Thursday, February 28, 2019
Amendment 2 “The Right to Bear Armsâ€Â
This report provides background information ab extinct the back up Amendment. Also it offers a viewpoint on the magnitude and nature of the trouble recompense to confine and stimulate harness and discusses the two competing interpretings that predominates the entropy Amendment. what is more this report identifies policy- devising, cultural, administrative, and practice of law enforcement realities that pose enormous obstructions to formulating, passing, implementing, as wholesome as enforcing more particle accelerator concurs. IntroductionRegardless of be the subject of huge popular and political controversy, until relatively upstartly the s Amendment was angiotensin-converting enzyme of the intimately neglected atomic number 18as of organic scholarship. The regulation of gird is non and a technical problem. It is an extremely charged ideological and emotional issue that carries an incredible amount of exemplary baggage. For American society, the repugn over ordnance control is more comparable the debates over abortion and educate prayer than like a debate over automobile safety.Millions of Americans, together with a none deservingy percentage of the rational elite, think that guns be bad in themselves and that owning them is at best lead astray and at worst pathological. For millions of American gun owners, the remunerate to curb and tire out coat of fortification is associated to freedom and democracy it is an article of faith similar to the tactual sensation that other Americans consider in the centrality of freedom of speech and religion.That several Americans banish the respectable to bear harness as a myth that has no legal or constitutional reality is a ch allenge to the believers worldview and fracture to their very status in American society. It is just a poor step to considering the proponents of gun prohibition as enemies to be resisted and condemned. Two competing interpretations of the Second Amendment predominate, the incarnate or grounds decentlys interpretation and the various(prenominal) the redress ways interpretation.In the collective repairs model, American citizens have no individual right to bear gird such a right, it is entreatd, belongs merely to those in the state militias since the purpose of the Amendment was to reassure the states that through the aliment of well regulated militias they would be subject to encourage themselves from any endangerment posed by the new national governments stand up army.On the turnaround, advocates of the individual rights interpretation contend that the Second Amendment protects the rights of all individuals to spare and bear arms (subject to certain conditions), not just those in the state militias that it is the right of the plurality. This, it is argued, is in informant to how the First, Fourth, Ninth, and Tenth Amendments are interpreted.While the terms republican and liberal have clear gists to historians, th e use of these terms can be quite confusing to the uninitiated, since the republican school of Second Amendment interpretation would doubtless find themselves at variability with many Republican politicians today, and the liberal school of Second Amendment analysis, with a a couple of(prenominal) notable exceptions, would probably prefix the word classical before business themselves liberals of any sort. (Clayton E. Cramer, 1994).The republican school asserts that the right to keep and bear arms was an outgrowth of republicanism, intended to protect the society from the related evils of a standing army and tyranny. While the arms might be broadly distrisolelyed, they would put away be possessed by the population for the purpose of collective follow up against a foreign army, or a domestic tyrant. (Clayton E. Cramer, 1994). The liberal school asserts that the right was individual, a logical outgrowth of the right to self- acknowledgment. Such arms would be for the defense of the individual against mystical criminals there was no look at for a collective purpose or ownership.(Clayton E. Cramer, 1994). When it comes to the question of identify the sharp and historical antecedents of the Second Amendment, there is, again, broad agreement between the collective and individual rights theorists. Whether tracing its roots through the Florentine political tradition and Machiavelli or the radical English Whig tradition of James Harrington, John Trenchard, and doubting Thomas Gordon, both sides accept that the Second Amendment has to be understood, at least in part, in terms of republicanism.Particularly, there is no argument that an armed masses was, as militia members contend, an essential component of eighteenth- degree Celsius republican thought. The cause for this, in Gordon Woods memorable phrase, is that republics were seen to be states of fragile beauty Which is to say, that due to mans continual crave for power it was believed that republics were in c onstant danger from both external enemies and congenital corruption, and citizens militias were regarded as very important in resisting these dangers.(Gordon S. Wood, 1969) Certainly, the militia movements engagement with republicanism assists to authorize why it reacts to any attempt at gun control with horror. later on all, it was a commonplace of eighteenth-century republicanism that merely tyrannical governments would attempt to disarm their people. express such concerns-and linking them to the fall ins made by Americas Revolutionary generation-the U. S. Militia hook ons the view that unconstipated though foreign governments may disarm their subjects, we will not go down that road. We will not disarm, they declare. As militia members see it, the right to bear arms allows Americans to back up our other philippic of skilfuls. recidivate this right, they compete, and, sooner or later, they will lose all their rights. Republican substitute of citizens militias went beyon d the often expressed concern that standing armies might get out to be the pawns of corrupt governments, and issues of who eventually controlled the style of force in society, heretofore. The ownership of arms was essential to the very idea of republican citizenship.Arms, it was argued, provided the means by which a citizen could both confine his independence and-as with jury service-actively go in in his own governance. In classical and early modern republican thought, arms were the ultimo ratio whereby the citizen pictures his life to the protection of the state and simultaneously makes sure that the choice to expose it cannot be taken without him. It was the possession of arms which made a man a lavish citizen, able to, and requisite to display, the multiple adaptability and self-development which is the crown of citizenship. Access to arms would not create a republican citizen in itself, though.The key to citizenship certainly the key to the successful cognitive bidding of republican society as a whole-was to be found in the concept of virtue. Wood describes virtue as the willingness of the individual to sacrifice his private interests for the good of the community (Gordon S. Wood, 1969) that is, to serve the common good-and the ultimate sacrifice an individual could make, certainly, was to lay down his life in defense of the republic. This is mainly worth noting since it adds a republican dimension to the obvious readiness of militia members to sacrifice themselves in emulation of their Revolutionary forefathers.Considerably, militias were seen as institutions in which citizens could be dexterous in virtue-where virtue would not merely be inculcated and nurtured, however as well exercised in the act of resisting the republics enemies. Modern militia members are well aware of these aspects of republicanism that militias were intended to offer a means for citizens to vigorously recruit in the republican polity and had a vital role in instilling v irtue in those citizens. Pro and antigun control proponents sharply disagree regarding whether the Second Amendment poses an impediment to gun controls. hero control proponents argue that the Second Amendment has nothing to do with individual rights it undertakes merely that states can maintain organized militia units. They point to an unbroken line of court closings that carry off Second Amendment challenges to national, state, and local gun controls. Gun owners rights supporters cite a volumed and impressive composition of mostly historical scholarship that reveals that the founding fathers and, subsequently, the authors and ratifiers of the fourteenth Amendment, intended the Second Amendment to protect the individual Americans right to be armed.There is some(prenominal) to be said on both sides of the constitutional debate. The great mass of state constitutions have clauses protecting the right of gun ownership. The merely states whose constitutions do not hold a right to bear arms are Iowa, California, Maryland, New Jersey, New York, and Minnesota. However, Iowas, Californias, and New Jerseys constitutions openly protect the right to self-defense. slightly state constitutions use the resembling language as the Second Amendment, however several openly protect the individuals right to keep and bear arms.Consider Vermonts constitution, enacted in 1777 That the people have a right to bear arms for the defense of themselves and the Stateand as standing armies in time of peace are dangerous to liberty, they ought not to be kept up and that the military should be kept under strict subordination to and governed by the civil power. http//www. law. ucla. edu/ qualification/volokh/beararms/statecon/htm Pennsylvanias constitutional right to bear arms is measured to be the trumpeter to the Second Amendment.Enacted in 1790, at the time that the Bill of Rights was being ratified, it states The right of the citizens to bear arms in defence of themselves and t he State shall not be questioned. http//www. law. ucla. edu/faculty/volokh/beararms/statecon/htm This language has always been interpreted by Pennsylvania courts to protect the right of all Pennsylvanians, not just militiamen, to possess firearms. Oklahomas constitution, enacted in 1907, overtly protects the right to keep a gun at home, at the same time as subjecting the carrying of concealed weapons to regulationThe right of a citizen to keep and bear arms in defense of his home, person, or property, or in aid of the civil power, when thereunto legally summoned, shall never be prohibited but nothing herein contained shall prevent the Legislature from regulating the carrying of weapons. http//www. law. ucla. edu/faculty/volokh/beararms/statecon/htm In recent years, numerous states have added gun ownership rights to their constitutions. For instance, Wisconsin amended its constitution so thatThe people have the right to keep and bear arms for security, defense, hunting, recreation or any other lawful purpose. http//www. law. ucla. edu/faculty/volokh/beararms/statecon/htm These state constitutional provisions would not protect gun owners from federal gun controls however they protect gun owners against some state and local gun controls. The Second Amendment to the U. S. Constitution states A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be abridged. http//www. law. ucla. edu/faculty/volokh/beararms/statecon/htm In U. S. v. Cruikshank, a nineteenth-century case, the U. S. Supreme royal court held that the Second Amendment was merely a protection against federal infringements of a right to bear arms. Although this finale predated the Supreme Courts 20th century purposes incorporating various Bill of Rights guarantees into the Fourteenth Amendments due process clause, with the outcome of guaranteeing those rights against encroachment by state and local governments, plus by the federal government.It is not at all apparent that mid-nineteenth-century judges were unaware to any right to keep and bear arms. Consider this passage from the Supreme Courts infamous decision in Dred Scott v. Sandford (1856), in which the Supreme Court held that slaves and their descendants could claim no rights of citizenship. What is interesting from our viewpoint is the Courts understanding of what are the rights of citizenship. The Supreme Court pointed out that the framers could not have intended that slaves or their descendants ever be citizens because thatwould give to persons of the Negro race, who were recognized as citizens in any one State of the Union, the right to enter every other State whenever they pleased, individually or in companies, without pass or passport, and without obstruction, to sojourn there as long as they pleased, to go where they pleased at every bit of the day or night without molestation, unless they committed some violation of law for which a whit e man would be punished and it would give them the full liberty of speech in public and in private upon all subjects upon which its own citizens might speak to hold public meetings upon political affairs, and to keep and carry arms wherever they went. And all this would be done in the face of the subject race of the same color, both free and slaves, and enquirefully producing discontent and insubordination among them, and endangering the peace and safety of the State. (Dred Scott v. Sandford, 60 U. S.393 (1856)) Yale lawfulness School professor Akhil Amar argues that the right of individuals to be armed was very untold the intention of the drafters and ratifiers of the Fourteenth Amendment. After the Civil War, the southern states quickly passed opprobrious codes that clearly denied the newly freed slaves the right to keep and bear arms. The debates in carnal knowledge in the 1860s over the Civil Rights Act and the Fourteenth Amendment were laced with comments regarding the ne ed to assure that the freed slaves not be kept disarmed and thus submissive, and that they be capable to enjoy the same right to keep and bear arms as white citizens. (Akhil Amar, 1998).The Supreme Court has rendered merely one Second Amendment decision in the twentieth century. In U. S. v. Miller (1939), the Court held that, in making it a crime to own an unregistered sawn-off shotgun, the NFA did not wrong the Second Amendment. Gun rights advocates say that the precedential value of the case is just that people are not guaranteed access to gangster weapons, like sawed-off shotguns, and that by negative inference they do have a right to arm themselves with handed-down personal firearms. Gun controllers argue that the Second Amendment does not guarantee anybody anything and that Miller means that there is no personal right to possess firearms in the U. S. Constitution.Focusing on the amendments first clause, they argue that the amendment means unless that Congress could not aboli sh the state militia, now the National Guard. Gun rights advocates believe that the Second Amendment guarantees every law-abiding American adult a right to keep and bear personal firearms. Implicit in the Bill of Rights, as in the entire structure of the Constitution, are the twin hallmarks of traditional liberal thought trust in the people and distrust in government. (David Hardy, 1979). Some proponents of this interpretation stress that the right to keep and bear arms was intended to guarantee protection against government tyranny.Liberal constitutional law theorist, William wagon train Alstyne, finds an individual rights view of the Second Amendment in a textual interpretation of the amendment. He argues that the amendment Speaks to sources of security within a free state, within which the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed. He explains that this language guarantees the individuals right to have arms for self-defense and self-preservation. (Willi am Van Alstyne, 1994). Harvard impartiality School Professor Lawrence community, a person closely associated with liberal governance and the Democratic Party, as well concludes that It is impossible to deny that some right to bear arms is among the rights of American citizens. (Lawrence H. Tribe, 2000).Conceivably the Supreme Court will take a chance to interpret the Second Amendment in a recent Texas case. The U. S. District Court for the pairingern District of Texas stated unconstitutional the federal law (18 U. S. C. sec. 922 g8) which makes it a crime to own a firearm plot under a restraining order for domestic violence as employ in a situation where the state divorce court, which issued the restraining order, had made no exclusive findings that the defendant posed a threat to his estranged wife. The govern court held that the Second Amendment guarantees a personal right to keep and bear arms (U. S. v. Emerson, 46 F. Supp. 2d 598 1999). Two years later, the 5th roofy Co urt of Appeals (Nov. 2001) affirmed, holding thatwe find that the history of the Second Amendment reinforces the plain meaning of the text, namely that it protects individual Americans in their right to keep and bear arms whether or not they are members of a select militia or performing active military service or training. Even though the U. S. Supreme Court eventually affirmed that the Second Amendment does not guarantee an individual right to keep and bear arms, which may never happen, the contrary belief is strongly rooted in U. S. and English history, in the constitutions of most U. S. states, as well as in a mountain of pro-gun scholarship. many an(prenominal) gun owners think that possession of firearms is a right of American citizenship and would not be persuaded otherwise, even by a U. S. Supreme Court decision to the contrary, just as death penalty opponents suppose that the Supreme Court was wrongheaded in declaring executions to be constitutionally permissible.Jeffrey S nyder made the point crisply in his 1993 Public Interest article, A Nation of Cowards The repeal of the Second Amendment would no more render the outlawing of firearms legitimate than the repeal of the due process clause of the Fifth Amendment would authorize the government to imprison and kill people at will. A government that abrogates any of the Bills Of Rights, with or without majoritarian approval, forever votes illegitimately, becomes tyrannical, and loses the honorable right to govern. References Akhil Amar (1998). The Bill of Rights Creation and Reconstruction (New Haven Yale University Press). Clayton E. Cramer (1994).For the abnegation of Themselves and the State The Original Intent and Judicial Interpretation of the Right to hang in and Bear Arms Praeger Publishers, 1994 David Hardy (1979). The Second Amendment as a chasteness on State and Federal Firearms Restrictions, in Restricting Handguns, ed. Don Kates (Great Barrington, Mass. spousal relationship River) Gord on S. Wood (1969). The Creation of the American Republic Chapel Hill University of North Carolina Press http//www. law. ucla. edu/faculty/volokh/beararms/statecon/htm Jeffrey Snyder (1993). Nation of Cowards Public Interest article Lawrence H. Tribe (2000). American Constitutional Law, 3rd ed. (New York Foundation) William Van Alstyne (1994). The Second Amendment and the Personal Right to Arms, Duke Law Journal 43
Achievements of Alfred Hitchcock Essay
Alfred Hitchcock, born in 1899 in England, remains a prominent figure in the solid ground of cinema. Hitchcocks passion for scud began in his childhood with his first job as source of the title cards for silent films and, later on, becoming a director. Influenced by his Catholic up scraming, Hitchcock developed a sense of guilt and sinfulness throughout his manners with which he portrays in his work (Kehoe N. P. ). As the lead director in the 1930s, Hitchcock set the standard for international intrigue with his untainted thrillers.His mastery of suspense and his unprecedented technique still makes him one of the or so popular and celebrated film directors of all time (Flint N. P. ). Alfred Hitchcock has numerous accomplishments the just about noteworthy being his films giddiness (1958), psycho (1960), and The Birds (1963). Alfred Hitchcocks giddiness (1958) raises accomplishment to such a personal take that it addresses the nature of human personality itself (Sterritt 11 3). The virtuoso in the film is John Scottie Ferguson, a former legal philosophy detective, who has been forced into early retirement due to vertigo and depression.Scottie is then chartered as a private investigator to follow a woman, Madeleine Elster, who had been behaving peculiarly. Vertigo is a film that operates on emotions and negative feelings. Hitchcocks use of come about to black illustrates his tendency to emphasize the films or so emotionally meaningful moments with a touch of theatricality. This technique intensifies the other humanliness that conks Vertigos most significant quality (Sterritt 92).Vertigo has a clear affiliation with insanity Michel Foucault, a French social theorist, states that it affords the delirious affirmation that the world is really turning around, such delirium being a indispensable and sufficient reason for a disease to be called madness (Sterritt 98). The repeat shot of Scotties troubled gaze into an abyss below solidifies the dexterity and peculiarity of Vertigo (Sterritt 82). This shot provides a visual approximation of the mental condition- extreme dizziness and disorientation- that is affecting Scottie.Hitchcock enhances the approach on point of charm by providing information to the audition through Scotties eyes (Sterritt 83). Vertigos conclusion is unusual for its time because of its depiction of a mental case hero, not a common feature in mainstream cinema (Sterritt 92). Alfred Hitchcock reached his delicate peak with his filming of psycho (1960), which set a new level of acceptability for violence, deviant behavior and sexuality in American films (Flint N. P. ). The protagonist Marion Crane ends up at a secluded motel after embezzling silver from her boss. She finds herself faced with the motels disturbed owner, Norman Bates.Hitchcock described the beginning of Psycho as a way of distracting the audiences attention in allege to heighten the murder (Baer N. P. ). One of the main themes in Psycho is v oyeurism or the practice of spying on people engaged in intimate behaviors. Many critics feel that the film not only maintains a general sense of voyeurism, but a specific indictment of voyeurism with the audience- what Hitchcock called Peeping gobbler audiences. Psycho manipulates the audience in supporting a thief, Marion Crane, which allows the viewers to become personally involved in the characters guilt.Joseph Stefano, a writer for Hollywood films, states In a more general sense, I remember a fundamental essence of watching films is voyeuristic because we intrude so deeply into the characters liveswhile sitting in the dark. Its not needfully sexual, although it can be, but its cause to involve us with the characters is incredible (Baer N. P. ). Alfred Hitchcock introduces a new narrative dimension in Psycho by including his personal appearance in the film He faces away from the camera indicating his rule over the film and keeping with theme of voyeurism (Sterritt 103).Hitc hcock viewed his actors performance as the very(prenominal) essence of human identity Psychos character Normans performance being the most profound of all of Hitchcocks performances. Norman gives himself up to his character by assuming her voice, her appearance, her movements, and her thoughts. Hitchcock uniquely displays Normans performances with his use of window/curtain imagery. The windows and curtains indicate that the viewers atomic number 18 a private audience (Sterritt 113). By distancing the audience from the characters, Hitchcock achieves both an derangement affect and a sense of intimacy between the character and the audience (Sterritt 114).Alfred Hitchcocks The Birds (1963) is the most radical of all his films because of its refusal to return the audience to due north (Sterritt 121). When asked what the film was about, Hitchcock replied peoples lack of concern about the accompaniment that nature can turn on them (Abrash 153). The Birds takes place in Bodega Bay, Cal ifornia, which perfectly undergoes a series of widespread and violent bird attacks. The Birds is a enforce to Psycho with Hitchcock attempting to go further beyond the boundaries of rationality.Not only does the film display the irrational, but it also becomes the irrational by prohibiting natural causes to bring real and fantastic elements together. With the filming of The Birds, Hitchcock violates the rules of classical cinematic storytelling in order to actualize the fears that lurk in everyones unconsciousness (Sterritt 121). With the lack of a conventional ending, The Birds represents Hitchcocks ultimate gesture of despair over the power of the characters. The protagonists remain in danger, the antagonists gain even more power, and the emotional relationships of the characters ar only partially resolved.The resulting visual allows the characters to work towards a better world (Sterritt 124). The film critic Robin Woods interpretation of The Birds was a concrete embodiment of the arbitrary and the unpredictable a reminder of discretion and instability that cannot be ignored or evaded and, beyond that, of the possibility that life is meaningless and absurd (Abrash 154). In c arfully balancing the ordinary and the bizarre, Alfred Hitchcock was the most noted juggler of emotions in film history.The majority of his films were meticulous creations of nightmares consisting of peril and hobby relieved by unexpected comic ironies and absurdities. Hitchcocks style of of all time stressing imagery over dialogue gave him a distinct reputation. All of these achievements allowed Alfred Hitchcock to be the recipient of the Irving G. Thalberg Memorial Award of the Academy of Motion Picture humanistic discipline and Sciences in 1967. When asked what his approach was on filmmaking, Hitchcock responded with some films are slices of life, mine are slices of cake (Flint N. P. ).
Wednesday, February 27, 2019
Assessment Tool Analysis Essay
The purpose of this cover is to examine the tools that evaluate on-physical measures while applying Watsons Theory of homosexual feel for that integrates the mind-body-spirit dimensions to the three assessment tools chosen. In this paper, I impart describe every(prenominal)(prenominal) tool and the population for which it might be useful, assessment tool data such as cost, length and each in using the tool. I will also discuss the population at which it is best designed, and the rigour of information gained. In addition, how this tool could enhance the assessment stage of the cargon for process and how it impact timbre of wellness care delivered by the keep back will be discussed. These assessment tools will be applied to teen and teenage pregnancy chosen in Week Two in the Vulnerable Population and Self- Awareness assignment.Definition of Assessment ToolsAssessment is the measured and systematic collection of data to determine the thickenings trustworthy and past hea lth status and functional status and to determine the clients present and past coping patterns. treat assessment allow in two steps. The first step involves collection and verification of data from a primary source (the client) and secondary sources (e.g., family, health professionals, and medical record) (Potter & Perry, 2005). Assessment tools are the materials needed to establish data collection. Data collected may be subjective (clients perception) or objective (data measured by collector). practice session of objective data includes clients body language, facial expression, snappy signs e.t.c. The three assessment tools chosen for this paper are Beck low gear Inventory, sensed judge Scale and Well- creation Picture Scale.Beck picture Inventory in that location are many assessment and diagnostic tools that either measureintelligence, aptitudes, achievements, and behaviors so it was no surprise when Beck Depression Inventory (BDI) was created in 1961 by Aaron T. Beck, a p ioneer in cognitive therapy, with the sole purpose of determining the acerbity and intensity level of the symptoms of stamp. Depression Inventory is defined as a validated measure that has been instrumental in leading to numerous diagnoses collectable to its most recent revisions that much closely resemble the diagnostic criteria for first (Farinde, 2013). The Beck Depression Inventory is a widely utilized 21-item self-report scale in both clinical and research studies. The most recent version The Beck Depression Inventory-11 which is a completely self-administered format, is a depression rating that can be utilize in individuals that are ages 13 years and older, and rates symptoms of depression in terms of severity on a scale from 0 to 3 base on the 21 specific items.Patients that endorse duplex items on the questionnaire (i.e. sadness, pessimism, past failures, loss of pleasure, guilty feelings, punishment fears, self-dislike, and so forth) typically have higher impinge o ns with a maximum score of 63 compared to others. For the universal population, score of 21 or greater is associated with depression just now for individuals who have been clinically diagnosed, heaps from 0-9 represent minimal depressive symptoms, scores of 17 to 29 delegate support depression, and scores of 30 to 63 indicate severe depression (Farinde, 2013). comprehend Stress ScaleStress has persistent been a major research concept in health perception since it is linked to various health outcomes and illnesses, including cancer, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, asthma, and rheumatoid arthritis (Lee, 2012). The comprehend Stress Scale (PSS) is one of the more popular tools for measuring psychological stress. It is a self-reported questionnaire that was designed to measure the degree to which individuals appraise situations in their lives are stressful. The Perceived Stress Scale items evaluate the degree to which individuals believe their life has been unpredictable, unco ntrollable, and overloaded during the previous month. The assessment items are general in nature quite an than focusing on specific events or experiences (Lee, 2012).According to Lee (2012), the legitimate instrument is a 14-item scale (PSS-14) that was developed in English, with 7 compulsive items and 7 negative items rated on a 5-point Likert scale. Five years by and by the introduction of PSS-14, it was shortened to 10 items (PSS-10). A four-item PSS (PSS-4) was also introduced as a brief version for situations requiring a very short scale of speech sound interviews and the PSS is currently translated into 25 languages other than English. The criterion validity of the PSS was evaluated only in a few studies the criteria used were all questionnaires that showed a weak to moderate association, demonstrating unsatisfactory criterion validity (Lee, 2012).Well-Being Picture ScaleThe notional framework that has guided the investigation of upbeat from a Rogerian perspective is b ase upon the observation and measurement of health-related variables that are comical to the Science of Unitary Human Beings. Rogerian-science derived principles and the concepts of well-being. The term well-being, as a measure of health, is compatible with the concepts and variables that are alone(p) to the development of knowledge (Reis and Alligood, 2008). The Well-Being Picture Scale is a 10-item non-language based pictorial scale that measures general well-being within the unique military personnel environment field process. Each item on the scale has a numeric value of I to 7, with 70 being the maximum score possible and 10 being the lowest score possible. Higher scores indicate higher well-being. Conceptually, the instrument appraises the energy field in encounter to frequency and intensity of movement, awareness of oneself as energy, action emanating from the energy field, and designer as knowing participation in change within the common human and environmental energy f ield process.The WPS was reported by all participants to be easily understood (Reis and Alligood, 2008). This scale can be used by all individuals regardless of their ethnic groups. How these tools enhance the assessment phase and quality of health care exploitation the Beck Depression Inventory in the assessment phase of the care for process will facilitate and abet the treatment of depression in all ages. This assessment tool will aid the early diagnosis of depression and reduce further complications of depression. Depression is common in insubstantials who are undergoing stress as a core of pregnancy, low self-esteem and diseases. The sop up can affect the quality of health care delivered to patients by reassuring them and referring them toappropriate health care providers.Using Perceived Stress Scale in the assessment phase of the nursing process, the take is better able to identify patients at higher put on the line for stress, help these patients to identify and implem ent coping skills during difficult times. This process improves the quality of patient care and outcome. Pregnant adolescent undergoes a significant substance of stress and challenges as a vulnerable population. Using the Well Being Picture Scale in the assessment phase of the nursing process, the nurse is better able to detect a patients well-being and health. The nurse is able to detect if the patient is healthy or not. This is more of a primary prevention for patients of all ages. This assessment tool is broadly recommended for pregnant women. Health care providers are able to follow up with patients to monitor their wellness or impact of diagnosis on their general health. Application of tools to Adolescent pregnancyAdolescent girls face pressures that are unique to their population and make them especially vulnerable. Girls carry disproportionate domestic ground burden and are denied leadership opportunities and active community affairs (Bailey, 2012). These factors make the life of adolescent girls stressful and complicated which could cause depression. Beck Depression Inventory, Perceived Stress Scale and Well-Being Scale are tools that can be used during the assessment phase of the nursing process in adolescents. Adolescent girls who become pregnant may develop depression while attempt to balance school, child, work and relationships, thereby, making all three tools helpful to the nurse during initialInventory, Perceived Stress Scale and Well-Being Scale as assessment tools help facilitate better nurse-patient relationship and better care for our patientsReferencesAlligood, M. R., (2010). Nursing Theory Utilization and Application. (4th ed.). Retrieved from University of Phoenix eBook database Collection. Bailey, L. D., (2012). Adolescent Girls A Vulnerable Population. daybook of Advances in Neonatal Care, 12(2), 102-106. Retrieved from http// Farinde, A., (2013). The Beck Depression I nventory. The Pharma InnovationJournal, 2(1), 56-58. ISSN 2277-7695. Retrieved from http// Lee, E. H., (2012). Review of the psychometric Evidence of the Perceived Stress Scale. Journal of Asian Nursing Research, 6(4), 121-127. Retrieved from http// Potter, P. A. & Perry, A. G. (2005). basics of Nursing. (6th ed.). MO Elservier Mosby Reis, P.J., and Alligood , M. R. (2008). Well-Being in Pregnancy a plot battlefield using the Well-being Picture Scale. Journal of Rogerian Nursing Science, 15(1), 8-17. Retrieved from http//
John Lennon
IntroductionOn a gloomy night in London, darn Hitlers bombs rained down from the sky, tin Lennon was natural(p). An infant of war, Lennon would turn out to be a symbol of peace to the entire world. His father left him for the sea and his m early(a) was taken from him in a car crash. How ever so, he had uni intelligence inside of him, and with this harmony he built a new family, a family which liquid haltures and still cultivates the lives of legion(predicate). He journeyed the earth, singing come to dismayher and al cardinal you indigence is bop. He journeyed to India to study harmony in the land of Gandhi. He gave an anthem to the peace movement when he render tout ensemble we are takeing is give peace a chance (Give Peace a Chance, 1969). But more than importantly, he gave the world vision and dreams when he sang Imagine (1970).This discussion will high schoollight the points in Lennons biography that transformed him into one of the well-nigh recognized figures o f our Western culture. With his influences from Eastern cultures, he compoundd many aspects of this into his melody and created a double ideology that so-and-so still be seen today. Various aspects of Lennons career will be analyzed in order to realize the type of somebody he was, and how he has influenced our culture at present. In the concluding section, a often deeper analysis will be conducted noting the importance of Lennons impact through with(predicate) his euphony, art and mind.The Career of a GeniusMainly well-known as one of the members of the Beatles as well as the co-composer of the Beatles song catalogue which included many of the or so admired list songs ever written, hind end Lennon is too distinguished for his pilot career, with his continuing status as a celebrity persecuted by one of his own fans, shot dead outside his New York City home, and as a celebrity who used his fame to draw awareness to various halcyon causes (Coleman, 1992).Lennon was born in Liverpool, increase in a middle illuminate home that lacked a father and also a m otherwise as well Lennon was for the most part raised by his aunt Mimi, who warned him that while playing his guitar was fine, it was unlikely that he would learn a living from it (Coleman, 1992). He go to an art school where he produced a small sort, the Quarrymen, which would subsequent shape the open upation for the Beatles (Conord, 1994).Lennon was the authorized leader of the Beatles and their most controversial component. At the 1963 Royal Command Performance, he said to the audience, On the next number, would those in the cheap seats clap their hands and the rest of you rattle your jewelry. Upon beingness awarded the MBE, Lennon observed, I cant believe it. I thought you had to drive tanks and win wars (Conord, 1994). He provoked even more argument when on November 25, 1969, he returned his MBE with bask to the Queen to object to Britains involvement in Vietnam and his song Cold flop s lid down the charts (Green, 1989).In 1966, Lennon told Maureen Cleave in the London Evening Standard, The Beatles are bigger than Jesus Christ, provoking a religious repercussion in the join States (Coleman, 1992). A similar British reaction was created when Lennon appeared naked on the rear of his Two Virgins record phonograph album. An exhibition of Lennons erotic lithographs had to have eight prints removed to a lower place threat of possible prosecution under the Obscene Publications Act. However, they were later tell unlikely to deprave or corrupt by legal experts and pass back (Conord, 1994).In addition to music and art, Lennon also experimented with literature. Lennon wrote his first book, In His have Write, which subsequently won a Foyles Literary Prize. This was followed by A Spaniard in the Works. In addition to his film work with the Beatles (Help, A Hard Days Night, Let It Be), Lennon had a small role in Richard Lesters garbled black comedy How I Won the War (Dav ies, 1968). He was also the focus of the documentary film Imagine.Lennon also formed his first post-Beatles group, the elastic Ono dance orchestra, which originally consisted of himself, Ono, Eric Clapton, Klaus Voorman, and Alan W attaine, who threw together an under rehearsed show for a live project in Toronto which was recorded as an album and film. Lennons next Plastic Ono hardening effort, Plastic Ono Band with Voorman on bass, Ringo Starr on drums, and occasional piano by Billy Preston and Phil Spector, is one of rocks all-time classic albums (Conord, 1994). Sparse and powerful, the album was an sequel of Lennons involvement in primal scream therapy techniques as he tries to exclude his personal pain and rejection tempered by feelings of love and confide (Henke, 2003).Paradoxically, pursuance the break-up of the Beatles, even Ringo Starr initially had greater chart success than Lennon (Green, 1989). If Plastic Ono Band evoked Lennons agony, his Imagine album notable h is delight, and proved to be roughly other classic. This was the most melodic of Lennons entirely albums, a quality he would inform subsequently as his peace expressions gave way to political statements as on his rasping Some Time in New York City album (Henke, 2003). Lennon determined to move to the United States, further Lennons political activities brought him under examination by the FBI and he was ordered to leave the U.S. by the Immigration brass section (Coleman, 1992). Lennon was able to productively fight the deportation, and in January 1974, he asked the Queen for a Royal Pardon in connection with his drug conviction in order to be free to journey to and from the United States (Green, 1989).Nevertheless, Lennons dedication as an artist has left a lasting feeling, from his commitment to political causes to his celebrated love for Yoko Ono in the face of public hostility and contempt (Seaman, 1991). His solo music has been frequently repack senesced, his demo tapes a nd home recordings formed the basis of a long-running radio show, The Lost Lennon Tapes, a couple of these recordings formed the basis for the devil Beatles reunion singles, Real Love and Free As a Bird, and many of these pieces were collected together for release in late 1998 as the Lennon Anthology album (Seaman, 1991). They offer a complete portrait of Lennon, from his pleasure to his misery, his irritation and his wit.Lennon came to the induction years ago that what most battalion about him were most attracted to, was Lennon himself, and fewer artists have put so much of themselves into their talent so that he and his love for Yoko became his celebrated subjects (Henke, 2003).The Influence of a SoulThe feelings that hind end Lennon spoke of grew more and more personal, striking a receptive chord in the fans that followed him some commented that the start was like group therapy (Aquila, 1985). Following Lennons tune all you need is love, a whole new times loosened the bon ds with their parents and turned to their peers as relatives. With colleague Beatle Paul McCartney, flush toilet wrote I am the Walrus (1967), which began with the connective with LSD, I am he as you are he, and led to the sixties collective ideal we are all together. From Berlin to Paris, from New York to Sydney, can wandered with his 3 fellow Beatles, singing and living a kernel of honesty and peacefulness. Lennon and McCartneys Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds (1967) about flowers that grow so incredibly high was said to present a pleasant image for a key chapter in the history of youth culture flower power and psychedelia (Weiner, 1984).And in the end, he sang, the love you take is equal to the love you make (The exterminate, 1969). The end for this man of peace came by a gun in the hand of a criminal. Nevertheless backside Lennon is greater in dying even than he was in aliveness. In life, toilette Lennon was a rock star. In oddment, he was to become a myth. The young people who were his original disciples are no longer young, but are still attached to him. Now they are joined by their children and grandchildren Lennon has become a part that speaks to all generations. The man who was born in hostility and died in craze became a principal representation of peace.We can see the power of apathy and re-initiation in Lennons music which is only granted to us at a sanctified time. Sometimes it is difficult to tell whether the reason a person becomes a hero or heroine is that they create a new specialty for their generation or that they represent the collective ideals of their society. Perhaps we can set up that a commendable figure is the one who listens to his own needs and those of his generation and has the gift to respond to these needs by his talent and flair. John Lennon is ripe the one who was gifted in converting his private pain and struggle into a public voice (Wiener, 1984), thus he gave his society a meaning to live by, and a dream t o pursue.Legacy A Cultural InfluenceTo an age group of baby boomers, John Lennon was at the head of their culture. His music and way of life changed the way a generation reflected, dressed and felt about drugs, energise and political opinions. Future generations revealed the Beatles and John Lennon in the years afterwards his death (Green, 1989). Today, almost every musical artist regardless of type is long-familiar with and partial in some way by the music of John Lennon and the Beatles.Possibly the aspect of Lennons music that makes it so long lasting and important is its sincerity (Green, 1989). John was not afraid to confront his own demons, musical composition about the passing away of his mother, his painful removal from heroin, his irritation, his love and his bid for a better world. He was genuine, and the approaches raised by his music inhabit real today.Now, almost 25 years after his death, the influence of John Lennon remains powerful. The world will neer know wh at route Lennon whitethorn have taken had he lived further than celestial latitude 8, 1980. Although in the 40 short years he was on this world, Lennon gave the world music that do it think and feel and changed the way millions of people look at the world. very few people have had as strong of a bequest as he.ReferencesAquila, Richard. Why We Cried John Lennon and American Culture in familiar Music & Society. Vol. X, No. 1, 1985.Carr, Roy, and Tony Tyler. The Beatles An Illustrated Record. Revised and updated edition. New York, Harmony controls, 1981.Coleman, Ray Lennon The unequivocal Biography. Harper Perennial, New York, 1992.Conord, Bruce W. John Lennon. USA Main Line Book Co., 1994.Davies, Hunter. The Beatles. Harper Collins, 1968.Du Noyer, Paul We All Shine on The Stories Behind every John Lennon Song 1970-1980. Harperperennial Library, 1997.Green, John Dakota geezerhood. St Martins Mass Market Paper, 1989.Henke, James. Lennon Legend An Illustrated animateness of John L ennon Chronicle, 2003.Legend-John LennonOnline. http// 4/4/07.Norman, Philip.SHOUT. New York Simon and Schuster, 1981Seaman, Frederic The Last Days of John Lennon. Birch Lane Pr, 1991.Wiener, Jon. Come Together John Lennon in His Time. New York Random House, 1984.John LennonJohn Lennon The Smart Beatle You, you may say Im a dreamer, but Im not the only one I hope someday youll join us and the world will be as one, is the chorus of Imagine, one of the most famous John Lennon songs. John Winston Ono Lennon was a singer, songwriter, artist and a hero in the eyes of the many people that belonged to the world of the hippies during the 1960s through the 1980s. John Lennon was part of the music group the Beatles who sang about everything from world peace to young love and even drugs. He also became a solo artist after the Beatles split up and created a sound of his own.He earned the love and astonishment of his generation by creating a huge body of work that godl ike and led people (John Lennon). However, he was not a god in any way he had his flaws just like any other person. John Lennon suffered through a rough childhood, faced a challenging, even exciting adulthood and would never get a chance to experience his manhood. As a child, John Lennon was defiant, determined and extremely intelligent. John Lennon was born on October 09, 1940 during the Nazi bombing of Britain (John Lennon Biography). John was born to Alfred Lennon and Julia Stanley Lennon.They separated when he was a baby, but were never officially splitd. He did not see his father from the age of four, until after he became famous. after Alfred and Julia separated, Julia started a new relationship with John Bobby Dykins. When the social services observed that young John was sharing a bed with Julia and her new partner, it was hold that John would move in with Mimi Smith, Julias sister (Coleman 88-89). John was raised in Woolton, Liverpool by his Aunt Mimi (63). At the age of four he was taught to prove and write by his Uncle George, later came to have a passion for books (99).John attended Dovedale Primary School where he did well in all of his classes. John excelled in art but had a weakness in math.. At the age of eleven John was accepted into Quarry Bank luxuriously School after passing an eleven-plus exam (104,106). While attending Quarry Bank High School, John became less responsible. John started helplessness to pay attention in class, would skip lessons, started to smoke and began to swear (107-108). John attended Liverpool College of Art and was kicked out by the age of nineteen for disorderliness. All these things would not be enough to prepare him for what he was to encounter as a growing adult.During his adulthood, John became more daring, less responsible and was found caught up in the rush of fame. At the age of sixteen, John became a fan of dot Presley, who at the time was just being discovered. Elvis became the inspiration behind th e halo that John formed called the Quarry men, named after his school (John Lennon biography). Shortly after forming the band, John met Paul McCartney and a friendship based solely on music was formed. aft(prenominal) playing their first gig, the band began to gain momentum and decided it was time for a new name (194).As the band started to throw around names such as Long John Silver, one of the band members came up with the name the Beetles. John would later change the name to the Beatles, to incorporate the word beat which was a popular word used to desex the unique bands that originated from Liverpool (195-196). aft(prenominal) the Beatles were discovered by Brian Epstein in 1961 at the cavern Club, they released their first single, Love Me Do in October 1962 and it peaked on the British charts at number 17. The Beatles became the first band to break out in the United States, creating the Beatlemania.After Beatlemania started to lose the magic that is possessed from the sta rt, the band split up. After an extended break, the band returned to the studio to expand their experimental with drug-influenced exotic orchestration/lyrics and tape abstractions. The first sample was the single Penny Lane/strawberry mark Fields Forever, followed up by Sgt. Peppers Lonely Hearts Club Band, still considered by many to be the greatest rock album ever (John Lennon Biography). John never did get to experience his manhood, but he did get to experience many other things like marriage, divorce and having kids.The first woman he married was his college friend Cynthia Powell. Cynthia became his wife during Beatlemania and had their son during that time too. On April 8, 1963 their son John Charles Julian Lennon was born (Coleman 261). John Lennon did no want to get married, but in order to encourage Cynthia and the child he decided that marriage was the best option (264). Cynthia Powell said, I dont think that wed have been married if I hadnt become pregnant. He wasnt the sort at the age of twenty- one to say Will you marry me? It was all so nimble that we hardy realized the seriousness of it all making love, acquire pregnant, getting married. (qtd. in Coleman 263). After meeting Yoko Ono at one of her art showings in 1966, John and her started to have an affair. As they got more and more serious John finally had the courage to tell Cynthia what was going on (422). Though they attempt to work through this hard time, John finally decided to end their marriage in 1968 (440). John and Yoko were married on March 20, 1969 (John Lennon). They had a son, Sean Lennon Ono, in 1975.Johns second marriage ended on December 8, 1980 when he was assassinate by an enraged fan outside of his hotel (John Lennon Biography). After the death of John Lennon his record sales soared and he continued to be admired by his generation (John Lennon). On December 14, 1980, a ten-minute mum vigil in Johns honour was observed around the world at 200 P. M. E. S. T. (Coleman 724 ). John left behind a legacy of music that has reached generation after generation. John Lennon suffered through a rough childhood, faced a challenging, yet exciting adulthood and would never get a chance to experience his manhood.As a child, John was raised by his Aunt Mimi after his parents were divorced, never saw his father until he became famous and was seventeen when he lost his mother after she was hit by a car. During his adulthood he formed a band, began a friendship with Paul McCartney and his renamed band, the Beatles were discovered by Brian Epstein. John never did get to experience his manhood, but he did get to experience many other things like marriage, divorce and having kids. He married, divorced and had a child with Cynthia Powell. indeed he married and had a child with Yoko Ono and during their marriage he was assassinated by an enraged fan.John left behind a legacy of music that has reached generation after generation. You, you may say Im a dreamer, but Im not t he only one I hope someday youll join us and the world will be as one, is the chorus of Imagine, one of the most famous John Lennon songs. Works Cited Coleman, Ray. Lennon the definitive biography. USA HarperCollins Publishers, 1985. Print. John Lennon Biography. The tilt and Roll Hall of fame and museum. Web. 09. Aug. 2012 John Lennon. 2012. Biography. com 2012. Biography. com 10 Aug 2012
Tuesday, February 26, 2019
India’s Role in the Climate Change Summit Essay
The worlds nation today adopted a package dubbed the cancun Agreements buildings blocks for a future legal treaty to address humor win over amid concerns that commitments to avert acceptable level of global warming quell missing. Negotiators from 194 countries agreed on a set of decision that the un mode secretariat said would set all governments more firmly on the pathway towards the low emissions future and provide support to developing countries on their doing on climate change. India played a key role at the climate change summit , proposing a new mechanism to give international scrutiny of all countries including India s action to crub emission of greenhouse gases.The invironment minister Jairam Ramesh also signalled that India would eventually consider de jure binding crubs on emission, a shift from its long standing couch. Some environmental grouos fool criticised these moves by India. But climate change analysts have said Indias proposal for serutiny of the climat e climate change exchange actions reflect an credenza of the principal of transparency. And (Rmeshs) assertions on legaklly binding actions is an indicator that India is willing to shift from the position of doing nothing to joining the global community in fiting climate change ,an analyst in Cancun said.This does not mean India will accept legally bending cuts next year, he said . The Cancun documents of ficially recognise emissions curbs targets set by industrialised and developing countries and once every year by the developing countries. But the target of cutting global emissions by 50 % by the year 2050- part of the draft circulated yesterday has been replaced by text job for subsantial reductions in blobal emissions by 2050 .The Cancun decision pledge US$30 cardinal in fast start finance from the industrialised countries to support climate action in developing countries. The goal is to raise this to US$ coke billion by 2020. Thew agreements alsorecognise the need of co untries to work towards the keeping the initiation in the aversge global temperature below 2 degree c. Cancun has do its job , said chistiana Figueres, head of the UN climate change secretariat afterward the agreement was adopted today. lt is not what is required but it is the essential establishment on which to build greater collective ambition Figueres said. But several(prenominal) environmental group including Indias centre for science and Environment have pointed disclose thst the emission reduction pledge made by all countries so far are way below the whst is required to keep the rise in the average temperature.
The Illiad Play
Isaiah Hammed An Iliad endeavor Response Honors British Literature Mr.. Jason Then 3/24/14 War is Hell Adventurers seeking for a live blood fest should be cautioned, however, that all in all this riotous violence is induced through the words of a sole actor, played by James start out, in An Iliad. James Deviate tells the story of the Trojan War as he is living and referring to all wars that were fought since. Every time I sing this song, I hope its the put up time, the Poet tells his audience. But it never is because wars keep happening all over the world.An Iliad evokes the substance of futility of war, with war, everyone loses and in the end on that point is no resolution. The message the production of an Iliad is laborious to make is that war is foolish as every war. Andrew Bobbys destructed setting portrays the befuddled and ruined lives in the story. The informal, chatty tone echoes Homers use of simile, and makes parallels between advanced life to the desires that irri tated the Trojan and Greeks. Deviated gets his message across by his conventional, concert dance movements which express the ritual of war.Including the standout scene where the Poet loses it, representing the mindless killing of warriors. The poet gives every someone existence killed a backstops. As he describes a spear being plunged down someones throat, hell say, He was a married man with a 3-year-old-son. Or he was an incredible warrior from the fields of Argon, and he was a good potter, cognise to produce beautiful things. The poet values each life until the end of it. He glorifies the bravery, loyalty, and strength of the soldiers by giving each a positive quality.The retinal cone where Prima the King chastens himself by putting his life at seek to beg for hi sons dead body, thinking that they bequeath kill him and amazingly they dont. He begs and Achilles agrees to give it back. Achilles is king enough to say miss, Ill do this, and is patient of enough to warn Prima n ot to yell so he doesnt kill him. This extraordinary scene depicts the sentimental and courageous side of the manfully warriors. The onstage attendance of cellist Alicia Storing promotes the audiences gratefulness of how this ancient story will always remain a story for everyone. Just having the sound f a cello at times will evoke the women who be talked about in the play, Deviated said. Seeing a woman out there alters the story. So often, women and children are the collateral damage in war. Aliass presence, while I describe things like Hectors son being thrown from the battlements, will dislodge how that account resonates. Snowline) The ghostly presence of the cellist dramatists the story.
Monday, February 25, 2019
Apple’s marketing relationship building with the target customers Essay
1. IntroductionWith the intensified competition and the rapid teaching of study technology, firms ar facing unprecedented both opportunities and challenges in marketing. marketing is a social platform to allow for chances for individuals and groups to obtain what they need and requisite by dint of exchanging various products with early(a)s (Kotler, 1974).In the contemporary society, people potful non animated with issue marketing with others which is much more than important to firms. This invoice tends to evaluate how orchard apple tree- ace of the nearly innovative and creative companies builds marketing bloods with its mark nodes through grass construction. What is more, this report attaches much importance to guest pen which reveals some basic breeding about clients.This report is organized as follows. The foremost section is the introduction. The flash part shows how orchard apple trees customer profile affects its fault building to make believe a clos er marketing family birth with customers. The third one illustrates how apple builds its commemorate and gradually builds the marketing descent with customers through label and customer profiles. From this part, it willing be clearly clarified how apples blemish has amazing magic to suck up so many fans. The mark section is the conclusion.2. Evaluation about customer profile of apple jibe to Barrons Marketing Dictionary, customer profile is the description of a customer group based on various demographic and psychographic characteristic. orchard apple tree collects customer profile through customers downloads in the app store. And these downloads argon limited to orchard apple tree- perverters who put one across credentials. From these credentials, orchard apple tree can trace customers information thus finishing its profiles collecting.From orchard apple trees customer profile, it can be build that Most Apple- procedurers be two-year-old with professions and stude nts make up great part in the using of Apple products. A recent survey in 2008 based on the profile of iPhone users showed that or so of the iPhone users are young and about 75% of iPhone users stir utilise products of Apple to begin with. (The Apple iPhone successes and challenges for the mobile industry, 2008). It can be put together from the picture to a lower place which shows the age diffusion of iPhone users that most iPhone-users are beyond 40 age old and half of iPhone users are under the age of thirty.Figure2-1 The age distribution of iPhone-userBesides Apples customer profiles show that most of (79%) Apple-users are employed and 16% of Apple-users are students. In general, iPhone users tend to adopt turn over of new technology. The research found that most iPhone-users are in the perspective of professional and scientific services, arts and the information and technology industry (The Apple iPhone successes and challenges for the mobile industry, 2008). In addit ion, about 66% of households with Apple devices brighten $60,000 or more in their income, compared with just over half of non-Apple users can earn that much (Apple profile report, 2008).In addition, from these two pictures below, it can be found that Apple users deliver obtained a last educational direct. From the Apple profile report 2008, it can be found that 68% have completed a 4-year university degree and even senior high school educational train analogous post-graduate degree or doctor degree. By comparison, precisely 45% of non-Apple households have reached this high educational level. It seems that Apple-users usually have higher educational level and higher incomes which succor to afford them a higher disposable income, so that Apples high footing non a bar to them. (Apple profile report, 2008). In all, it can be concluded that Apple is upgrade by the economically elite.Figure 2-2 The working conditions of Apple-usersFigure 2-3 The Educational level of Apple usersFigure 2-4 The educational level of non-Apple users(Sources The data comes from Apple profile report 2008)Apple-users take good advantage of internet.From the picture below, it can be found from the Apple profile report 2008 that 63% of Apple users die more time using their electronic computers to search the internet than reflection TV. precisely only 57% of non-Apple users spend more time on computers than watching TV.While when comes to enjoying the fun on the internet, the contravention between Apple users to non-Apple users is only slight. It has been found that there are almost 60% of Apple users forestall discovering more shipway to use the internet for fun and about 58% of the non-Apple users try to do that (The Apple iPhone successes and challenges for the mobile industry, 2008). Since Apple-users are usually with higher level of education and most of them are employed, it is not strange that they take good advantage of internet and they withal know damp to use their devices for a cave in life. But Apple users still do not have better ideas to enjoy the fun of internet with their innovative devices. It could be a challenge for Apple to come up with new ways of enjoying the fun of internet with Apple devices.Figure 2-6 Comparison of Apple-users to non-Apple users on time-spending with computer and TV (Sources The data comes from Apple profile report 2008 )Apple-users are leal to Apples products.What is more, it has been found that about Apple-users are loyal to products of Apple. From a survey on whether customers who use iPhone now have any other Apple devices, it has found that 49% of iPhone-users have used iPod previously. 20% of iPhone-users have used Mac and iPod and only 5% iPhone-users have once used Mac but no iPod. Only 26% of iPhone users do not use iPod or Mac before. So from the survey, it can be found that about 3 quarters who use iPhone today once have used Apple devices previously. These findings show that Apple-users are loyal to Apples various kinds of products and customers are quite satisfied with products of Apple.Figure 2-5 Did you own an iPod before you got your iPhone?To conclude, Apple with its various kinds of fantastic and innovative products such as iTunes, iPod, iPad, iPhone attract young people and turn them to be loyal customers of Apple. These customers who have high income or high educational level help to make the brand of Apple to have high status in the markets. And these customers love of Apple not only pleads brand consignment of Apple but as well as attracts more and more customers get in love with Apple.3. Analysis of how Apple builds marketing alliance with customers 3.1 Apples brand building with mark Brand has many advantages which companies can take to get closer to customers for more sales including improved perceptions of product performance, greater customer loyalty and increase marketing communication effectiveness (Keller, 2009).It is well acknowledged that brand has brisk importance to a company even to a product or one kind of service.Especially in this fast-changing earthly concern, products are getting to be more similar because of the fierce competition which makes brand to be the difference between various products. Brands help to build sustained relationship with the customers. bulletproof brands lend endurance and performance to an organization and protect it from the market hullabaloo and uncertainties (Kapoor & Kulshrestha, 2011). In addition, brand gives customers a sense of reliance even makes them tonus a better quality of life. Brands make meanings that become conventionally dumb and shared across interpretive communities. (Holt, 2010, McCracken, 1996, and Kats, 2006 etc).The brand concept of Apple is theorise different which has last for over 30 years. From the creative and innovative products same(p) iPod, iPad and iPhone, Apple ever somore brings customers surprise and defines how to think different. In addition, Apple pursues to build a humanistic corporate culture with a pie-eyed corporate atmosphere to inspire employees to work voluntarily which can pass around good impression on customers (Kahney, 2012). The storied global brand consultancy Interbrand which aims at creating and managing brand cherish released 2012 Best Global Brands list, Apple jumps into the ranking 2 in the world, and the brand value growth is 129%. The brand of Apple has been a miracle in the global world. How dose the brand of Apple grow so quickly in the contemporary society? The following part will investigate this hassle.The first step of is to get the customers attention. The advertising of Apple has always maintained surprise which arouse the attention of customers. Since Steve Jobs returned Apple, the first release of iMac, every the video or the outdoor propaganda is featured with characteristic of Apple which makes the brand of Apple unique. Al Ries and Jack Trout pointed out in the book of The 22 Immut able Laws of Marketingin 1994 that if an enterprise can not be the first in the consumers choices in the industry, then the best way is to earn a new category to attract consumers.And the opposite Law pointed that to prosecute the minds ofconsumers as the second best choices the brand communication strategy is not to try to go beyond the first, but to be different. In the early eighties, Apple is trying to compete with the industry leader-IBM and then apace gain the attention of consumers. by means of the long advertising campaign, such as 1984and Think different, Apple has built the spirit of innovation and doughty which brings the concept of the brand. Later with the promotion of iPhone and iPad, the advertisement of Apple started to focus on elite people.The people who use Apples products in the advertisement are usually well educated and pursue a higher quality of life. Through these advertisements, the brand of Apple has been positioned as elite and high quality of life. Wi th customers attention, they are interested in the product of Apple and have the desire to buy the product. The productions of Apples products are as wellls for those who are thought-provoking and passionate to change the world. To conclude, through segmenting the calculateing markets, Apple finds its own position and its target or potential customers. Products like iPhone, iPad, iMac are innovative and fashion which are favored by those who have high income with professions or those who are act fashions. To them, Apples products are unique and innovative. By meeting customers demands and pleasurable their psychological needs, Apple has built its branding and gradually makes the brand meaningful and attractive, thus making the brand of Apple world-famous.3.2 building marketing relationship with branding and customer profile Marketing relationship is a turn including identifying target or potential customers, establishing relationship with them, maintaining these customers and finally enhancing relationships with them (Gronroos, 1997). And in entrap to build marketing relationship with customers, it is of great importance to know better about customer relationship management. Customer relationship marketing is to maintain brand loyalty and stimulate repeat and even more purchases of customers (Murdy & Pike, 2012). Kumar (2010) pointed out that customer relationship management is the strategic process of targeting the important customers and provide them with well-considered services to shape the relationship between a company and these customers.The goal of the marketing relationship of customers is to optimize the interest of the customers and satisfy their needs. What is more, Taleghani,Vhirani and Mirrashed have mentioned in 2011 that the strategy of relationship marketing is based on creating, developing and maintaining relationships with customers. Through the brand building, Apple gradually establishes marketing relationship with customers. Custome rs start to impart attention to products of Apple and they are quite satisfied with these products. And with the brand organism more meaningful and inspiring, customers are impressed with positive brand images of Apple. stepwise the brand of Apple has been identical for customers which help Apple to build the first step of marketing relationship with customers. And the second step for marketing relationship building is achieved by collecting customer profiles. Apple takes advantage of its customer profile to find their target customers, and to maintain brand loyalty.Through the information of customer profile, Apple knows exactly who bought their products, when did they buy the product and how many times did they buy the products. Depending on customer profiles it collects from these downloads of customers, Apple get a better understanding of its customers and can use these information to satisfy customers needs, thus maintaining brand loyalty and providing unattackable services according to customers needs. In all, the customer profile of Apple provides the knowledge needed to posit its target and potential customers and alter Apple to focus on marketing and branding efforts more efficaciously which finally help Apple to build marketing relationship with its customers.Thirdly, despite the innovative and amazing products of Apple, it also provides customers with the delicate services which help to heighten marketing relationship with customers. It has been said that Apple has five stages of service including approach, probe, present, comprehend and end. Do not be manipulated by the mackhine but to manipulate machine yourself is Apples customer-oriented concept to produce new products. In 2007, one month before the iPhone is officially on sale, Jobs asked developers to switch the forebodes plastic screen to tempered glass screen. This has solved the problem of the screen be scratched by keys. In addition, the Voiceover helps the blind to read texts and ever enter information. Apple always stands on the side of customers and think for them. These warm services and Apples caring about customers help Apple maintains brand loyalty of customers. By the three steps of establishing the brand of Apple, maintaining the loyalty of customers and enhancing connection betweencustomers, Apple builds the marketing relationship with customers.Although Apples marketing strategies has been quite effective which make the brand of Apple cognise all around the world. While there still exists some problems in Apples marketing. First of all, Apples marketing is too dependent on the leadership of Jobs Steve. He gives the brand of Apple the see of fashion, innovation and esthetics. Depending on his public influence, many of his followers choose to buy the products of Apple. With the left of Jobs, the brand of Apple may face some challenges. Secondly, the price of Apple is too high among its competitors. Although most Apples customers are of high inc ome or well educated, the high price of Apple also make Apple lose some customers since some other products can satisfy their needs with fair prices. Last but not least, Apple has a big competitor-Samsung. As a latecomer to the mobile resound industry, Samsung has get the better of MotorolaNokia and other competitors to become the worlds second largest mobile phone maker. The competition between Apple and Samsung will challenge the brand value of Apple.4. ConclusionTo conclude, brand is of vital importance to a firm or an organization. A blotto brand offers reliance for customers and thus becomes a joining to maintain customers loyalty. Branding helps to make products different and can choose the target customers. Through branding, Apple builds the brand which establishes the first step of marketing relationship with customers. By collecting customer profiles, Apple knows better about its customers which help Apple to maintain brand loyalty of target customers. In addition, thro ugh the delicate services and innovative products, Apple enhances the marketing relationship with customers. In all, Apple builds the marketing relationship by three steps including establishing the brand of Apple, maintaining the loyalty of customers and enhancing connection between customers. Although Apple has successfully built its brand and has good relationship with customers, Apple still faces many challenges including the left of its famous leader, the high price of its products and the strong competitors.ReferenceGronroos, Christian. (1997) From marketing mix to relationship marketing-towards a paradigm shift in marketing, Management Decision, 35/4, 322-339.Holt, D.B. & Cameron, D. (2010) Cultural Strategy Using Innovative Ideologies to Build Breakthrough Brands, Oxford University Press.Kahney, Leander. (2012) Apple Its All About the Brand. Online usable at http// (Accessed July 29, 2013)Kapoor, Avinash. & Kulshre stha, Chinmaya. (2011) Branding and sustainable competitive advantage Building virtual presence. The United States of American Business Science Reference.Kelle, K., L. (2009) Building strong brands in a modern marketing communications environment, daybook of Marketing Communications, 152-3, 139-155.Kotler, P. (1974) Marketing during periods of shortage, Journal of Marketing, 38(3), 20-29.Kumar,V.(2010).Customer Relationship Management. published in Wiley International Encyclopedia of Marketing.Murdy, S. & Pike, S. (2012) Perceptions of visitor relationship marketing opportunities by destination marketers An importance-performance analyses, Tourism management, Volume 33, Issue 5.Reed, Brad. (2013) Apple is still the worlds most valuable brand. Online Available at http// (Accessed July 29, 2013)Ries, Al. & Trout, Jack. (1994) The 22 Immutable Laws of Marketing, HarperBusiness press.Taleghan, M., Chirani, Ebrahim. & Mirrashed, A. S. (2011 ) A conceptuality approach to relationship marketing and customers loyalty to banks, Journal of Applied Scientific Research, 1(11), pp2022-2025.Apple one-year report 2008 Just how different and elite are Apple customers socioeconomically, behaviorally, and attitudinally? (2008) Available at http// (Accessed July 29, 2013)The Apple iPhone successes and challenges for the mobile industry (2008) Available at http// (Accessed July 29, 2013)
Understanding Theories
In addition, this essay examines different stakeholder perspectives in relation back to the harries and their issues, and it concluded by focusing on what type of knowledge, capability, and skills a motorcoach requires in order to deal with these specific issues. coca Cola was founded during the socio-economic class 1887, by Doctor John Phenomenon, a pharmacist from Atlanta. John schematic a comp whatsoever which immediately began building its global net formulate, he was cognize as the man who achieved a global success through an salubrious risk.Over the years, the companys success rate continuously increased, and the deep emotional dumbfound betwixt coca plant-Cola and its consumers grew even much powerful and more global (Coca Cola, 2014). In 2014, Coca-Cola advised that the previous year $2. 8 million in swell-worn was purchased, however they had planned to increase that amount to between $3. 0 billion and $3. 5 billion for the full year, due to positive sales, this is a expire indication of the companys success (Reuters, 2013).The Coca-Cola Company, is the worlds largest beverage company, operating in more than cc countries, across America, Europe, Eurasia, Africa and the Pacific. This multinational beverage wad and manufacturer, retailer and marter of non- dry beverage concentrates and syrups, is headquartered in Atlanta, Georgia (Coca Cola, 2014). The secondary sector, international organization, has non been suffered by a single individual in almost 1 hundred years. It is a public company that trades its shargons on the New York stock sub meaning it is ingested by thousands of sh beholders and investors worldwide (Coca Cola, 2014).Coca Cola is known as maven of the world most triple-crown beverage companies to date, currently operating with oer 700 000 employees across the globe, including Mutter Kent the chairman of the board and chief executive ships officer (Coca Cola, 2014). The action and calamity hypothesis argon bot h of significance to Coca Cola. The Contingency system is a class of fashional theory that claims that at that place is no superstar best way to lead an organization, organize a corporation or make a decision. Instead, the appropriate organisational structure depends on the contingencies facing the organization (Travis Spread, 2012).Coca cola does not have control over the contingencies that are continuously arising inside its essential and extraneous environment this includes semipolitical changes, such as the increased health standards for bottling. The eventuality theory was chosen as it typifies that implementation of the appropriate organisational structures, depending on the contingencies the organization is facing, pass on response in business success. The jitneys at Coca Cola are aware that companies whose characteristics fit with the contingencies in the current situation volition fare more effectively compared to an organization whose characteristics do not.H ence, implementation of this theory has allowed managers to dramatize certain characteristics of the organization, such as the structure, to suit contingencies within their environment. The agency theory is concerned with resolving problems that can exist in agency relationships that is, between capitulums and cistrons of the principals (Investigated, 2013). Generally, in large companies, with managers acting on behalf of their owners, many issues go away bone up in relation to the principle and the component. Managers tend to misbehave if the interests of them and the company owners depart (Eisenhower, K.M, 1989, page 58). The agency theory is of crucial importance to this study, as it highlights good and commercial issues which arise from an agent/principal relationship. As seen with Coca Cola, 2013 entailed lusty return cuts to most top executives, due to over one quaternate of the shareholders voting against them. As a result, many executives became denominated to wo rk in kick upstairs of shareholders, who they turn overd were hardly acting in their own self-concerns. In the article guess of the Firm Managerial Behavior, Agency Costs and Ownership Structure Jensen, M.C & Neckline rural area that if both parties to the relationship are utility maximizes, it is almost certain that the agent testament not act in the best interests of the principal Nonsense, M. C & Neckline. W. H, 1976, Page 5). The authors propose that many complications can arise as a result of a number of bells, including monitoring costs, in such a relationship. Jensen and Neckline then typify, that the principal whitethorn limit these divergences by implementing appropriate incentives for the agents and and by incurring monitoring costs normaled to limit the aberrant activities of the agent Nonsense, M.C & Neckline. W. H, 1976). The Academy of attention Review by Kathleen M. Eisenhower, is a second study on agency theory, which narrates that there are two main probl ems that the agency paladin is concerned with resolving. The first problem is the problem of risk sharing, which is the problems that arise when the principal and agent have different attitudes towards fetching risk (Eisenhower, K. M, 1989, page 64). referable to different risk tolerances, the principal and agent may to each one be inclined to take different actions, which give result in the agency problem.The second problem, known as the agency problem, is the problems which arise, when the goals of the principle and the agent are not aligned. These problems both arise as a result of information asymmetry. Eisenhower highlights these problems in order to remind us that regardless of what we think, organizational life is based on individuals acting in their own self-seeking (Eisenhower, K. M, 1989, page 64). Leg Donaldson, in his 2001 paper The contingence theory of organizational design, provides a comprehensive, in depth analysis of the contingency theory.He states that a s uccessful organization is not one that adopts the maximum aim, just now instead, the appropriate aim of structural variable stars, that depend on some level of the contingency variable (Donaldson, 2001). He then proceeds with explaining that a company may just now increase its performance levels by adopting strategies depending on the contingencies the organization is facing (Donaldson, 2001). Similarly, in his paper, Complex Organizations A critical essay, Charles Proper also stresses the importance of the contingency theory within organizations.According to Proper, organizations should adopt organic structures, based on the congenital and outdoor(a) contingencies the company is faced with (Proper, 1979). He states that business structures should be develop according to each individual organization, rather than upon some universal principles or procedures (Proper, 1979). Proper strongly believes that complying with the contingency theory will result in the business achievin g utmost success. A number of issues in relation to management and the organization have been raised, as a result of the agency and contingency theories.The agency theory was initially designed in order to helper in the understanding of the agent/principle relationship. Williamson (1985) identified opportunistic behavior as a norm within organizations, stating that agency problems are more than likely to occur. He specified that managers often act opportunistically, and that trustworthiness is no longer commonality. Jensen and Neckline (1976), projected Williamson claim, they believe it is generally im possible that management will act in favor of the principle, as their main focus is to maximize their own wealth.Coca Cola proved this to be true in 2013, when Californian managers were sued for underpaying their employees in order to reduce expenses (D. Blackburn. 2013). Jensen and Neckline (1976) also believe that the agency theory may also initiate moral issues between the agen t and some new(prenominal) takeovers, such as the public. As seen with Coca Cola, India, 2002 entailed an agency issue between management and the public. Communities across India living around Coca-Colas bottling plants experienced severe irrigate shortages, as a result of Coca-Colas massive extraction of water from the common groundwater resource.The public criticized the company, stating that Coca Cola is willing to damage the nation, for their own self-interest of cost cutting. The company refused to amend their procedures until they were forced to by government. (Blackburn, 2013 ) Drain and train De Even (1985) believe that environmental uncertainty can occur as a result of the contingency theory. They believe that an issue with the theory is that there are no pre-developed structures that an organization can adopt if internal and external contingencies, unexpectedly occur.In order to avoid these issues, Drain and Van De Even (1985) state that an organization essential deve lop structures that it can quickly implement if internal and external contingencies, unexpectedly occur. In 1981, Coca cola began to lose market share to Pepsi, as the company had developed a new racketing procedure, which did not appeal to the public. Coca Cola failed to develop alternate plans if contingencies within the external market, such as increased competition occur. As a result, by 1983, Coca Colas market shared, decreased to an all-time low of Just on a lower floor 24%.Due to this disastrous situation, Roberto Goutiest, Coca Colas chairman at the time, decided that in the future, the company will rule out all contingencies and possibilities, and have advertise plans, if their current procedures fail. In his article Contingency theory Science or Technology Stephen C. Beets insinuates that over the years, many criticisms/limitations of the contingency theory have developed. He states that one criticism of the contingency theory is that the causation of certain contingencie s are assumed, but not explained (Beets, 2011).The assumption is that because a set of environmental conditions and organizational design characteristics were found to be correlated that this is the best fit (Beets, 2011). Stephen (2011) then continues to explain that decisions should not be made based on this assumption, instead intercommunicate decisions must(prenominal) be made, based on glacial reasoning of each unique situation. Morehouse (2007), believes that the theory fails to explain why some people are more effective leaders in some situations than former(a)s.Shah (1979) adds on to Northerners claim, he states that the theory has not identified what an organization should do, when there is a match between the managers and the current situation within the workplace. Similarly, in his text Management and organizational theory, Jeffery A. Miles makes aware many limitations of the agency theory. Miles suggests that empirical research as failed to support basic tenets of the theory, including ways to mitigate the agency problem (Miles, 2012). Hence, researchers are now asking for re-examination of the theory so that research can flow into new and different directions.Miles (2012), made reference to Proper (1986) who claimed that the agency theory does not clearly address any organizational problems, as well as Hirsch and Friedman (1986) who invited agency theory as excessively narrow, focusing originally on organizational stock price. Different stakeholders have different views regarding the contingency ND agency theories. Assassinates (1989), highlights that perspectives will differ amongst all stakeholders, regarding risk sharing, which is one of the main problems within the agency theory.Assassinates (1989) stated that managers tend to avoid taking risks, as they fear the possibility of failure, which may result in alter the organization. On the other hand, other stakeholders, such as shareholders of the company, may support the idea of risk shar ing, as certain risks may result in increased profits for the company, hence, maximizing their shares. As stated prior, Jensen, M. C and Neckline (1976) believe that managers (agent) tend to make decisions that will result in maximizing their own utility. In doing this, agents will evidentiaryly benefit, as their own wealth may substantially increase.On the other hand, shareholders of the company (principles) will generally oppose these decisions, as they fear that they arent receiving a fair share and getting the best possible investment from the company. Similarly, Woolworth, being the agent of Coca Cola, attempted to boost its own profit margin, by decreasing Coca Colas prices, before lacing them on the shelves. Woolworth attempted to maximize their own utility, by decreasing costs of Coca Cola, with the intention of gaining more customers, hence improving their market share.Coca Cola matte as though Woolworth breached their contract terms, as they were gaining an unfair levera ge http//www. Afar. Com/p/ business/companies/clash_of_the_titans_woolies_coke_KJLlpFFlJfabEGgdeAnswO . Similarly to the agency theory, stakeholders also have opposing views in relation to the contingency theory and its issue of environmental uncertainty. Managers may appraise the idea of environmental uncertainty, as it creates a spontaneous environment, which may work in their favor. Managers are able to adopt the business strategies that they know will be effective, due to past experiences.On the other hand, other stakeholders, such as employees may not appreciate environmental uncertainty, as continuously ever-changing management structures, may require employees to attain new skills. Hence, employees will be required to spend more time in the training and maturation process, thus, resulting in increased costs for the business, meaning less pay and/ or benefits for employees. In earlier years, Coca Cola in India saw that environmental contingencies, such as economic decline, w ere forcing other Indian companies to change their employee pay rates.As a result, Coca Cola changed their employee pay rates, in line with the other Indian companies. The Indian companies success rates began to increase due to cost cutting, however Coca cola experienced a significant level of employees voluntarily leaving the company, as they became denominated and felt mis goodyed (Coca Cola, 2012). Managers/leaders must ensure that prior to managing an organization they have an understating that perspectives will differ, amongst all stakeholders within the company.Managers must ensure that they reason logically and fairly rather than emotionally, this will guarantee that they do not act in their own self-interest. Therefore, they must pay attention to his/her personal as well as other peoples assumptions, perspectives, and biases. This process should be approached with integrity, open-mindedness, honesty, and accuracy. It is also important for a leader/ manager to uphold ethical and moral standards, in doing so employees with feel as Hough they are being treated Justly.As a result, managers are not only increasing efficiency, but also nurturing skills, developing talent, inspiring results, and erasing all employee concerns regarding any issues of mistreatment, such as underpay. Further to this, managers must not only treat employees fairly, but also, all other stakeholders within their company, such as shareholders, customers, suppliers, and so on. In doing so, leaders will ensure that they gain positive relationships, which will result in improving the market share of the company, hence, gaining a significant nominative advantage.
Sunday, February 24, 2019
Final Project Paper Essay
Competitive Strategies and Government Policies Paper Learning team up Competitive Strategies and Government Policies Management has recognized the effect of flip-flops in the real-world emulous environment and government policies on other industries and anticipates similar events occurring in their exertion, so they ask you for a report considering the following points. Write 1,400 ?1,750-word paper of no more than in which you describe how each of the following are or potentially depart affect your industry or one(a) with which you are familiarNew companies entering the market, mergers, and globalization, on pricing and the sustainability of profits distinguish the type of merger activity in your industry or one with which you are familiar?horizontal, vertical, or conglomerate and explain why you make that choice.Current and expected government policies and regulations, including taxes and regulations in place to address issues colligate to externalitiesGlobal competition o n the decisions made by management with regards to change in labor demand, supply, relations, unions, and rules and regulations in your chosen industry Recommend how the industry you chose may respond to each of the previous points. Format your paper legitimate with APA guidelines craft General BusinessFocus of the Final ProjectStudents will write a possess Story (800-1,000 words) on a idea and for a magazine of their choice. This expulsion requires students to incorporate the major concepts discussed during the course, such as applying various media communication tools, identifying audience, assemblage information and research, and understanding the editing process. The attribute Story shoulddemonstrate a students comprehension of the readings and contour discussA+ tutorial you will find here https// enclothe yourself up for success in college by taking your habits and ideas into consideration. For example, think nigh whether you are a morning person or a n afternoon person. If you arent a morning person, dont even think intimately signing up for an early class. Schedule courses later in the day so you wont be tempted to skip. Business General BusinessFocus of the Final ProjectStudents will write a Feature Story (800-1,000 words) on a topic and for a magazine of their choice. This project requires students to incorporate the major concepts discussed during the course, such as applying various media communication tools, identifying audience, gathering information and research, and understanding the editing process. The Feature Story should demonstrate a students comprehension of the readings and class discussions as well as the implications of new knowledge in the field of media writing and editing.
Graduate Essay
High expectations College admissions atomic number 18 toughapproximately 50 percent of all college applicants are passed by their school of choice. And when it comes to potash alum school, things are even tougher, and expectations are higher. The ability to create a objet dart of writing that properly illustrates your indistinguishability and distinguishing characteristics are vital for admission. Admissions officers look at thousands of turn ups, so differentiating yourself is vital. However, distinguishing yourself from everyone else can be a tough challenge.Thats wherefore were here to help. Survival of the fittest You will find yourself pitted against thousands of another(prenominal) students, m whatsoever with similar backgrounds and similar academic ratings. What you need is an unforgettable outset impressionone that will get you instant approval in the eyes of admissions officers. The key to that first impression is your admission essay, which is your primary encount er for a good first impression. It is your first chance at presenting a well-thought-out exposition of your worth, your virtues, and your individuality. Fresh ideasAny professional author will equalise that editing by persons other than the writer himself is a very key step in the writing process. Even the most seasoned writer can always benefit from the fresh eyes of a third party, whether editing or critique is needed. Thats where we come in. Our team of professionals will edit and reinvent your essay to give it that fresh edge. An essay that looks deal everybody elses will take no time to reach the reject pile. But with the extensive experience of our writers and editors, we are quick to recognize the frequent from the excellent, vastly up(a) your chances of getting accepted.Our do You can take profit of our pool of experienced professionals to leverage yourself above the majority of applicants. We eliminate any grammatical errors and unneeded wordiness, and we streamline sentence structure and improve style. We flip three types of services according to your needs. First is our Admission try out pen service, where personal facts are presented to the best advantage. While good grades and flawless records are also important, they are not enough to distinguish you. What really differentiates an admissions essay is the personality and character that the essay shows about you.Second is our Admission Essay Editing service, where we eliminate all spelling, grammar and style errors. Most importantly, emphasizing your individuality by affecting a unique style and preserving your voice. Our third service is the Admission Essay Review, which entails elimination of errors and professional editors suggestions for improving your essay, again with special emphasis on stressing your individuality. All services are delivered as double-spaced, 12 point Times New Roman documents, with no page limits.
Saturday, February 23, 2019
Letter Assignment Draft
The booth is the biological basic unit to life .Every existing animal or adjust owes its life to the mobile phone. Cells can non be seen with naked eyes but with the service oneself of equipment c scarcelyed the microscope. It is the environment that surrounds antithetical, other existences that be in many ways autonomous, merely, main(a) but as puff up as well as dependant of separately other oop Lets avoid the contradiction and go by means of this basic Life The entire body of charitables is made up of carrells-very different many cells- In fact millions and millions of them each with a explicit purpose. It is important for an official of health for instance to understand about, if not all of these cells. 1The nucleus the whole make-up of the cell, every single function and set-up is coded for or dictated by this system. Amazingly the system uses a diverse temper in the name of genes. Depending on species each individual has a different number of them (genes), each responsible for a different nature or set up loading to the figure of speechation of a specialized cell structure/organelle.As a senior health officer, the understanding or so genes is of help in solving problems such as DNA tests. To some extent, such an understanding on genes is also essential in ascertaining and analyzing pipeline samples before transfusion takes place.The Mitochondria is the energy power. For every single process in that location is the energy required. The source of this energy is the mitochondria. This organelle breaks down the food by its myriad set of enzymes and packs the product, energy, as pockets of potential power. Power that will in times of need be converted to Kinetic energy in motion/activity.The endoplasmic reticulum. Some rough, some smooth. The rough has the ribosomes, hair like structures in the formation of proteins. Proteins that make-up the other morphological cell existence. These proteins will also be used in repair of worn out move of the cell. Simply the whole cell has a protein make-up. The smooth endoplasmic reticulum they be involved in lipid fats and ions transport.Heavy convoluted branched passim the cell they leep the cell well stacked in the lipid supply.The Golgi apparatus they pack urbane proteins. Packaging them ready for delivery via the cell and settings them to wheresoever they are required. 2Then there are the aggregation units in the form of tiny microscopic cylinders called the ribosomes. These are units that form/ manufacture proteins from simple forms (raw materials) in the form of amino acids. These ribosomes are hinged on the endoplasmic reticulum. They commit it the appearance of a rugged structure hence the name rough endoplasmic reticulumThe lysozymes are a set of enzymatic organelles. They break-down/ digest complex material that has been ingested by the cell.The ingestion of food particles is done by the micropinocytatic vesicle it engulfs or surrounds a palatable substanc e and practically makes it part of the cellThe lysozymes later on leak the enzymatic content, which digests the engulfed particle.The cell has a sound and dependable character. Integrity. The preceding(prenominal) unit structures can and will be found in a living cell. 3The distinction however is slight depending on whether it is a deeds or animal cell1. The cell membrane is common to define and animal cells, aquering the organelles into a defined environment. Acting as the skin2. The plant cell however has the additional protection of a cell wall. A skin covers to the outermost. This affords plants the rigid nature.The plant cell also has other unit structures like-a.Chloroplasts responsible for the trapping of light rays and channeling this energy to the manufacture of food. They give plants that distinction color.b.Food vacuole the food store in plant cells.c.The water vacuole a distinct store for water. 4The cell has it all the organisational set-up each structural unit being a department that functions on its own, as well as one that condinates with the other departments. As a organisation health officer therefore it is important to ensure that all cells of a human body are functioning properly as the malfunctioning of only one cell might affect the whole body.There is a catch however, that the nucleus that structural unit that has genes which code/ demand for specific roles to be played by different structural units of the cell.The genes dictating what happens in the cell, foster both individual talent (departmental autonomy) and team-work (between departments) are the management. The top tier of the cell that does the decision making.The departments/units that form the crux of this cell industry are not far from many existing department especially in the government sector. In function at least.The powerhouse of energy mitochondria the system that fuels the assembly is likened to the accounts department. The paymaster and motivator.What about the ot her assembly points, ranging from the energy reactions like the chloroplasts that will append energy for carbohydrates, protein and vitamin formation.The reticulum system playing the role of transportation and Logistics.The micropinocytotic vesicle doing the sourcing of raw materials. The sublime procements officer.The golgi apparatus ever packaging and branding processed material. Like any other industry there is always a better way to present product to the client.The security system cannot be understated. Setting up the perimeter. Defining the limits off the area covered by the industry in the form of the cell membrane and cell wall.You contemplate at that life so invisible to the naked eye, but strike is all you have got when that simple nature of life typifies our complex organizational nature. 5xxxxxxxxxxxxxxENDxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxThis letter should be addressed to a senior government official in the health sector like the Medical Officer of Health. These are the parame dics on the ground on whose fingers and skills hundreds of thousands of people depend for the health to be something to reckon with. They are the researchers, policy makers, the trainers etc.The nature, components and functions of the cell will help him in effecting his roles in a more efficient and effective manner.ReferencesCampbell, N. (2004) biota 7th edition, Benjamin-Cummings make Company, in the altogether YorkMashburn, L. M and Whiteley, M. (2006) Special Delivery vesicle Trafficking in Prokaryotes. counterspy microbic 61 (4) 839 46.1 Campbell, N. (2004) Biology 7th edition, Benjamin-Cummings Publishing Company, New York 2 Mashburn, L. M and Whiteley, M. (2006) Special Delivery Vesicle Trafficking in Prokaryotes. Mol Microbial 61 (4) 839 46. 3 Mashburn, L. M and Whiteley, M. (2006) Special Delivery Vesicle Trafficking in Prokaryotes. Mol Microbial 61 (4) 839 46. 4 Campbell, N. (2004) Biology 7th edition, Benjamin-Cummings Publishing Company, New York 5 Mashburn, L. M and Whiteley, M. (2006) Special Delivery Vesicle Trafficking in Prokaryotes. Mol Microbial 61 (4) 839 46.
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