or break a state with the help of nuclear warfare and low profile assassinations, what the common man tends to miss is the link between the headlines of todays world and the brain child of an intellectual, who had once laid the foundation of one of the mightiest empires the Common Era had ever seen, the Magadha Empire under his student and emperor , Chandraguptha Maurya. This leads any curious mind to a question, as to what had helped the empire of Magadha assert its position as one of the most dominant empires, be it on quantum of economic stability or military strength, of that era. The answer had always lied right in front of us. A closer analysis of todays crisis and their remedies and its reference and comparison to Chanakyas work , the Arthashastra , unearths the roots of modern political and economic events, to the depths of an era existent before Jesus Christ himself. No matter how deep history tries to bury his contributions with the sands of ever changing modern conspiracies and progression, Kautilya will remain to be one among the greatest political masterminds , who has undoubtedly contributed a lot to what we, our recent fore-fathers , and the generations to come, call, called and will call, our modern world. Introduction This research is done with an objective to determine whether the modus operandi of modern espionage agencies of various states functioning across the world has, if, ever implemented the tactics and policies, on how such an organization should be operating, prescribed by the great Indian teacher, Chanakya, also known as Kautilya, in his work, the Arthashastra. This research primarily focuses on checking the credibility and practicality of his tactics and policies in the field of espionage, with respect to the present world scenario. This comparison and analysis is basically done with an intention to answer any question, which attempts to form a relationship, moreover a link, between Chanakyas ideas about espionage and covert operations and the modern screenshot of the latter two. The researcher has done his research with the translation of the Arthashastra as the base and has further relied on various online as well as print media for the completion of this analytical comparison. Before one may jump straight onto comparing the analytical results of few incidents around todays world with that of the ideologies of the great thinker Kautilya, one may take an interest in knowing more about who Kautilya, or known better by the name Chanakya, as a person was. The origins of this great mastermind has never met the real rays of sun. But his presence throughout the golden era of Indian history had been inscribed in almost every available text from that era, both foreign and domestic. Chanakya had a key role in the rise of Chandraguptha Maurya as the ruler of the mighty Magadhan empire , and that too at the young years of the emperor. Chanakyas ideas and philosophies is what was believed to establish and assert the power of Magadha as one of the strongest empires of that era, and an Indian empire which could give any other civilization a great competition in terms of economic prosperity as well as the formidability and strength of its army and the efficiency of its intelligence network. Chanakya, not only emphasized in his work, Arthashastra, to establish a kingdom where there was no political corruption or instability, no economic insecurity , but also where the threats from any enemy rulers , moves against the emperor ,both internal and external attempts could be foiled in an efficient and effective manner, without the outbreak of any controversies. It is on this particular aspect of his work, his take on the role and function of espionage , in establishing a st rong empire and breaking one that of an enemy, and how his work is interpreted and implemented to suit the modern era of global warfare by todays rulers. For this study to be beneficial, one must be aware of the tactics and methods of functioning of espionage organizations in the Magadha empire under the plans laid down by Chanakya himself. The covert operations wing under the supervision of Chanakya was very much sophisticated, yet efficient in nature. After the appointment of the imperial ministers , the next important job for the king was to recruit his a reliable network of spies, both to keep an eye on the minister as well as to nudge any moves against the emperor, both internally and externally with respect to the empires territorial jurisdiction. The duties of these spies covered acts of reporting the rumors being spread around by people, good or bad, about the emperor; news and rumors being spread about the emperor in the neighboring countries; eavesdrop on plans of attack and other political strategies to gain an upper-hand on the Magadhan empire by the enemy rulers; to torturing and extracting valuable information from the enemys generals; to discreetly assassinate high officials of the Magadhan empire, who are found to be corrupt; as well as high bureaucrats of enemy states ; create political confusion in other states to gain an upper-hand over the enemy state while the emperor is staging an attack, and so on and so forth. The spy network is broadly categorized into two main headings, one would be that of the agents stationed in one place, city, town etc., while the other would be that of agents who travel around from one place to another in search of information that could be of beneficial to the progression of the state as well as very much significant to the security of the empires integrity as well as survival. On how the secret service is to be formed, Chanakya prescribes that it is the responsibility of the king to make the potential candidates undergo through seven tests of loyalty. Any information validated through three spies shall be accepted as the truth while if any spy was found inefficient or his intelligence false, then he or she ill be executed. The intelligent officer should be a person of high intelligence, sharp mind and courageous with un-doubtable loyalty to the emperor and his motherland. For his valor and loyalty, backed up with his efficient operations, he shall be rewarded by the emperor appropriately for is services. Covers used by agents: The spies, station both within and outside the political boundaries of the empire, blend in with the people by utilizing cover like that of a monk, a house holder, trader or an ascetic. The agents are provided with sufficient resources, so that they can take up a cover of their choice, suiting the need of the hour and the advantages which can be possibly gained if such a cover is undertaken. So far was only about the stationed agents. The roving agents takes up the roles of Assassin, Poisoner and wandering nuns. Assassins are usually the most courageous in the land, who are usually mercenaries who are willing to put their life in the line of fire for earning a few nickels. While the poisoners, on the other hand are basically people who show m=no mercy or any signs of kindness to any being around him. Transmission of intelligence: The intelligence collected by the spies are all collected and transmitted through different means. The transmitter will not have any idea who the gatherers are, and nor will they have any clue as to what the message contains. They make sure that the message is encrypted in such a way that only the receiver can decipher it and put it into the required mode of action so as to facilitate the smooth and safe functioning of the government. They may be in the forms of songs, speech, symbols or other coded words like place names with numbers, names of goods and commodities, important ranks etc. in the absence of messengers, the agents who are assigned to a particular station might make excuses like being unwell , health wise, or any emergency had arisen at their hometown or homes, so that they can get out of the stations and directly convey their messages to the required senior officers to take further actions regarding the news. At times, instead of deploying agents of their own inside the buildings of the enemy kings and potential enemies of the state, Chanakya also says that one can convert an existing official in the required zone to be an asset of the emperor. These officials maybe corrupt minister in the enemies council, generals of the armies of the enemy kings, or the staff of minister of the ministers of the emperor. To command their loyalty, it is advised that the families and loved ones of the double agent might be held hostage so that the double agent will work more sincerely and effectively so as to save the lives of his loved ones. Agents may also be deployed to observe the operations of the rulers of enemy territory, by taking up the covers of domestic help inside the houses of the enemy generals and ministers, traders and merchants in the cities, farmers in the villages and nomadic herdsmen in the frontiers. Forest dwellers were also used to keep an eye on enemy operation across the border, an d they were rewarded for function efficiently on performing their assigned duties. Counter espionage: It was not sufficient just to have an effective spy network to keep an eye on the activities of the enemies of the state, according to Chanakya. In-fact, the state should also run a parallel network of espionage, which could prevent enemy spies from collecting important data from within the empire. To blow the enemy operatives cover, the king might take steps like assigning spies of great caliber and very low profile to investigate into such matters, post staging an act of disloyalty among the councilors so as to attract the enemy spies and take advantage of the resultant situation. The spies, both in espionage and counter-espionage wings , may take up disguises of a variety of choices, out of which the most prominent ones would be cart driver, juggler, fortune teller, soothsayer, prostitute, brothel keeper, rich widow, craftsman, actor, doctor, physician, lunatic, physically impaired person, merchant baker, astrologer and so on and so forth. It is surprising to know being aware of the fact that Kautilya had spent his whole lifetime in India, the modern day espionage organization , the research and analysis wing , has not implemented any of Chanakyas tactics in the mode of operations. Holding that thought, if one was to evaluate the developments in the espionage field across the world, it may be found that the foreign governments are actually acting in accordance to what the Indian scholar planned for establishing a full efficient government. Few of the most efficient intelligence wings across would be the central intelligence agency of the united states of America, supported by their covert operations military wing, and the Secret intelligence service, more prominently known as the mi6 and its sister units in Britain, the Mossad of Israel, reputed for producing one of the most efficient assassins across the globe, and the Sluzhba Vneshney Razvedki and its sister units in Russia. The American intelligence wing: The espionage agency of America basically comes under the command of the Cia, which directly reports to the president. The intelligence gathering is done by this organization, while its assassination duties are executed by their own trained operatives. At times, these same duties are outsourced to the covert operations units of the armed forces within the country, or of foreign nations. The covert op units of the united states armed forces includes the us navy seals, the delta force unit and so on and so forth. The efficiency of the united states espionage could be observed on taking 2, among the many allegedly available incidents, in the history. One of the m being the assassination of the once tagged worlds most wanted terrorist, Osama bin Laden, at his secret residence in Abbottabad , in Pakistan. The intelligence with regard to his whereabouts were not available to any of the other nations, not even its closes neighbor and the one neighbor with whom the country has strong political tension, India . The Cia gathered this intelligence, allegedly, through a doctor who had been regularly visiting the mansion in which laden had been using as his safe house. The more surprising fact , in this case if one may be bias towards the united states claims, is that , the intelligence agency was so efficient in uncovering the whereabouts of this international terrorist, who had found his safe-house in a hotspot for insurgent issues, and that too just a few hundred miles away from the states capital ci ty . it is also to be noted that despite the cover provided by the Pakistan government, who was once, and still is an ally of the us govt., and the safe-house being very next to a Pak army base camp, the us had still managed to unearth the hideout and send in special forces to infiltrate into the compound, and successfully completing the execution of the target. The means by which they entered the hostile territory, without setting off any alarm in the Pak intelligence radar, is also a towering evidence of the efficiency of their intelligence wing. But on taking a closer look at this whole event, it can be established that what the united states government and what Chanakya had prescribed in Arthashastra are both in one sense very similar. The deployment of spies, the assassination of the target, the mode of operation etc., are all very much similar. The Mossad. The Mossad is yet another deadly intelligence agency known across the world for producing the few among the finest and most merciless assassins in the world. The Israeli secret service had been very discreet in its activities as well as covert operations , both within its territories as well as outside it. One of the recent happenings which could indicate the presence of their spies throughout the world would be that of the assassination, or rather execution of Muhammed Suleiman, the Syrian president, Bashar al-Assads special presidential advisor for arms procurement and strategic weapons . Suleiman was shot to death , allegedly by a Mossad operative. The reports states that means of execution was by means of sniping the target and the assassin had fled with the help of a boat. The means of escape was chosen with respect to the ease of escape as well as the position and routine by which the target had moved into the hot-zone, which was in Suleimans case, his walk along the coast side of the beach. This is one more, among the many other examples as to how the modern world has adopted the tactics of Chanakya to deploy spies and assassinate important dignitaries of the enemy ruler by closely observing the targets and identifying the loop holes in their routines and utilizing them to the benefit of the assassin as well as the state. Modern day Indian scenario and Chanakya. In the present India, the intelligence wing has been divided into two main section, one the Intelligence Bureau, which deals domestic intelligence and counter intelligence functions of the intelligence wing , and the Research and Analysis Wing, which deals with the external intelligence affairs of the nation. Despite having the ideologies of a great philosopher like Chanakya himself to our rich and prominent political heritage, the modern Indian officials and Governors has failed to implement an improvised version of the great teachers tactics of espionage in the present day scenario, which would have been of great use to preserving the stability and security of the state as a nation , not succumbing to any sorts of threats from both internal and external forces, if it had been implemented properly. Unlike its western and much advanced counterparts, the Research and Analysis Wing has no recorded significant achievements or successful covert operations to boast about other than a few controversies and corruption charges against its officials, like any other politically governed body in India. Mixing Kautilyas ideas of a perfect state with mud, the present Indian scenario depicts the picture of the Indian intelligence service as just another body which corrupt politicians of both the home and foreign nations use to their own personal agendas or laying foundation to another international controversies. One may also note that the repeated number of bombings and terrorist attacks that had happened in the metropolitan cities across the country itself is a towering indicator as to how inefficient is the present day spy network under the modern Indian government. But, one may also claim that the same lack of lustrous records could be a part of being a highly efficient intelligence organization. Yet given the picture of the present scenario of Indian intelligence, an individual may say that it is high time they stop making laws and start breaking a few , so that they co uld make an effective, as well as a deadly network of spies and assassins, so that they can help their nation survive through any hidden as well as exposed and exploited crisis , and ensure the failure of the enemies of the state. CONCLUSION Being made aware of the similarities of the functioning of Chanakyas model of an espionage system and the system of present world scenario prevelant in different states, one may conclude that Chanakya has immensely contributed towards the establishment of effective spy networks throughout the world. Though , in todays world, espionage and counter-espionage is very much related to national security and eliminating the threats to the same ,in the worms eye view; one may look at the same from a broader perspective to find that it has partially succeeded in making the world a better , or as one may say, a safer place to live in, for the common man. But an individual may also not neglect the blatant truth that the same espionage networks and their operations are somewhat , or is alleged to be, clandestinely responsible for causing tension, or even worse, erupting wars among two or more states. Moreover, the more they make people feel secure about todays world , the more they tend to creat e strenuous relationships among the states throughout. But, as far as Chanakyas ideology of the existence an effective intelligence and counter-intelligence body for a state is concerned, the researcher may conclude that most of the states across the globe has succeeded in establishing efficient clandestine networks ,which lives up-to he had portrayed in his work ,as an efficient network.
Sunday, October 13, 2019
Private Foreign Capital in India :: essays research papers
"Private Foreign Capital in India"-Macro Economics Problem: Has Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) contributed to the growth of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of India? Null Hypothesis (Ho): There is no significant increase in growth of GDP due to FDI inflow in India. Alternative Hypothesis (H1): There is significant increase in growth of GDP due to FDI inflow in India. Project Prà ©cis: Definition: FDI: The acquisition abroad of physical assets such as plant and equipment, with operating control residing in the parent corporation. GDP: The sum total of all final goods and services produced within a country in a specified period of time. Foreign direct investment is an important source of capital, complements domestic private investment, and is usually associated with new job opportunities, enhancement of technology and boosts economic growth in host countries. Therefore foreign direct investment flows are increasingly looked as a panacea for all the development needs of developing countries. So, there is an increasingly intense competition among countries to attract FDI inflows so much so that governments see the magnitudes of FDI received as indicators of their success. Preliminary Literature Survey: Recent literature has shown that some may bring valuable benefits to their host economies, others may crowd-out domestic enterprises and actually reduce host country welfare. Studies have also shown that host government policies such as screening mechanisms, performance requirements, incentives and pro-active promotion play an important role in determining the quality of FDI inflows. Although FDI inflows into India have increased considerably since1991, its share would appear too small, especially if it is compared with that of other countries in the region such as China. India has been receiving FDI inflows of about $3 to 4 billion a year that represent a marginal under 2 per cent of total inflows attracted by developing countries. In contrast, China has been receiving over $45 billion of inflows representing nearly a quarter of total developing country FDI inflows. Particulars China India FDI Confidence Index score*(January 2000) 1.45 1.14 FDI Inflow (US $ billions, 1998) 45.5 2.3 FDI Stock (US $ billions, 1998) 261.1 13.2 GDP (nominal US $ billions, 1999 estimate) 993 468.4 * The FDI confidence index tracks the impact of likely political, economic and regulatory changes on the foreign direct investment intentions and preferences of the leaders of some of the world’s leading companies. Two parameters i.e. Attractiveness and Current are considered for probable FDI inflow. From the diagram it is evident that India is average on Attractiveness and average on Current too. India scores well above countries like Indonesia, Thailand etc in terms of the parameters.
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